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  1. #1
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    First cycle want some advice

    Hi, im in the middle of my first cycle.

    I started with Test cyp 300 2 ccs a week for 4 weeks.
    Now went up to sustanon 250 2 ccs a week and will continue for another 6 weeks or so. (want advice on how much longer to run this)
    I also started IGF-1 20 micrograms every workout day (5 days a week) 1 week after taking cyp.

    I don't really want to much advice on if i should be taking this or not. the main thing im looking for is what can i take along with this cycle to remain healthy and to help my system out.

    I know some of the things, such as essential fatty acids but what else.

    I have gained about 5 pounds solid so far. Not seeing to much strength gain yet. My endurance has increased a lot, but my power just doesn't seem to be there yet.

    Anyways any help and advice and previous experience will help so i can now what to go get, cus i just ran out of EFAs(essential fatty acids) so i know i need those, and I can know what to expect from this cycle. Thanks
    Last edited by redescalade100; 06-25-2009 at 02:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    dude you can't ask for sources. please edit your post

  3. #3
    BadNewsBerto's Avatar
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    regarding the sust, only thing i see wrong is i would have to say you should be injecting EOD min.... ED is even even better.... this in order to get the most out of the short esters in the sust, and also to minimize sides by stabilizing your blood levels. From what ive seen in coleuges of mine, you will have better results this way.

    Last edited by BadNewsBerto; 06-25-2009 at 10:36 AM.

  4. #4
    BadNewsBerto's Avatar
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    and you may want to hit the diet up every meal with macros, and let those guys have a look... they really can make a huge difference in a short amount of time. my bet is youll see the dfference in the gym, once you tweak up yuor deit
    Last edited by BadNewsBerto; 06-25-2009 at 10:35 AM.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    Hi, im in the middle of my first cycle.

    I started with Test cyp 300 2 ccs a week for 4 weeks.
    Now went up to sustanon 250 2 ccs a week and will continue for another 6 weeks or so. (want advice on how much longer to run this)
    I also started IGF-1 20 micrograms every workout day (5 days a week) 1 week after taking cyp.

    I don't really want to much advice on if i should be taking this or not. the main thing im looking for is what can i take along with this cycle to remain healthy and to help my system out.
    well your going to get it anyway
    I know some of the things, such as essential fatty acids but what else.
    that is more diet related than cycle related
    I have gained about 5 pounds solid so far. Not seeing to much strength gain yet. My endurance has increased a lot, but my power just doesn't seem to be there yet.

    Anyways any help and advice and previous experience will help so i can now what to go get, cus i just ran out of EFAs(essential fatty acids) so i know i need those, and I can know what to expect from this cycle. Thanks
    training exp?

    how often did you inject the cyp?
    how often are you injecting the sust?

    Quote Originally Posted by BadNewsBerto View Post
    and you may want to hit the diet up every meal with macros, and let those guys have a look... they really can make a huge difference in a short amount of time. my bet is youll see the dfference in the gym, once you tweak up yuor deit
    we have a winner^^^

  6. #6
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    training exp?

    how often did you inject the cyp?
    how often are you injecting the sust?

    we have a winner^^^
    age - 19 (yes i know its young but im already in cycle its to late now, miles well finish)
    weight - 170
    height - 5'9
    bf% - 8
    training exp - 1 year (started at 125 pounds last july)
    pct - nolva and maybe hcg too. What do you guys think on that?
    diet - not to sure, using syntha-6 protein doin 4 shakes a day of 1 1/2 scoops. and oatmeal every morning. Those are the only 2 things that im doing consistently. Everything else is different everyday. I need to get on a program for diet so i will definitely check that forum out thanks.

    I injected cyp every monday and thursday and when i ran out of cyp after 4 weeks, i started taking sust the same way.

    Now from what BadNewsBerto is saying...i should be doing sust every other day or even every day. I'm assuming that i still do 500 mg a week. Just instead im splitting up the dosage to keep the fast release tests in my system. which makes sense....if this is what i need to do, i need more needles lol.

    But if thats what u meant badnewsberto then tell me.

