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  1. #1
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    4th cycle: Bulking - Opinions Needed

    11-12% BF
    25 Years

    Cycle History:
    1st: Test E 500mgs/week for 11 weeks.

    2nd: Test E 600mgs/week for 8 weeks, Deca 400mgs/week for 6 weeks, 50mgs anadrol /day for 5 weeks. (cut short due to gyno, lost all gains from bad fever followed by the flue)

    3rd: Test E 600mgs/week for 10 weeks, Deca 500mgs/week for 8 weeks, 40mgs dbol /day for 5 weeks.

    To gain quality muscle while gaining minimal fat over a 8 to 12 week cycle. Ideally I would like to gain 25 lbs +/- 3lbs

    Gear on hand to Choose from:
    Test Enanthate
    Trenbolone Acetate (from a Fina kit, only 20ml, supposed to be 100mgs/ml)

    The question I have on hand is what would you guys run for the next cycle with the given equipment on hand? I typically like to use the last couple of weeks on the cycle to cut and typically use some clen & T3 to get some of the fat off before PCT.

    I was thinking of running:
    Test E 600mgs/week, 12 weeks
    Dbol 40mgs/day OR Anadrol 50mgs/day for 5 weeks
    Tren Ace .5ml/day to 1ml EOD for 6 weeks, starting on week 5
    HCG 250IU/every 4th day, stop 1 week before PCT.

    *Last 3 weeks run Clen and T3 and increase cardio, decrease Carb/Fat intake.

    All opinions/thoughts/questions welcome.


  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    what was your starting weight before your 1st cycle? cuz after 3 cycles and only 197 is rather small, and if you want to put on 25 lbs this cycle, that is pretty unrealistic

    did you run pct after all your previous cycles?

    if you diet right and clean, you should not put on fat while on cycle

    id go with
    dbol 4 weeks
    test e 12 weeks
    deca 10 weeks
    **run an AI since you re gyno prone

    forget the tren right now, save it... also if you want to bulk these are the best compounds out of what you have IMO

    what do you have set up for pct? compounds, doses and time

  3. #3
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Start weight was apprx 165lbs.

    First cycle took me to a solid low 180 lbs range.

    Second cycle took me to the solid mid 190 range. Then I got horrible fever (104 degrees) followed by the flue during the entire length of PCT and was hardly able to keep food down as well as exercise, worst month in history. Went down in the mid/high 180s.

    Got gyno surgery and could not work out for a long time (due to healing complications and internal bleeding which ailed me) and was back at around 180lbs before I started my third.

    Third cycle took me to low 200s, now I cut some fat off and I'm ready to go again at 197lbs.

    *All weights are given when I am back at apprx 10-12% BF, typically after PCT and im what I consider a normal BF %.

    Considering I cycle once a year at this point, and considering my health history I feel I did alright. To think I would go from 165lbs to say 210lbs after 3 cycles in 3 years is way above par considering I train to maintain 10-12% between cycles and do not try to gain weight.

    Arimidex at .5mgs EOD or .25mg/day used for all aromitizable AAS. Cabergoline was used for all progestins at .5mg every 4 days.
    250IU HCG used every 4 days
    PCT consists of 5-6 weeks of Nolvadex (20mgs)+Clomid(50mgs), Starting 2 weeks after last shot of Test E and 1 week after last shot of HCG.

    I developed full blown gyno due to bunk AI's during my second cycle, PM me if you would like to know which outfit it was.

    I'm very comfortable gaining around 25lbs during my bulking cycles, as 15+lbs is typically muscle and majority of the rest is water, then fat.
    Last edited by briancb1; 04-22-2009 at 04:36 PM.

  4. #4
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    alright gotcha man, well good work so far... i mean honestly i dont think you re small. im 208 right now in my 4th cycle and only want to reach 215-220, then maintain from there on out, be lean solid and strong, you know...

    looks like you have it all set up and know what you re talking about. you may know this, but just run the hcg end of cycle and btwn end of cycle and start of pct. but many methods are known and do wht works for you

    try using b6 for prolactin/progesterone purposes, may do the trick, if not have the caber on hand

    so how about that cycle what are you thinking so far? what doses?
    Last edited by CHUCKYthentic; 04-22-2009 at 06:04 PM.

  5. #5
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    so how about that cycle what are you thinking so far? what doses?
    I guess I could do a traditional test/deca /anadrol or Dbol cycle and save then tren for a cutting cycle (something I havn't experienced yet).

    I'm thinking:
    • Test Enanthate 600mgs/week for 12 weeks
    • Deca 500mgs/week for 10 weeks
    • Anadrol 50mgs/day or Dbol 40mgs/day for 30 days
    • HCG 250 IU every 4 days till 1 week before PCT

    There are 2 schools of thought when it comes to HCG , I prefer not to suffer from testicular atrophy so I use it during cycle.

    To control undesired sides:
    Arimidex .25mgs/day starting 1 week before cycle begins to stabilize blood plasma levels.
    Cabergoline .5mgs/E4D weeks 1-12
    *If Anadrol is used, I plan to use Nolvadex at 10mgs/day and using arimidex at .25mgs/E3D (OPINIONS on this PLEASE)

    *I say this as I know anadrol doesn't aromitize, but it directly acts with the estrogen receptor from everything I've read/researched. I would like to use Nolvadex to have piece of mind, but not sure how far 10mgs will go if im taking drol along with 600mgs Test a week.

    I've been told I don't need to worry as much as I have had gyno surgery, but I want to at least take minimal percautions with this issue.
    Last edited by briancb1; 04-22-2009 at 07:19 PM.

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    cycle looks good

    dont use nolva while running Deca (or any 19nor) that will be bad news and invite estro/progest problems (i think its bad to use with drol and dbol too)

    the adex should do the trick for you as well as the caber. may even consider using the adex EOD

  7. #7
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    I've settled on

    Test E @ 600mgs/week for 12 weeks
    Deca @ 500mgs/week for 10 weeks
    Dbol @ 30-40mgs/day for 4 weeks
    HCG @ 250IU E4D (starting week 2) till week 13
    Arimidex @.25mg/day
    Cabergoline @ .5mgs E4D

    Nolvadex 20mgs/day from week 14 to 19
    Clomid 50mgs/day from week 14 to 17
    Oreo Cookies 2/day with milk

    thanks guys

  8. #8
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks good man. only thing i would change is the adex dosing. id go EOD

    i like the addition of the orea cookies, except id incease the dose to 10

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