hey everyone,,,,i am currently on a test E, Tren A, EQ cycle. I am about to mix in anavar @ 50mgs a day. I have enough for 8 weeks. My question is..I know my pct should start approximately two weeks after my last shot of test, so should i time the anavar to end with the test or should the var be ran thru the those two weeks up to pct?

My cycle:
16 weeks test e - 500mg/w
8-10 weeks tren a - 75mg/eod (maybe 10, see how i feel)
14 weeks eq - 600mg/w
8 weeks var - 50mg/d
L-dex when needed, .25ml eod
Hcg and letro on hand

clomid 4 weeks
nolva 4 weeks
aromasin (also on hand if needed)