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  1. #1
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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    Is Proviron the missing link?

    hey everyone. been doin some reading on this site about proviron and it appears to be a nice addition to a stack. if i understand correctly it enhances the test and the test enhances its ability to burn fat. it does however appear to be a little expensive in relation to other gear. is it worth it? if so how do i run it? how much at what frequency? thanks

  2. #2
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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  3. #3
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordongecko74 View Post
    hey everyone. been doin some reading on this site about proviron and it appears to be a nice addition to a stack. if i understand correctly it enhances the test and the test enhances its ability to burn fat. it does however appear to be a little expensive in relation to other gear. is it worth it? if so how do i run it? how much at what frequency? thanks
    No mate, thats not what proviron does.
    Proviron binds to SHBG which helps free up more test, it has no fat burning ability directly or indirectly.
    I use to on cycle at 100mg ED and on cruise at 50mg ED.
    It's basically a mild DHT derived androgen, it's so mild that it's often ran in PCT to help with libido issues as it will not cause suppresion of the HPTA, it also has some mild anti e properties.

  4. #4
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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    Heres a portion of what i found on this site. Is it accurate and worth incorporating on a future cycle?


    Letīs delve into some of the positive points of this drug before we go any farther. Androgen Receptors are found in fat cells as well as muscle cells(5), and whilethey act on the AR in muscle cells to promote growth, they also act directly on the AR in fat cells to affect fat burning.(9)(3) The stronger the androgen binds to the A.R, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on adipose (fat)tissue(6)(2). As if thatīs not enough good news, some steroids (notably, testosterone ) even increase the numbers of A.R. in muscle and fat (9)(7). Thus, if you are taking a simple stack of proviron and testosterone, youīll have more of the test you shoot as free testosterone floating around building muscle (compliments of the Proviron), more androgen receptors to be bound to (compliments of your testosterone) by your Proviron, thus causing more fat loss. Testosterone and Proviron are a very nice synergistic stack, pretty nearly an "ideal" stack of an oral and injectable, because both drugs will actually act to enhance the effect of the other.

    So what we have here is a steroid which can basically make other steroids more effective by preventing their conversion into estrogen, as well as increasing the amount of circulating free testosterone in your body. This of course all provides a more hardened and quality look to muscles. Proviron is very much a "synergistic" drug in this respect, and itīs inclusion in any cycle would definitely make all of the other steroids perform better, and provide better gains. This is all compounded by the fact that proviron is a very lipolytic (fat-burning) drug.

    Now, as if all of this werenīt enough, letīs talk about how Proviron affects your HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis)& the thing that regulates the male hormonal system. When a reasonable dose of this stuff is given (100-150mgs/day), it had no depressing effect on low or normal serum FSH and LH levels (6). Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Leutenizing Hormone (LH) are two hormones which send a signal to your testes to produce testosterone. Good news for people considering it for PCT is that it can even raise your LH (10)! Thus, by not suppressing those hormones and maybe even raising some, your normal testosterone levels will remain intact. This points to a novel use for this compound during Post-Cycyle-Therapy for a non-suppressive "bridge" between cycles. In fact, in yet another study, administration of Proviron (basically the same dose as in the last study) produced no changes in steroids, thyroid hormones, gonadotropins nor PRL (Prolactin Levels& you want those to remain low). (8).

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordongecko74 View Post
    hey everyone. been doin some reading on this site about proviron and it appears to be a nice addition to a stack. if i understand correctly it enhances the test and the test enhances its ability to burn fat. it does however appear to be a little expensive in relation to other gear. is it worth it? if so how do i run it? how much at what frequency? thanks
    I use it in almost all cycles now. Increases libido,,free's bound testosterone ,,and acts as mild anti-E. Worthy addition IMO.

  6. #6
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    I love Proviron ... I'll be running it during my cruise at 50mgs ED. And I dont know where you heard it was expensive... it's actually cheap in all retrospect...

  7. #7
    csavage0's Avatar
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    Sorry to change topic but when people say cruise what r they reffering to. Time between Cycles?

  8. #8
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Yes ... us precious few that stay ON all the time and just cruise at a LOWER dosage between cycles... like for me.. I am prescribed 200mgs EW for a TRT dose... so for my cruise dose I chose 300mgs EW... When I cycle.. I use 700/750/800mgs EW depending on what ester I use for Test. Prop/Enan/Cyp.

    Other people cruise at different doses... some at 200mgs EW... some at 250mgs EW. Most wont include an oral during this time. The only reason i choose Proviron during this time is because it is extremely MILD and has added benny's like better sex drive and kinda sorta keeps the bloat to a minimum and the fact it is a DHT derivative.

    Everyone is different... Everyone does different things... BUT !! You should have YEARS under your BELT before you decide to cruise ... or unless... you are choosing a career that would involve you to be ON all the time.. IE- PRO-BODYBUILDER or PRO-POWERLIFTER...

    *This statement made by THE DEUCE is all his own opinion and should be regarded as such*

  9. #9
    dynamitekid's Avatar
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    wow 100 mg of prov? i've read about people getting good results with 25-50 ED
    but whatever works, i suppose.

