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  1. #1
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Question Tren Cough......WTF????

    Does anyone know the exact reason for Tren Cough??

    I mean I just about hacked up a lung today.

    I don't understand what the physical function is causing it when injecting deep into muscle that would cause you to hack uncontrollably and ONLY with TREN??
    Other compounds go in the exact same way but don't cause that cough.

    Is there something in the chemical makeup of Tren (tren ace this time, but happens to me with Tren E as well) that causes an instant reaction to the lungs?


  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
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    There is several guesses, but nothing to prove any of them. Some say it's the BA%, but most disagree with this.

    Some debate rests with oxidised particles that cause an anaphylactic reaction in the alvioli in the lungs.

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    i like to think its some of the chemical leakin into a vein that you poked through, as you pull out.

    i read in some medical book that tren can cause an increase in phlegm production. but not sure if thats in anyway related to the actual crazy cough of tren

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
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    some of the solvent of the depot is absorbed very reapidly along with some of the tren , which causes an allergic reaction, and the cough.

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i like to think its some of the chemical leakin into a vein that you poked through, as you pull out.

    i read in some medical book that tren can cause an increase in phlegm production. but not sure if thats in anyway related to the actual crazy cough of tren
    ok, if this were the case, why is it only with tren that you get the cough?

    I've injected thousands of times, so chances of poking through a vein is highly possible, but never do I get that INSTANT death cough like with tren.

    I can live with it, just wanted to know if anyone knew the exact cause


  6. #6
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    ok, if this were the case, why is it only with tren that you get the cough?

    I've injected thousands of times, so chances of poking through a vein is highly possible, but never do I get that INSTANT death cough like with tren.

    I can live with it, just wanted to know if anyone knew the exact cause

    cuz the actual tren (fina) compound is a hellofa drug son!!


    i just figure it has something in it that when gets in your system... causes side affects that no other compoud does

    considering its one of the strongest compounds out.. it makes sense to me.

    this is all hypothetical by the way. just what i tell myself. lol

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw;4605***
    cuz the actual tren (fina) compound is a hellofa drug son!!


    i just figure it has something in it that when gets in your system... causes side affects that no other compoud does

    considering its one of the strongest compounds out.. it makes sense to me.

    this is all hypothetical by the way. just what i tell myself. lol
    LOLOL Yea, I love tren !!

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    me too

    its been so long since ive tasted the nector of the gods

    i need me some tren !!

  9. #9
    pyrat's Avatar
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    unzip your pants... turn your head... ok now cough.

  10. #10
    Corleone1 is offline New Member
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    Ok guys, enough speculations. Tren cough comes when Tren leaks over to the blodplasma that then reach the lungs and ventilates that way. The solution is of course to be sure that you dont hit an blodwessels in its way in and then you have to inject very slowly, you can also inject half the amount , then take the needle out a bit for the rest but most important is to take it slow so you dont press it thru the plasma.

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corleone1 View Post
    Ok guys, enough speculations. Tren cough comes when Tren leaks over to the blodplasma that then reach the lungs and ventilates that way. The solution is of course to be sure that you dont hit an blodwessels in its way in and then you have to inject very slowly, you can also inject half the amount , then take the needle out a bit for the rest but most important is to take it slow so you dont press it thru the plasma.
    ok, but that still doesn't explain WHY this only happens with TREN and not any other compound we are injecting

    Or is it something IN or about the Tren that causes this when no other compound does....what am I missing?

  12. #12
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was always under the impression that the cough comes from hitting a vein. What happens is the body tries to expel the oil through the lungs. So you cough.

  13. #13
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    Honestly i do not believe there has been any PROOF of what causes it thus far.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX View Post
    I was always under the impression that the cough comes from hitting a vein. What happens is the body tries to expel the oil through the lungs. So you cough.
    No, I don't believe that's it as I have passed through veins before with other compounds and never had the cough. And yes, I aspirate 100% of the time! It must be something about the chemical make up of Tren that if it hits the blood at all upon injecting it triggers that damn cough

  15. #15
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    its gotta be something with causing extra fluid in the lungs from the body adjusting to such a strong compound

  16. #16
    Twist's Avatar
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    how long has tren been around?

  17. #17
    WOLFCRAFT's Avatar
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    It happens because you are coughing the weakness out of your body.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by WOLFCRAFT View Post
    It happens because you are coughing the weakness out of your body.
    Sweet, i like that !!!