  7. #7
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    realllllly young and if you started out at 125 last last summer and you gaind 45 pounds in a year why would you need gear stick to what your doing its working with that low of bf% if thats true and your weight. hold off on the gear bro.

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    can we get a pic please, i want to see if you're actually 8%

  9. #9
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Let me get this straight...

    In 11 months you gained 45 pounds... LOL


    And then you just decided to use AAS??? even though you gained more in 1 year then most people can naturally gain in 2 - 3 years. hah.

    yah, let's see a pic

  10. #10
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    Umm im not joking

    Lets first get my story straight...i used to play video games 18 hours a day plus, i maybe ate one meal a day...maybe....mainly candy and snacks...

    i one day asked my mom to go to the gym...i became addicted and started lifting (my mom has been training herself for 20 years and showed me a lot to get me started) and went from eating 1 meal a day, to 3 1000 calorie weight gainer shakes and 6 meals a day...i have a pic of what i looked like before, ill try to get one with a full body shot.

    I didn't make this post to prove anything, im looking for some advice on how to take sust and what to take with it to keep my system clean. If you guys think that my weight gain is unreal, you probly wouldnt want to see the weight i lift..
    Last edited by redescalade100; 06-28-2009 at 09:59 PM.

  11. #11
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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  12. #12
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    well first off your not 8%, 12 would be closer

    i would like to hear about this weight you lift and your weight gain is pretty common for people that were way underweight when they started lifting

    that being said, you are nowhere near ready for steroids , maybe in 3-4 years but as of right now you still have a good bit of natural potential left

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    in the bottom pic? I wouldn't even say 12%, no abs, no veins, I'd guess 15%.

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    in the bottom pic? I wouldn't even say 12%, no abs, no veins, I'd guess 15%.
    yeah, i was using the top pic, i gave him the benefit of the doubt and didn't use the bottom one due to light washout

  15. #15
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    its just the lighting was really bad but trust me its between 8 and 10. remember body fat is your whole body not just abs. my bmi is very good.

    like i said before i didnt come to prove anything, i just want to be healthy and im already in the cycle as i can't stop....but i will tell u I'm military pressin 225 free bar right now...if thats not a lot of weight then for only lifting weights for a year...thats a shitload

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    its just the lighting was really bad but trust me its between 8 and 10. remember body fat is your whole body not just abs. my bmi is very good.

    like i said before i didnt come to prove anything, i just want to be healthy and im already in the cycle as i can't stop....but i will tell u I'm military pressin 225 free bar right now...if thats not a lot of weight then for only lifting weights for a year...thats a shitload
    it's not between 8 and 10, that i promise you, you have NONE of the indicators for a sub10 bf% range and i've never heard of ANYONE that didn't at least have 1 of them, that's why they are indicators

    as far as BMI, if yours is good, then you're definitely not ready for a cycle, my BMI puts me in the obese category and i'm 11-12% max right now(and even that is high side)

  17. #17
    HIITB$ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    it's not between 8 and 10, that i promise you, you have NONE of the indicators for a sub10 bf% range and i've never heard of ANYONE that didn't at least have 1 of them, that's why they are indicators

    as far as BMI, if yours is good, then you're definitely not ready for a cycle, my BMI puts me in the obese category and i'm 11-12% max right now(and even that is high side)
    Curious i agree there is no way he's 8-9% but what are these indicators?

  18. #18
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HIITB$ View Post
    Curious i agree there is no way he's 8-9% but what are these indicators?
    it depends on the person, but the most common are vascularity(especially around the abdomen), separation in and between muscle, abs are almost always clearly defined

  19. #19
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    its just the lighting was really bad but trust me its between 8 and 10. remember body fat is your whole body not just abs. my bmi is very good.

    like i said before i didnt come to prove anything, i just want to be healthy and im already in the cycle as i can't stop....but i will tell u I'm military pressin 225 free bar right now...if thats not a lot of weight then for only lifting weights for a year...thats a shitload
    Trust me, its not. I have body comped my fair share of people and that is not 8-10%.