  10. #10
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dynamitekid View Post
    wow 100 mg of prov? i've read about people getting good results with 25-50 ED
    but whatever works, i suppose.
    Are we talking about the same thing???
    What results are you refering to on such a low dose?
    Proviron is so mild it's often used in PCT.

  11. #11
    LATS60's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordongecko74 View Post
    Heres a portion of what i found on this site. Is it accurate and worth incorporating on a future cycle?


    Letīs delve into some of the positive points of this drug before we go any farther. Androgen Receptors are found in fat cells as well as muscle cells(5), and whilethey act on the AR in muscle cells to promote growth, they also act directly on the AR in fat cells to affect fat burning.(9)(3) The stronger the androgen binds to the A.R, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on adipose (fat)tissue(6)(2). As if thatīs not enough good news, some steroids (notably, testosterone ) even increase the numbers of A.R. in muscle and fat (9)(7). Thus, if you are taking a simple stack of proviron and testosterone, youīll have more of the test you shoot as free testosterone floating around building muscle (compliments of the Proviron), more androgen receptors to be bound to (compliments of your testosterone) by your Proviron, thus causing more fat loss. Testosterone and Proviron are a very nice synergistic stack, pretty nearly an "ideal" stack of an oral and injectable, because both drugs will actually act to enhance the effect of the other.

    So what we have here is a steroid which can basically make other steroids more effective by preventing their conversion into estrogen, as well as increasing the amount of circulating free testosterone in your body. This of course all provides a more hardened and quality look to muscles. Proviron is very much a "synergistic" drug in this respect, and itīs inclusion in any cycle would definitely make all of the other steroids perform better, and provide better gains. This is all compounded by the fact that proviron is a very lipolytic (fat-burning) drug.

    Now, as if all of this werenīt enough, letīs talk about how Proviron affects your HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis)& the thing that regulates the male hormonal system. When a reasonable dose of this stuff is given (100-150mgs/day), it had no depressing effect on low or normal serum FSH and LH levels (6). Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Leutenizing Hormone (LH) are two hormones which send a signal to your testes to produce testosterone. Good news for people considering it for PCT is that it can even raise your LH (10)! Thus, by not suppressing those hormones and maybe even raising some, your normal testosterone levels will remain intact. This points to a novel use for this compound during Post-Cycyle-Therapy for a non-suppressive "bridge" between cycles. In fact, in yet another study, administration of Proviron (basically the same dose as in the last study) produced no changes in steroids, thyroid hormones, gonadotropins nor PRL (Prolactin Levels& you want those to remain low). (8).
    No it's not accurate.
    RE, my 1st post.

  12. #12
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    100mg is OPTIMAL DOSE for peoples ON CYCLE ... Anything lower than that is basically a waste.. IMO...

    Cruising is different tho... 50 mgs will suffice.

  13. #13
    ralph4u2c's Avatar
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    most people i know take 50mg ED and it works out fine. i love the boost in libido, mild AI properties, and hardness i get from proviron . its a must have in all my cycles.

  14. #14
    boxer1's Avatar
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    i use it in every cycle and tried diff doses, personally i think 50mg/day is the optimum dose anything more is a waste and anything less is useless.

  15. #15
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I love Proviron... I'll be running it during my cruise at 50mgs ED. And I dont know where you heard it was expensive... it's actually cheap in all retrospect...
    how about in only some retrospect? it costs an arm and a leg for the schering proviron .

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    how about in only some retrospect? it costs an arm and a leg for the schering proviron.
    Ok you are right... SOME... but !!!

    I can get Schering at a reasonable price (I AM IN NO WAY DISCUSSING PRICES HERE. JUST SAYING.) But that's only cuz I have an awesome Source... Not saying that some people will have to pay an arm and a leg for it somewhere.

  17. #17
    Polska's Avatar
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    How bad is proviron for hair loss if you're sensitive to DHT?

  18. #18
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska View Post
    How bad is proviron for hair loss if you're sensitive to DHT?
    And how effective is it when used with finasteride ?

  19. #19
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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    well deuce i guess the issue i have is im a newbie with limited sources. i know theres a trust factor involved but how and when do i go about gettin better info on sources. i know the threads arent the place for it.

  20. #20
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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    nevermind just read tmos post about sources. i'll be patient

  21. #21
    Bfarley is offline New Member
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    How long can you stay on proviron ? Will SHBG and Est shoot back up when you come off?

    Here's where I'm at after PCT
    Total Test: 917 ng/ml
    Free Test: 146 pg/ml
    SHBG: 32
    LH: 7.2
    FSH: 2.9
    Estradiol: 54

    Obviously, Free test is low and SHBG and Est are high. Trying to get my free test back up.

  22. #22
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Good thread. Worth a bump...

  23. #23
    BokBok is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bfarley View Post
    How long can you stay on proviron ? Will SHBG and Est shoot back up when you come off?

