Hey everyone...this is my 3rd cycle...I want to make sure that compounds wont cancel out each other.

1-16 test e - 500mg/w
1-15 eq - 600mg/w
8-16 tren a - 75mg/d (maybe less...first time user)
8-16 anavar - 50mg/d
14-16 Hcg - undecided on dosage (have 5000iu's)

pct....on hand l-dex(for use during cycle), aromasin , nolvadex , clomid, letro.

Im in week three right now...dont want to start anavar tooo soon due to the decrease in hunger. This will slow down gains? Maybe i should run the anavar weeks 12-16 and up the dosage because the test wont really kick in for another week or so. What do u guys think??

My Stats:
10-11% BF
10 years experience
clean diet, 1 cheat day/w