  20. #20
    HIITB$ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Trust me, its not. I have body comped my fair share of people and that is not 8-10%.
    How much do you think u can fool the camera guys? just curious im not a bb'er but i play contact sports where i have to weigh in so i drop a lot of water weight and i look ****** but i know i didnt lower my bf% as much as it looks. Just wondering

    eidt: what is the deal with blurring out my r i p p e d ? lol

  21. #21
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    Lol, I'm much more cut than this kid and I'm 10%bf, and we see my bottom abs. I like how he says "trust me", sorry kid, but your 19 and taking ****ING STEROIDS , do you think we are gonna take you for a genius? Or the ego craving teen that you are? You care more about "showing off" more than your health, and you made a real bad move by starting them so early. If I were you I would stop RIGHT NOW, and HOPE TO GOD, that he lets my libido and testosterone production go back to normal and not fvck me up for the rest of your life.

    I'm going on 23 in 2 months, and I went through puberty very early, and I still find I was border line young to be starting. Not to mention I had put much more effort and dedication than you did before starting them, and waited till I was 200 lbs. Your a scrawy kid at most, and def havn't put your dedication in the gym, this is just the mentality of a large ego'd kid who wants the easy way out... sorry to say, but your gonna regret it if you don't stop right away. And yes the longer you prolonge this cycle at the moment the higher risk that you seriously damage your growth plates and endocrin system.

  22. #22
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    p.s I like the bottle of fools tren in your avatar.

  23. #23
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    i don't think im going to destroy my growth plates and test production off one cycle. a personal trainer at my gym started roids at 16...hes 26 and is 6'5 280 9%...and hes just fine. In fact he recommended roids to me cus i was going to go buy pro hormones! Such as the one in my looks so cool lol. no one seems to answer any questions so why make a post. I just wanted to see if anyone online would give me different input. I know just as much about steroids as anyone here...i just havent found any resources on how to take sust and i doubt there is any just layin around....but whatever i think most of you are just jealous or mad cus how easy ive put on 45 pounds lol and only been lifting for a year...and i bet most of you are stuck at 225 bench....maybe not even that....maybe my dad being big helped a bit....i will admit that i have put on some fat since i last test my bf%. I am higher now sitting between 12 and 15...i never trust those grip things completely but this wasn't "everyone tell me what bf i have plz" post and ill be thanking that to phate since he had to see so bad what my bf was instead of saying ya run 2 ccs a week monday and thursday injections and take this and that for health...nope he had to know my bf% cus that clearly is what is going to determine the gains on say my problem is injecting to young, well let me tell you your sit on the computer all day responding to posts with replies that have nothing to do with it....maybe you guys should lift more weights and spend less time on the computer....or maybe u guys are mad cus i have igf-1 and wants it starts to kick in...well if any of u know about igf....lets just say i don't have to eat 5000 calories a day like everyone else.....and about not having dedication to the gym....5 to 6 days a week...i schedule gf jobs and school around the gym and about having the easy way smart not hard...thats igf hell yea b!tches

  24. #24
    Darksyde's Avatar
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    well i for one am jealous and mad.

    this kid is so awesome!

  25. #25
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    and one more thing...ill post a pic in a month..ill stop injecting ifg and my chest (makes bench fun but u guys keep adding 5 pounds every week that will get u up quick)and go to stomach so i can dissolve the fat with no problem...also igf takes all stomach pain away from eating so im always hungry..i have to stop myself now otherwise ill eat everything and im trying to eat clean

