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  1. #1
    Dancer's Avatar
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    Help with Advice for a kid at the gym


    last night I was doing cardio and this kid comes up to me. Known the guy for a few years. I know he has cycled. We get into this conversation and he tells me he was to join the Army.

    The kid is 28 years old
    he is 5'9''
    About 12-15% bf

    He has cycled for the last 5 years. A combo of bulking and cutting. I am not going to list every aas he said he used but pretty much everything in the last 5 years.

    So here is the basic part of the conversation. He is going to boot camp in a few months and he was talking about cycling back on again. He says he has been off for 4 months and was on test e cycle last @ 750mg EW.

    He has been doing an hour of cardio ED and lifting 4 days a week. I really Dont know what to say to the kid. I have not been through boot camp.

    I see that he has self image issues (most younger guys do). I told him he looks pretty big. He replied by saying he wants to cut up and such prior to beet camp.

    We talked for a while longer and he his parents are Moroccan and he speaks arabic. He goes on to say he wants to go through R.I.P. and think he has a 100% chance of getting deployed.

    So all and all for many of you that have had through all this. What would you all say to a 28 year old?

  2. #2
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    What's your question? I'm confused...

  3. #3
    Dancer's Avatar
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    What do you tell some one in his shoes.

    Go ahead and cycle? Will being on cycle hurt you prior to boot camp?

  4. #4
    Reed's Avatar
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    Well depends when he is shipped off. I would personally recommend he have completed his cycle and PCT AND been off of both for a good 2 months. Thats just my opinion

  5. #5
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    if he's 28 you need to stop calling him "kid"

  6. #6
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    just curious what his ethnic background really has anything to do with it?

  7. #7
    Dancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    just curious what his ethnic background really has anything to do with it?
    In this situation since most his chances of getting deployed are higher since he can speak the language. He went on to explain that his pay will also be higher by $1000 per month for that reason.

  8. #8
    Dancer's Avatar
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    I always thought if you are over in Iraq/Afghanistan you did not want to be on AAS cause if you are hit you might bleed out easier. But, on this board and other I read that many are...

  9. #9
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    I just wouldnt want to be on anyhting for the facts ,,, That ya might get stuck deployed in some hell hole ,, ya might not have any gear,, get stuck eating MRE food and get stuck coming off of yer gear with no PCT in the middle of Afghanistan somewers??Not to mention Id want to be in the best state of mind and body when somebody might be SHOOTIN AT ME !!

  10. #10
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    Agree with above, he needs to be through pct a few months before he leaves. He will be putting his life and others' lives at risk if he goes into this not physically and mentally prepared.

  11. #11
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    I always thought if you are over in Iraq/Afghanistan you did not want to be on AAS cause if you are hit you might bleed out easier. But, on this board and other I read that many are...
    I have never heard this...

  12. #12
    Dancer's Avatar
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    Use of AAS causes an increase in both blood volume. The ability of blood to blood to colagulate is hindered.

  13. #13
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    I always thought if you are over in Iraq/Afghanistan you did not want to be on AAS cause if you are hit you might bleed out easier. But, on this board and other I read that many are...
    steroids have no anti-coagulatory effects to my knowledge, but they do increase red blood cell count(which actually increases the viscosity of the blood), though some AS can raise blood pressure which would cause more blood to be excreted per heart pump, but it you are shot and bleeding bad enough to worry about the difference between being on AS or not, you probably got hit in an artery and are going to die anyway

  14. #14
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    He said he has a "few" months

    So lets say for the sake of argument he has 12 weeks that would be a 12 week cycle, than he has to PCT while he is in boot camp and I am willing to bet his diet won't be that good there.

    So besides the fact they screen you for drugs when you enter (I am pretty sure you have to have a script for everything) even if he does get his PCT in, unless his diet is at least decent he will lose gains.

    I say he shouldn't do it, he is going to get lean in boot camp alone and shutting down his test production is going to make him suffer in the long run while he is there.

  15. #15
    Headliner is offline Junior Member
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    I know a TON of guys that are over seas and on gear, really isn't as uncommon as you'd think.

  16. #16
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Well......... If he,s going to boot camp in a few months, the best advice you can give him is this. RUN, RUN and the RUN some more. Boot camp is all about endurance, not power. Have him start running some miles, and I mean miles brother. As far as being BIG when he goes in, that can work agaisnt him. He needs to focus on pushups, pullups,chinups, and situps. Oh, did I mention he needs to RUN. RUN,Run and moe run.

    Heaviest thing he,ll be asked to pickup and carry, will be his pack,and weapon.
    They will always be time for gear and weight training after advanced infantry training.

  17. #17
    D7M's Avatar
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    No way in the world should he cycle now.

    He should stay completely drug free,

    and run ALOT and do push-ups. That's it.

    What's the point in cycling now? When he goes through basic he'll loose it all anyway.

  18. #18
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    He don't need to cut, he'll shed plenty of fat in RIP and Ranger school if he makes it.

  19. #19
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    Pretty logical I will let him know that he will need to run and focus on pushups, pullups,chinups, and situps....

    Anything else from guys that been through boot camp and through in would be great.

    I will make sure to mention to him Headliner's point also.

  20. #20
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    I mean, I agree with Headliner.

    I know a bunch of guys who are deployed and are cycling.

    But it's a poor choice, imo, simply because it'll be difficult to obtain proper nutrition

  21. #21
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headliner View Post
    I know a TON of guys that are over seas and on gear, really isn't as uncommon as you'd think.
    He didn't say he was going overseas, he said boot camp.

    Overseas is totally different, when you are stationed somewhere you have a gym/schedule/how long you are going to be stationed/meal hall. Boot camp you are training to be deployed overseas, so no point in cycling when you aren't going to be training/eating properly in the months to come.

    Even in overseas, from the threads posted by those overseas currently their diet suffers, but you can still make gains because you aren't training 24/7.

  22. #22
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post

    Pretty logical I will let him know that he will need to run and focus on pushups, pullups,chinups, and situps....

    Anything else from guys that been through boot camp and through in would be great.

    I will make sure to mention to him Headliner's point also.

    When he is in boot, listen more, talk almost never. Never assume anything, wait for a command.
    For example: PT training doing pullups. Dont start the pullup until the DI tells you too. Just hang there until he tells him to start.
    Always try to arrive first after a long run. You get more rest waiting on others. Never lay down after a run even after he throws up. Just walk it off.
    Help and encourage weaker members of your platoon. Remember theres no I in team.
    Dont worry about breaking down. Thats what the DIs are there for. They will break you down, and then build you up again, just go with it.

    It will seem like hell, but at his age, he will be like a father figure to most of the other boots. His advanced age will make him a stand out to the DIs and they will focus on his endurance. He should be able to handle the head games. He,s old enough to know now he dont know everthing like most 18 and 19 year olds think they do
    Last edited by Papa Smurf; 06-04-2009 at 06:51 PM.

  23. #23
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Tell him all physical trainings ideas above.....push ups, sit ups, running. Elevated push ups are good....lounges....over head arm claps...weighted dips. He needs to run outside, not in the gym......trying to maintain around a seven minute mile, which is slow....but he can pass. Oh and tell him not to get his hopes up for RIP.......meps might slap him into something else

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