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  1. #1
    trueX's Avatar
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    Test E, was told to bump up dose? Test C also

    So this past wednesday night (2 days ago) was going to be my 4th shot of Test E @ 250mg per week. Tuesday night my guy stopped by to drop off another bottle for me, it is Test Cyp and he says it is more pure, honestly I have no idea which is better, I read that the Test Cyp has a faster absorb time , something like 48 hours?

    Anyhow he said I would just start to get full benefit from test on week 4-5 as the first 3 weeks are builder weeks. He asked me how much I was taking and I told him 250mg every 7 days and he said "You GOTTA take more than that bro" and recommended I go to 1.5cc vs my 1cc, giving me 375mg each week. Is 250mg a week just too low of a dose?, even being my first cycle. I had planned on the 10cc lasting 10 weeks as it was 1cc per week but now since he recommended taking more im kinda thrown off. I have 5 cc left and @ 1.5 per week thats either gonna leave me short or I have to go to actually 1.7cc per week to split the 5cc left into 3 weeks worth of shots.

    After that I had planned on taking the Test Cyp and seeing how that worked. Would / Should I take the Test Cyp at the same dosage I took the Test E at?

    Sorry just getting halfway through a cycle and being told to up the dose has throw off my math and I wanted to get back on track, and would be happy to answer any further questions needed. Just had to post before going to work.
    Last edited by trueX; 06-19-2009 at 05:46 AM. Reason: It needed it brah!

  2. #2
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    I personally would run between 300-500mg of test e a week and you should be pining every 3.5 days so twice a week, not once every 7 days.

  3. #3
    Roshambo's Avatar
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    I pin 1.5 cc E3.5D @ a total of 600mg per week.

  4. #4
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    cyp and test e are virtually the same so you can continue on with the cyp once the other bottle runs out. Id would recommend at least kickin it to 350mg/wk

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    cyp and test e are virtually the same so you can continue on with the cyp once the other bottle runs out. Id would recommend at least kickin it to 350mg/wk
    ^^ Agreed
    Test Cyp is actually a slightly LONGER ester

    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    I personally would run between 300-500mg of test e a week and you should be pining every 3.5 days so twice a week, not once every 7 days.

    You need to shoot it every 3.5 days !!!

    Gee did you stop to think at all that your supplier wants you to run more so you have to .......I don't know maybe.....BUY MORE FROM HIM???? hmmmmmm

  6. #6
    Roshambo's Avatar
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    Test cyp can be pinned once a week as it has a longer easters

  7. #7
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roshambo View Post
    Test cyp can be pinned once a week as it has a longer easters
    Where did you get this information????

    any long ester CAN be pinned once a week, even once Every other week if you are a TRT patient

    but for bodybuilding purposes, it needs to be administered every 3.5 days just like Test E!!!

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roshambo View Post
    Test cyp can be pinned once a week as it has a longer easters
    Maybe if you are on HRT once a week but not during cycle and even on HRT 2x a week is better.

    You said (OP) you are on week 4 then stated you are 1/2 way through your cycle? I hope that was a typo. It should be run 12 - 14 weeks.

    How many cycles have you done before? what is your PCT?

    OK I found them. Im 29 yrs old, 5'11-6'0, 185 lbs

  9. #9
    trueX's Avatar
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    You said (OP) you are on week 4 then stated you are 1/2 way through your cycle? I hope that was a typo. It should be run 12 - 14 weeks.
    I had only gotten 1 bottle of Test E to start and it was 10cc, was told to start @ 1cc / 250mg per week for 10 weeks. When I said I had 5cc left I was just eyeballing the Test E bottle beside the full Tesy Cyp bottle and giving a guess. Here is how its gone so far.

    Wed 27, May - 1cc / 250mg
    Wed 3, June - 1cc / 250mg
    Wed 10, June - 1cc / 250mg
    Wed 17, June - 2cc / 500mg

    So I guess out of the 10cc bottle, ive used 5cc's of it. I have should have 5cc left of the Test E, and I have a full bottle of Test Cyp for when I need it.

    I am getting pretty confused with the numbers, hell I thought I had it planned out in my head but apparently I didnt. Lemme know what you think I should do from here with the dosages. I am fine pinning every 3.5 days but dont want to start until I get some advice and get my days straight again.

    How many cycles have you done before?
    First cycle.

    what is your PCT?
    Well I have been on here trying to figure that out as of today when I posted this, I havent had any bad signs yet but wasnt sure if I needed to find an alternate source for the Novaldex or Clomid, or if that was purchaseable to the open public. If so I apologize for the ignorance

  10. #10
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    here on out

    you got 15ml left (give or take,, well call it 14)

    you can do 7 more full weeks with it bumped up to 500mg/wk or if
    you would like to extend it to 9 wks you can shoot 375mg/wk

    since its your first cycle and you started out on a small dose id go with the longer wks shorter mg's.

    so thats .75ml every 3.5 days from here on out. You def need to order pct if you have not and i would recommend a simple clomid/nolva one.