  26. #26
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    i don't think im going to destroy my growth plates and test production off one cycle. a personal trainer at my gym started roids at 16...hes 26 and is 6'5 280 9%...and hes just fine. In fact he recommended roids to me cus i was going to go buy pro hormones! Such as the one in my looks so cool lol. no one seems to answer any questions so why make a post. I just wanted to see if anyone online would give me different input. I know just as much about steroids as anyone here...i just havent found any resources on how to take sust and i doubt there is any just layin around....but whatever i think most of you are just jealous or mad cus how easy ive put on 45 pounds lol and only been lifting for a year...and i bet most of you are stuck at 225 bench....maybe not even that....maybe my dad being big helped a bit....i will admit that i have put on some fat since i last test my bf%. I am higher now sitting between 12 and 15...i never trust those grip things completely but this wasn't "everyone tell me what bf i have plz" post and ill be thanking that to phate since he had to see so bad what my bf was instead of saying ya run 2 ccs a week monday and thursday injections and take this and that for health...nope he had to know my bf% cus that clearly is what is going to determine the gains on say my problem is injecting to young, well let me tell you your sit on the computer all day responding to posts with replies that have nothing to do with it....maybe you guys should lift more weights and spend less time on the computer....or maybe u guys are mad cus i have igf-1 and wants it starts to kick in...well if any of u know about igf....lets just say i don't have to eat 5000 calories a day like everyone else.....and about not having dedication to the gym....5 to 6 days a week...i schedule gf jobs and school around the gym and about having the easy way smart not hard...thats igf hell yea b!tches
    typical immature teen post

    good luck bro, i hope you don't mess yourself up too bad, i really do

  27. #27
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    damn where are these pics ??? i cant see them ...did you remove them ??

  28. #28
    Darksyde's Avatar
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    the pure badassness of the pics made it so he had to remove them, we can only handle that level of awesome for short periods at a time.

  29. #29
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    i don't think im going to destroy my growth plates and test production off one cycle. a personal trainer at my gym started roids at 16...hes 26 and is 6'5 280 9%...and hes just fine. In fact he recommended roids to me cus i was going to go buy pro hormones! Such as the one in my looks so cool lol. no one seems to answer any questions so why make a post. I just wanted to see if anyone online would give me different input. I know just as much about steroids as anyone here...i just havent found any resources on how to take sust and i doubt there is any just layin around....but whatever i think most of you are just jealous or mad cus how easy ive put on 45 pounds lol and only been lifting for a year...and i bet most of you are stuck at 225 bench....maybe not even that....maybe my dad being big helped a bit....i will admit that i have put on some fat since i last test my bf%. I am higher now sitting between 12 and 15...i never trust those grip things completely but this wasn't "everyone tell me what bf i have plz" post and ill be thanking that to phate since he had to see so bad what my bf was instead of saying ya run 2 ccs a week monday and thursday injections and take this and that for health...nope he had to know my bf% cus that clearly is what is going to determine the gains on say my problem is injecting to young, well let me tell you your sit on the computer all day responding to posts with replies that have nothing to do with it....maybe you guys should lift more weights and spend less time on the computer....or maybe u guys are mad cus i have igf-1 and wants it starts to kick in...well if any of u know about igf....lets just say i don't have to eat 5000 calories a day like everyone else.....and about not having dedication to the gym....5 to 6 days a week...i schedule gf jobs and school around the gym and about having the easy way smart not hard...thats igf hell yea b!tches
    Your a fvcking idiot!!

  30. #30
    ExtremeDude's Avatar
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    redescalade100, why don't you want to take the advise ?
    Get off the juice, do a proper PCT and let your body recover.
    You still have a few years of good narural growth ahead of you.

  31. #31
    redescalade100 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok well seems like no one wants me taking this so ill give myself 2 or 4 more injections and then run a pct. this is what i had in mind for it...nolvadex and hcg . I would start taking it about a week after my last injection to get my synthetic levels down, does that sound good? I just want everyone to remember, just cus im young doesnt mean my intentions arent the same as yours...get stronger bigger and live better.

  32. #32
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    Ok well seems like no one wants me taking this so ill give myself 2 or 4 more injections and then run a pct. this is what i had in mind for it...nolvadex and hcg. I would start taking it about a week after my last injection to get my synthetic levels down, does that sound good? I just want everyone to remember, just cus im young doesnt mean my intentions arent the same as yours...get stronger bigger and live better.
    so instead of running a full cycle you're gonna just give yourself a couple of injections and hope that's okay?

    bro just don't do it, you obviously have no idea what you are doing and this stuff isn't to be played with

  33. #33
    xo3et's Avatar
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    If you was a mate and you come round my place with your attitude you would leave with no teeth. You need to take a step back from your ego man and realize your little world is much bigger than it seems.

    You are going to screw yourself up man and be the one regretting it for the rest of your life.

    Listen to the people here PLEASE..........

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