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  1. #1
    Fahlawa's Avatar
    Fahlawa is offline New Member
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    Arrow I really need your help guys(CycleCritique)


    Hello everyone,

    I really need your all experiences embedded within my first cycle. I dont want to start it unless I am 100% sure that I am walking on the right path. I've been working out for 4years, and i've achieved what I thought I wanted, but the problem occurs in here:
    After 4 years of working-hard I dropped about 40kg of fat naturally[used to be 130kg; now 90kg]. My aim was to get the 6 pack that I dreamt of , and I got it except that I couldnt get the lower part due to the small excess skin I have in the lower part of my abs.
    In short, I am 24years old / 90kg / 188cm [Aim: a little bit more muscular than a BeachBody], and I really prefer to keep a lean muscled look + to be in the safe zone side.

    NOTICE:Carb Rotation[low carbs/calories all days except legsWorkoutDay I increase the calories/carbs]
    LowCarbsDaysCalories: about 2300calories
    HighCarbsDaysCalories:about 4000calories

    7:30AM - 12 eggs (1yolk),1brownBread,veggies,yogurt,1tbsp peanutbutter
    9:30AM - 2scps Protein + 1tbsp peanutbutter
    11:30AM - 7oz tuna + viggies
    2:00PM - ChickenBreast+viggies
    4:00PM - supplements + hit the weights
    6:00PM - 2scps Protein + 1Fruit(usually banana) + 1tbsp peanutbutter+1/4nonfat-milk
    8:00PM - 2ChickenBreast+viggies
    10:00PM- 2scps Protein before sleep
    NOTICE:Some supplements are not included within the diet here such as flax,*****....

    WorkOutSchedule: [NOTICE: Stepmill included everyday after weight training]
    Sun: Back+ exterior deltoid
    Mon: Chest+ interior deltoid
    Tues: Bie+Tri+Forearms
    Fri:HeavyDuty (heavy weights on weakpoints)

    Sun: Chest+Tri
    Mon: Back+Bie
    Tues: Legs+Calves+Abs
    Fri:HeavyDuty (heavy weights on weakpoints[no shoulders training])

    Sun: Chest+Bie
    Mon: Legs+Calves+abs
    Tues: Back+Tri
    Fri:HeavyDuty (heavy weights on weakpoints[no shoulders training])

    Sun: Back+cardio
    Mon: Chest+cardio
    Tues: Legs+Calves+Abs[NO CARDIO]
    Fri:HeavyDuty (heavy weights on weakpoints[no shoulders training])

    Week9-12: just repeat week1-2

    sun-tues-thur => equipoise 100mg overall[300mg\week]
    sun-tues-thur => test prop 100mg overall[300mg\week] or should I inject the 300mg on sun everyweek?

    HCG (2500IU) for PCT:
    Run 500iu for 5 days
    leaves 2 weeks between hcg and pct, allowing hcg to clear your system and hormones to re balance which will let the pct meds do their job

    PCT: Starts 21 days after last injection of EQ.
    PCTDay 1:
    100 mg clomid
    40 mg nolva
    50mg clomid
    20 mg nolva

    In addition, I got in hands: test enanthate ,test prop,eq,trenbolone
    Is there a way to mix all these on 12weeks cycle. For example, I go little bulking(test enanthate) then test prop + tren at the end of the cycle for cuts. Or it's too much for a beginner to mix in the first cycle usage.

    Should I change my workoutsSchedule per month, or just keep it as I mentioned above?
    Is it an overkill for including the HCG in this cycle? Should I start HCG with the cycle wk 1-14: 250IU hcg twice weekly OR just keep it at the endof the cycle?
    Am I overtraining by doing a lot of cardio? should I drop cardio on somedays?
    I dont want to get buffed, I want small solid gains + more cuts&cuts.

    1 more question:
    Is it better to go with this:
    week1-10 EQ 200mg per week
    week2-11 test E 250mg per week
    week10-13 test P 100mg 3 times a week
    week10-13 tren 37.5mg EOD
    should I increase the dosage?
    is it good or should I just remove the test P + tren? and go with this cycle:
    week1-11 EQ 300mg/week
    week1-12 Test E 250mg/week
    wk 1-14: 250IU hcg twice weekly
    wk 15-17: PCT

    Criticize as much as you want, but please criticize and offer the solution at the same time if you can.

    Best Regards,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails I really need your help guys(CycleCritique)-six_pack-2008.jpg  
    Last edited by Fahlawa; 04-26-2009 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #2
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    For one your getting into way too many compounds for your first run.
    I would run test e alone for 1-12 weeks at 400-500mg a week.
    EQ at that low of a dose is a waste.
    Its a weak compound and should be ran more in the 600mg area and also usually for 16 weeks to see results.
    I personally don't think you nee HCG for a simple regular cycle.
    If you were doing a real long or heavy cycle I would say use HCG.

  3. #3
    Fahlawa's Avatar
    Fahlawa is offline New Member
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    thnx a lot johnny^^,

    Would 400EQ/week + 300 test E/week good enough for me if i ran them for about 16week? and should I also kickout the HCG in this case?

    I am waiting for more critique guys.
    Best Regards,

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jesus, have you done any research?
    Test only is all you need for a 1st cycle.
    Why are you training delts two days running?
    Then later in the cycle you aren't training them at all.
    Sorry mate, but iv'e never seen anything quite so disjointed.
    It's all very simple, you are just making it all very complicated, you need a simple diet and training routine, you haven't got one.

  5. #5
    Fahlawa's Avatar
    Fahlawa is offline New Member
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    Is there any more critique guys? gimme some more

  6. #6
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Mar 2008
    You already got some of the best advice your going to get

  7. #7
    Fahlawa's Avatar
    Fahlawa is offline New Member
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    Well johnny, the problem is I already have the EQ and I don't know if I should sell it or just use it even if it was a waste low dosage through the cycle, but most of all; would the low dosage of EQ with the 400mgtest E increases the side effects or it has nothing to do in increasing side effects.

    And again, Thanks a lot guys for replying
    Best Regards,

  8. #8
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Mar 2008
    I would just keep all your extra stuff and use it for later cycles.
    This stuff lasts a very long time when stored right.

  9. #9
    Fahlawa's Avatar
    Fahlawa is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    Thanks a lot man. I really appreciate your critization. I would keep the EQ for later cycles.

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