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  1. #1
    Ljavy17's Avatar
    Ljavy17 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2006

    DNP Causes Epydimitis (Swollen Balls)

    At least something similar to Epydimitis, just not caused by a bacteria. Well, Just wanted to tell you a side effect none of you knew. I am 100 percent sure It was the DNP . During my first DNP cycle I started to develop slight pain in my testes. the pain went away after about a week of stopping.
    I really did not pay much attention the first time around since it went away fast.
    However the second cycle, I got really really bad pain. So bad I felt like someone had kicking me in the nuts constantly, I could not move or touch them.
    Once the pain went away and I was able to feel the testes I had had under my right testicle a really big huge lump, bigger than the testicle itself. A couple of days later it went to the other testes.
    It was not time for the doctor. Once there he checked me and I had no Sign of any bacteria in the urine of blood. Weir Enough the antibiotics took it away, I still had some infection. As of today I still have slightly larger epydimis.
    Well, I believe it makes sense. DNP gets absorbed in all of your tissues. I am sure its found in every organ while you are taking it. Your cum turns super yellow and watery. I am pretty sure it is able to create some sort of reaction and activate prostagrandis and Cytokines and all of the good stuff down there (To make it short) and create something similar to the response seen in an infection.
    Now why did the antibiotics alleviate the symptoms? No idea, however it was deff the DNP that caused it.
    I did not change my sexual behavior at all during it, I had and still have the same girlfriend of about a year.
    Now this is a side effect to really stay away from!!! it can really mess with your ability to have babies.
    Anyway, this is only my proposition. Please let me know your thoughts.
    Give me your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Live and let live
    Basically the shit is a poison but it works great... I get herpes break out and burn marks inside my mouth...

    Personally all sides went away after a few weeks not to return again until I used again...

    I miss DNP we have such a love/hate relationship

  3. #3
    Rarest is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    yeah my balls hurt

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