    Here's where I'm at after PCT
    Total Test: 917 ng/ml
    Free Test: 146 pg/ml
    SHBG: 32
    LH: 7.2
    FSH: 2.9
    Estradiol: 54

    Obviously, Free test is low and SHBG and Est are high. Trying to get my free test back up.
    Yeah I would like to know the same as I'll be taking some in a few weeks.

  24. #24
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Finally a decent thread on Proviron . Have started 2 threads w/o response. I started Provironum because my estrogen was too high and preferred it to Armitex because of how well it goes w/ Test and the libido kick. I'm only taking 25mg EOD, but even on this small amount I've noticed my muscles are much more cut than ever before. Been doing this for about 2 months along w/
    125mg Test E once a week
    1.6 iu's ED HGH

    I'm also wondering if Provironum can be used long term as part of a continuous HRT ???
    Last edited by fm2002; 05-27-2009 at 03:30 PM.

  25. #25
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    i use to use it but noticed my hair was ripping out fast,, not sure if it was proviron or another compound but i dont take it anymroe

  26. #26
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fm2002 View Post
    Finally a decent thread on Proviron . Have started 2 threads w/o response. I started Provironum because my estrogen was too high and preferred it to Armitex because of how well it goes w/ Test and the libido kick. I'm only taking 25mg EOD, but even on this small amount I've noticed my muscles are much more cut than ever before. Been doing this for about 2 months along w/
    125mg Test E once a week
    1.6 iu's ED HGH

    I'm also wondering if Provironum can be used long term as part of a continuous HRT ???
    Yes this can be a tough crowd. Many people dont search before posting and other dont give a final report on other threads when there is a problem so no solution.

    I try to search as much as possible and bump good threads like this one and ask people to update other threads. Yeah I can be annoying. LOL

    Good information here, I have some of the same questions and THANK YOU for you input/experience.

    I dont like the hair issue, I have enough problem genetically. LOL

  27. #27
    gordongecko74's Avatar
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    ok so ive got the proviron my question is @ 50mgs/day do i take it all at once or split it up through the day?

  28. #28
    Lung is offline New Member
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    i would split it up through the day

  29. #29
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    Well I have been on HRT for the past year. About a month ago I started using Proviron to suppllement my Test and I was about to start a Deca cycle. The doc called for blood work so I didnt run the Deca until after it was done but I didnt stop the Proviron until about a week before.

    Im afraid my test levels might have been high because he denied my last refill saying I need to be seen first. I should find out my test levels this week also so I will know if it really boosted it up or not.

    I'm not sure what to tell him if it did though except to just tell him about the Proviron.

  30. #30
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    OK as promised I got my results back and am posting it.

    Here is the deal. I have been on HRT for about a year. 200 mg test E every week (.8 ml week) About a month before my test I dropped it down to 125 mg (.5 ml) and was taking 25 mg of Proviron a day.

    My recent lab results have come back around 600 test (300 - 800 normal) running the 200 mg.

    These results came back at 842 and I'm running less Test E for the last month. I'm guessing yes it works.

    Now what will my doc say? LOL I think I will just tell him I bumped it up just a little because I was starting to feel sluggish and low libido but now I'm feeling back to normal.

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    BTW, not to thread jack but anyone know what Test boosters I can tell the doc I took on HRT that may have raised my levels???

    Not really just a booster but something that is SUPPOSED to work like the Proviron
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-22-2009 at 03:18 PM.

  32. #32
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Looks like this might be a good scape goat for my high test. It works (supposedly) like Provion

    Even when using exogenous testosterone , not all of it will be available to impart its anabolic effects. That's due to an enzyme known as SHBG ( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and it's the deciding factor in how much testosterone you can use to build muscle and how much will remain in a "bound" unusable state. You see, SHBG clings to testosterone and keeps it from working its magic. The more SHBG you have, the less "available" testosterone there'll be. So the answer to greater muscle growth isn't necessarily more total testosterone, but less SHBG. This is where UNLEASHED comes in.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-22-2009 at 09:35 PM.

  33. #33
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    Just because I think this is still a good read.

  34. #34
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    just tell him but u took it oraly so its all good..

  35. #35
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    so is this stuff worth it or not? can u notice a big diff on test alone vs test wit proviron ? so its helps cut fat by attached itself better to the AR receptors almost more than nandralone and it acts as an AI and also helps with more free test. so is this worth it and on a scale of 1 to 10 how much better are the resutls???? and will i loose my hair? lol faster?

  36. #36
    Ripped Mass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    so is this stuff worth it or not? can u notice a big diff on test alone vs test wit proviron? so its helps cut fat by attached itself better to the AR receptors almost more than nandralone and it acts as an AI and also helps with more free test. so is this worth it and on a scale of 1 to 10 how much better are the resutls???? and will i loose my hair? lol faster?
    Yes it is a derivative of DHT so if you are prone to hairloss and have the gene it is possible, had any problems with winstrol ? Can convert to DHT as well...only way to know for sure is to try it out and keep an eye on the bathroom drain! If it gets chalked full of hair discontinue use, I plan on giving it a shot my next cycle-have thin hair naturally so I will be watching it closely! I have a shampoo on hand called NIOXIN supposed to remove DHT from the scalp just incase.

  37. #37
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