  11. #11
    trueX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    if you would like to extend it to 9 wks you can shoot 375mg/wk,
    since its your first cycle and you started out on a small dose id go with the longer wks shorter mg's. So thats .75ml every 3.5 days from here on out.
    That sounds good, I wanted to stretch it out as id rather see how I handle it, being first time and all. Maybe im being over cautious but ill know next cycle.

    You def need to order pct if you have not and i would recommend a simple clomid/nolva one.
    Pardon my lack of knowledge, but do I need to find myself a place to get the nolva & clomid? Not sure if this is a GNC type item or if its "another" source. Also were you meaning one or the other or they are both taken orally in conjunction with each other?

  12. #12
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    well there are semi legitimate places you can order this stuff on the net,, the red banner at the top of the page sells it but by no means am i endorsing arr.

    You need to go read the PCT stickies and get a good understanding of what it is your doing and how to do it.

  13. #13
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Since Cyp is inherently a longer Ester is that the reason that most Docs choose to prescribe it for TRT??

    I have always preferred Cypionate over Enanthate myself... but that's just me.. I know there is virtually NO difference.. but for some reason I just like it better.. WELL.. honestly I prefer PROPINATE but that's neither here nor there...

    To the OP...

    Just find the EXTRA money and BUY more !! If you want the full real effects and benefits of running a long ester Testosterone Cycle. 9 weeks is OK for a short estered Test cycle (Prop)... Honestly... 375mgs EW is a good starting point IMO ... 500mgs is what people recommend but then again it's baseline.. If I were you.. get another 10cc bottle of either the CYP or ENAN since they are both "basically identical" and run it at the but to make it a lot more simple run it at 1.5 cc per week.. (.75ml E3.5D) that would inherently give you 300mgs EW of Cyp or 375mgs EW of Enan... well actually now that I am thinking about it.. if you choose to juggle back and forth between Cyp and Enan... if you run the CYP go with 1ml every 3.5 days that will give you 400mgs EW and .75ml of the Enan which would hit you at 375mgs EW... That would keep the blood levels more stablized IMO .. I am sure someone would disagree with me about this but.. honestly dude you want to get the full benefits of this compound DONT YOU?? Of course you do.. if you didn't you wouldn't have started.. so .. don't waste your money.. get another bottle... run it longer.. that's my whole take on it.. my opinion...

  14. #14
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    ^ hes already a month in and has the other bottle of cyp

  15. #15
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    To "Tha Deuce" great info and thx for the recommendations. but yes im already in week 4 so im going to finish all of what I have (15ml), pinning every 3.5 days @ .75ml giving me 1.5ml / 375mg each week. (if my math is not off again)

    Which should put me at the longer test cycle that you recommended, giving me I think a 14 week cycle. Week 4 now, and have 15ml left, using 1.5ml each week (.75ml every 3 days) so 15ml / 1.5 ml week = 10 more weeks on top of my 4 already done. Due to nothing being 100% exact I am figuring ill get 9 real world weeks more, so 13 weeks and change total.

    So far great info guys, keep it coming, anything you can throw my way ill absorb like a sponge. I have an addictive personality honestly and when I like something I dissect it. I have started to feel and I swear I have started to see the gains also, in the mirror my arms are phsically wide, I can no longer reach around them and its one of the best feelings ive ever felt. I know im new here but im here to stay and will hopefully pass on as good of info as ive already gotten to someone in the future in the community !!

  16. #16
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    see what your cyp is dosed at?

  17. #17
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    so, you're running test cycle, but dont know where to get or what nolvadex /clomid are?

    get on that stat...sometimes people find it hard to get anti estrogens for post cycle....

    PCT is what will help you bounce back faster, and reduce the effects of your body being crashed out after a cycle as it recovers.....

    ar-r .com has research chems for what you need if you cant find it locally

  18. #18
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roshambo View Post
    I pin 1.5 cc E3.5D @ a total of 600mg per week.
    Time to purchase new calculator. 250x1.5=375 mgs x twice a week would be 750 mgs not 600.

  19. #19
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Time to purchase new calculator. 250x1.5=375 mgs x twice a week would be 750 mgs not 600.
    or hes talkin about if the cyp is 200mg/ml

  20. #20
    trueX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    see what your cyp is dosed at?

    Not sure if you meant me but it says 250mg/ml @ 10ml. The way I understood it was if 250mg per ml than 1/2 of 1 ml would be 125mg. If im pinning .75ml every 3.5 days, thats = to 1.5ml in a week correct?

    Now if 1ml is 250mg, and 1/2 is 125mg, I am taking 1.5ml total in a week, which should equal 375mg per week, right? Both my Test E and Test C were actually from the same vendor but bought seperately. Each say 250mg/ml @ 10ml on the bottle.

    thx in advance.

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