  19. #19
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    if useing pellets maybe the glue and binders are still in the mix when its done to some small extent causein a alergic reaction.. but tren e pure powder isnt made from pellets and it does it as well so idk just a guess also heard its prolatin buildup constricting the lungs.. maybe the chemical makeup of tren itself when mixed with a solvent creates a mixture that is highly iratating to the lungs/body of a human remeber this was made for cattle not us humans it just hash as shit it all kinds of ways maybe thats it..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    ok, if this were the case, why is it only with tren that you get the cough?

    I've injected thousands of times, so chances of poking through a vein is highly possible, but never do I get that INSTANT death cough like with tren.

    I can live with it, just wanted to know if anyone knew the exact cause


    not true. i have gotten cough from teste, deca , npp, tren, and masteron is the solvent, BB, getting into the blood stream, hitting the lungs, lungs react as it is a toxin and tries to force out the is a natrual response for the body, like a self defensive reaction.....

    if you want to know what i mean, take some BB on your finger, tiny bit and taste it.....youll never forget it and never ever do it again.....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebrat View Post
    not true. i have gotten cough from teste, deca , npp, tren , and masteron is the solvent, BB, getting into the blood stream, hitting the lungs, lungs react as it is a toxin and tries to force out the is a natrual response for the body, like a self defensive reaction.....

    if you want to know what i mean, take some BB on your finger, tiny bit and taste it.....youll never forget it and never ever do it again.....
    Thanks, thats ok, I will take your word for it!!.....lolol

  22. #22
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    if you all want to avoid tren cough, inject tren using a slin pin, back fil lthe pin with tren, then poke and inject slow, dont force it to hard cuz if that 29g breaks off, your ****ed.

    when u use a slin, you get 20x more inject spots cuz it is pain freeand never once have i gotten a cough using a slin and ive shot 200mg ed of tren ace, 100mg in am, 100mg in pm.

    but, if you poke the slin in the same spot, and that BB hits the blood/sore spot, you WILL get the cough.

  23. #23
    audis4's Avatar
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    how much tren t mos?

    I don't ever cough but I do taste it almost in the back of my throat....almost a tingling feeling.

  24. #24
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I haven't coughed yet either T but I ahve felt like I had gotten a rush off it. Wierd i know but I can taste it a little and feel the 'rush' for an hour or so. It makes me want to increase the dose almost. It's wierd. Do you get that at all T?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    how much tren t mos?

    I don't ever cough but I do taste it almost in the back of my throat....almost a tingling feeling.
    Today was my first injection of this cycle and it was only 1ml @ 75 mgs of ace

    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    I haven't coughed yet either T but I ahve felt like I had gotten a rush off it. Wierd i know but I can taste it a little and feel the 'rush' for an hour or so. It makes me want to increase the dose almost. It's wierd. Do you get that at all T?
    can't say that I felt a rush, but mentally I felt real good in the gym today , but this is week 7 of the cycle so maybe the test/deca is kicking in too!!

    but it did feel GREAT to know I started the TREN !!

  26. #26
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Yeah it kind of has caught me off guard. I have never really had the feeling before. hope I don;t get the cough! sounds nasty.

  27. #27
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    my first cycle was tren and all i can say was my results were great plus i slep good i did not fill any side effects that other ppl talk about on here

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dee151 View Post
    my first cycle was tren and all i can say was my results were great plus i slep good i did not fill any side effects that other ppl talk about on here
    Thats fortunate for you.... my first Tren cylce, i had the night sweats, the insomnia and the great results...

  29. #29
    scarass is offline New Member
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    Yesterday i had a tren cough it was horrible and i feel like a shit today as well. (hard breathing, pressure in my head, weakness...) But the reason i'm writing is i had the same feeling earlier when injected Superanabolon. That was much stronger (maybe because mutch more Superanabolon vent into vain than tren). I immediately felt alcoholic smell and after that came the unbearable cough. So (just to know) not only the tren causes this horrible effect.

  30. #30
    adam_wakey_720 is offline New Member
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    Edited. Please read our rules
    Last edited by PT; 05-28-2009 at 11:35 AM. Reason: Fishing

  31. #31
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    adam edit your post. no fishing for sources and your only going to get scammers that way.

  32. #32
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    There are two systems the body use's for circulation, systematic and pulmonary. The pulmonary takes the deoxygenated blood back to the lungs for oxgenation, when we inject part of the injection will be taken up into the capillarys where it heads back to the heart out of the left atrium to the lungs and are expelled co2 and waste products in this case BA. Tren A dissassociates with BA far more easily than other hormones or ester's ie enan,hex. Inject slowly this will slow down the solution hitting the lungs instead of hitting it all in one lump, Always aspirate you could hit a vein and then the hormone and solvents (BA) will hit pulmonary circulation far far faster and you are likely to cough your head

  33. #33
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    ^^^ Thanks Marcus !!!

