Hi guys
i just registered today with this forum.

I have a couple of questions i,d like to ask;; 44yrs young today.ive been training on and off now for 20 odd yrs,i did dabble a bit with the gear in my late 20,s early 30,s.after that only managed to train a couple of times per month due to work commitments so obviously havent been in the know for over 10 yrs.
Think at the moment i,m going through a mid life crisis,and feel an over whelming urge to get into shape again.
Just wondering what the best low toxic (side effects) stuff available.i,m weighing around 15 1/2 stone at moment and i feel ok at this weight(lost 2 stone since christmas).i ride off road enduro motorcycles on week ends so dont want to get a complete body pump after only 1 hrs riding.
I have a roll of stomach fat which just wont go that would knock another 7 lbs off i,m sure.
Suppose i,m looking for something to burn fat and shape me up without adding too much water retention etc etc.
Any advice would be appreciative remember i,m 44 and dont want anapolin 50 type side effects.