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Thread: 3rd cycle

  1. #1
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    3rd cycle

    24 5'7 weight181 i was having puffy nipples on my last cycle of test so iwas told to run letro it did the job but there was still side effect from the letro so i was just thinking should i run nolva on my next cyle of tren a and test enantat i mean right of the bat
    Last edited by casper514; 05-11-2009 at 12:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    lay ur cycle and diet our for us

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    gotta love puffy nipples

  4. #4
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    2cc tren a a week same thing with test not too good with mg and the diet
    9 am 1 hole egg 6 egg whites 1 cup of oatmeal with strawberrys and blue berrys
    11am 2 scoops iso sensasion'
    1pm 6 to 8 oz chiken 3/4 brown rice 1 cup of brocoli and carrots
    3 pm depending on the training or not 2 scoops iso or tuna
    5pm 6 to 8 oz chiken with brocolie and carrots
    8pm casein shake

  5. #5
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    post your diet in the diet forums you need eat more i think. You seem like you just thrown a diet together. Whats your macros look like?

  6. #6
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    im cutting
    im not bulking trying to reach 175

  7. #7
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    my diet worked so far i was 215 now im 181 soon as i reach 175 or 170 i start the cycle to put some lean mass
    Last edited by casper514; 05-11-2009 at 12:51 AM.

  8. #8
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    but that wasent the question im trying to ask i wanna know should i use nolva at the same time as the cycle so i can keep the estrogen of the breast

  9. #9
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    you never stated that you where cutting.

  10. #10
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    first of all you... u said you are shooting tren a at 2 cc a week? is that all in one shot?

  11. #11
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    do us a favor so you clear up the confusion break you cylce down for us

    Ex. weeks 1-12 test e 500 mgs a week
    that where we can see you dosages and the type of gear you on aswell as the esters

  12. #12
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    first of all you... u said you are shooting tren a at 2 cc a week? is that all in one shot?
    never said im shooting anything i said im gonna start shooting as soonest i reach 175 170 thats why im asking if i should do nolva and i was planing of doing it 1cc test 1cc trens in the same siringeor should i do it diferent days l;ets say tren on monday test on tuesday and again tren on friday test on sat or i can just do it both monday and both friday

  13. #13
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navy-boi-kai View Post
    do us a favor so you clear up the confusion break you cylce down for us

    Ex. weeks 1-12 test e 500 mgs a week
    that where we can see you dosages and the type of gear you on aswell as the esters
    the reason why i say 1 cc is becuz im not good with mgs the (trenbolona qv 75 and test enantat qv 250)so i guess tren 75 and test anantat 250

  14. #14
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    your proposed cycle in shooting days is wrong.. tren a should be shot ed.... and test enanthate every 3.5 days

  15. #15
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    tren every day i dident know that ive done tren last year twice a week and worked out fine but it wasnt tren 75 it was trenbolone acetat so how should i shoot the tren

  16. #16
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    there is only tren a tren e.. and a tri tren.. which is it that you have...?

    if its tren a its ed.
    tren e every 3.5 days.
    tri tren i believe is ed or eod.. not to sure on that one...

  17. #17
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    tren a 75mg/ml
    Last edited by casper514; 05-11-2009 at 08:15 AM.

  18. #18
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    well than everyday it is.. since its tren a.. some people shoot it 150 eod.. but blood levels might be all over the place cause of that..

  19. #19
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    so how much everyday 75 im not too godd with that what is it in the syringe

  20. #20
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    75mg..... what is your planned cycle.. now knowing you have to take tren ed.. and the test every 3.5 days...? what is your pct?

  21. #21
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    i was gonna do ten a and test for 8 weeks and my pct is clomid and nolva i was gonna order letro just in case

  22. #22
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    switch the test e for test prop since you got tren a,, i hate letro adn would run nolva over it if you have gyno issues whiile on cycle

  23. #23
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    you need to do more research on your own.. go to search and look up some test tren cycles and pct and come up with something more solid... i dont mind helping but your gonna have to read a little more an understand things on your own too before you start sticking yourself

  24. #24
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    switch the test e for test prop since you got tren a,, i hate letro adn would run nolva over it if you have gyno issues whiile on cycle
    thing is i only have test enantat or tesat 400 and should i run nolva right of the bat i read that nolva keep estrogen of the breast so i was thingking runin nolva at the same time as my cycle

  25. #25
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    might want to look up caber while using tren too

  26. #26
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    you need to do more research on your own.. go to search and look up some test tren cycles and pct and come up with something more solid... i dont mind helping but your gonna have to read a little more an understand things on your own too before you start sticking yourself
    i do reasher but i post when i need a quick answer

  27. #27
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    i will reserch more i start in june anyways

  28. #28
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    i was thinking to run tren a 75mg 3x a week is that good or 50 ed
    Last edited by casper514; 05-11-2009 at 10:18 AM.

  29. #29
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    wait if im getting this right thast ****ed up i pay 200 a 10 ml vial so 75ed thats almoast 10 ml vial a week thast like 800buks a month am i right dawm i can pay 2 rents with that

  30. #30
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    a) dont post prices
    b) you went from 3x's a wk to ed?
    c) where the f you live for 400 a month

  31. #31
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    lol not 400 a month more like 665 but its close but wich one is better 75 eod or 50 ed either way that ****in expensive

  32. #32
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    ok so i made up my mind after all this reading i did tell me if this is right

    tren a 75mg eod 6 weeks
    test e 500 mg a week 8 weeks

    now should i mix them both in the same syringe or i do it different ddays

  33. #33
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    i would not run test e for only 8 weeks.. how about 10 at least

  34. #34
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would run an AI (armidex) with your cycle and not a SERM (Nolva)
    run A-dex at .25 ED, or .5 EOD along w/ your cycle
    IMO, SERMS will hinder your gains and are best served during PCT
    HOWEVER...if your nipples become sensitive/itchy/puffy, then you can start Nolva (10 mgs ED) until the symptoms subside

    save Letro as a last result and if gyno has alreay set in (ie, gyno reversal)

    (why jump into tren on your 2nd cycle? Why not run test alone?)

    and Test E needs to be run at least 10 wont start to kick unitl roughly week 4...leaving you only 4 weeks of Test E at 8 weeks

  35. #35
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    i would not run test e for only 8 weeks.. how about 10 at least
    ya i think 500 a week comes to 10 weeks i will do that

  36. #36
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I would run an AI (armidex) with your cycle and not a SERM (Nolva)
    run A-dex at .25 ED, or .5 EOD along w/ your cycle
    IMO, SERMS will hinder your gains and are best served during PCT
    HOWEVER...if your nipples become sensitive/itchy/puffy, then you can start Nolva (10 mgs ED) until the symptoms subside

    save Letro as a last result and if gyno has alreay set in (ie, gyno reversal)

    (why jump into tren on your 2nd cycle? Why not run test alone?)

    and Test E needs to be run at least 10 wont start to kick unitl roughly week 4...leaving you only 4 weeks of Test E at 8 weeks
    this is my third cycle i just done test 400 alone

  37. #37
    casper514 is offline Associate Member
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    and ya i will do that insted of nolva thnks SampsonandDelilah

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