  34. #34
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    What is considered INJECTING SLOWLY??

    One line every 3 seconds... an ML per minute?? im confused

  35. #35
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    Good info. On tren I felt like I was going to cough my guts out.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are two systems the body use's for circulation, systematic and pulmonary. The pulmonary takes the deoxygenated blood back to the lungs for oxgenation, when we inject part of the injection will be taken up into the capillarys where it heads back to the heart out of the left atrium to the lungs and are expelled co2 and waste products in this case BA. Tren A dissassociates with BA far more easily than other hormones or ester's ie enan,hex. Inject slowly this will slow down the solution hitting the lungs instead of hitting it all in one lump, Always aspirate you could hit a vein and then the hormone and solvents (BA) will hit pulmonary circulation far far faster and you are likely to cough your head

  36. #36
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Thats fortunate for you.... my first Tren cylce, i had the night sweats, the insomnia and the great results...
    Hey T-MOS, I don't mean to thread jack but what causes night sweats? I wake up soaked from head to toe( mostly groin area). It sucks, I'm washing my sheets ed.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Does anyone know the exact reason for Tren Cough??

    I mean I just about hacked up a lung today.

    I don't understand what the physical function is causing it when injecting deep into muscle that would cause you to hack uncontrollably and ONLY with TREN??
    Other compounds go in the exact same way but don't cause that cough.

    Is there something in the chemical makeup of Tren (tren ace this time, but happens to me with Tren E as well) that causes an instant reaction to the lungs?

    Honestly dont know the exact cause althoug heard many ideas.
    One thing that totally stopped it for us was slowing down the injection,,,taking up to 1 minute or so to inject 1ml.

  38. #38
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I've run tren 3 or 4 times.... both enanthate and acetate...... No tren cough lol. My father has run it probably 5 times and just finished his 6th cycle w/ it and he hasn't had the horrid cough.

    I get all the good results..... along with TERRIBLE TERRIBLE night sweats...... i also get that "tren taste" in my mouth after injecting. Right now i'm only on test E and i'm sweating almost as bad as when on tren...... can't figure out why. I have the A/C going...... the ceiling fan on...... blood pressure is good...... i'm not sick..... LOL - maybe i just sweat like a pig - ah well..... the wife washes the sheets - not me

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  39. #39
    dece870717's Avatar
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    This is an interesting question, Tren coughs are pretty strong compared to any other cough you can get from another roid, but have also noticed tren cough is very rare with Tren enanthate .

    "I'm not going to go into the various merits of trenbolone , but I would like to discuss some unique properties the Enanthate version has. For one reason or another, this stuff doesn’t give me tren cough, and I am particularly susceptible to this side-effect of Tren, which basically cripples me for the first week I use it. Regardless of whether I use home-brewed Tren, UG lab Tren, or Vet-Grade, I was basically crippled for the first week of use. I can't tell you why, exactly, this was, and can only speculate that it was due to a rise in prostaglandins. Tren enanthate didn't have this effect on me, however. Yeah, that's right. I know that the ester attached to a steroid doesn't dictate any of its properties, but in this particular case, I believe that the enanthate ester provided less of a sharp rise in prostaglandin levels and allowed my body to not develop the dreaded "tren-cough" that usually side-lines me when I start a cycle including Tren.

    There is a method of prostaglandin production whereby prostaglandins made from one pathway in particular happen to dictate some muscle constriction as well as platlet aggregation, while the other method of production dictates bronchial constriction, and this could possibly be the means by which Tren Acetate causes that vicious cough. The reason why—though this is speculation—the enanthate version doesn't cause this rapid rise in prostaglandins is because of its more steady release, and my body's ability to gradually acclimatize itself to this. If you look at the graphs in the Minto studies (in the Deca profile), you'll see that the rise and rapid peak in blood plasma levels afforded by short esters are profoundly higher than those provided with longer esters, and it's my belief that the enanthate ester provides a lower peak level and less rapid rise in prostaglandin levels, especially the ones which dictate that second form of prostaglandin release which causes bronchial constriction. I feel that this bronchial constriction never really leaves you while you use any form of Tren, and this is what causes the shortness of breath experienced by many athletes on Tren."

    Taken from

  40. #40
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Does anyone know the exact reason for Tren Cough??

    I mean I just about hacked up a lung today.

    I don't understand what the physical function is causing it when injecting deep into muscle that would cause you to hack uncontrollably and ONLY with TREN??
    Other compounds go in the exact same way but don't cause that cough.

    Is there something in the chemical makeup of Tren (tren ace this time, but happens to me with Tren E as well) that causes an instant reaction to the lungs?

    Normally a tickle in the throat, want me to get it for ya ?

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