I've been bulking for over an year now ,most of the time naturally and i'm not pleased with the results.I've got some very decent BMR and even enormous amounts of calories aren't enough for me to bring up some size and move the scale a lil bit.
So now i'm on my way for AAS cycle which will include 8weeks 100mg test prop ED, 6weeks tren ace 75mg ED 4weeks drol 100mg ed and i'll put some mild anabolic agent like winstrol in the end.
Since i've got some hair issues in the past and this stuff is way too androgenic proscar will also take place in it.
HCG won't take place in PCT but will presence during the cycle from 2-8 week in 250iu a week.

Age:21 ,Weight:91 kg, Height:183cm ,RB:46,LB:45.6., BF:~13%
Feedbacks are all welcome!