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Thread: deca gyno

  1. #1
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    deca gyno

    what do I do ? I heard novaldex is bad, I was running a large amount to reduce my gyno when I got on my deca .

    Now it seems to have made the sensitivity worse and the gyno has stopped reversing.

    I dropped the noval as of yestuerday... on .25 ED of arimidex now.


  2. #2
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Dude are you f*cking retarded? or dyslectic?


    A-dex will do NOTHING now. It will not be effective. I JUST told you... get some F*cking letro. and run it for 2 - 3 weeks, until your gyno symptoms subside.


    wtf did you need another thread for? .... you didn't even change the f*cking wording of your question whatsoever..


  3. #3
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    your a ****ing jerk off... go get your dick sucked or take a valium, what is peoples problems on here?

  4. #4
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I wanted to know if it will atleast keep it under control from where it is? I heard winny might help too...

    I ran letro for a week before and it did nothing.

  5. #5
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    letro can take awhile to work. odds are its estrogen related.
    but in some cases neither a serm or AI will work since deca can cause estrogen response elements through the AR.

  6. #6
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    btw, should have been running an AI from the start

  7. #7
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    what does your cycle consist of?

  8. #8
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I have been running arimidex from the start and novaldex, however I just learned that noval + deca is a no no... still dont know exactly the mechanism why...

    Just deca/test right now. was going to add in EQ, I may dump the deca for EQ all together sicne its giving me some gyno issues and EQ has never done that before...

    its nothing bad, but I dont want it to progress...

    I had reversed gyno before with just noval, thats why I was asking.

    Thank you for the additional, informative and kind input guys.

  9. #9
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I have enough winny for a few weeks, Ive heard that should help?

  10. #10
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    how do you know the deca is the culprit if you have had gyno before?

    at this point i would say letro is you best bet.

  11. #11
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    I wanted to know if it will atleast keep it under control from where it is? I heard winny might help too...

    I ran letro for a week before and it did nothing.
    People are "a*ssholes" like me... because people like you ask RETARDED questions like "can i take winstrol to help my gyno"... I mean honestly WTF. have you ever even read a gyno thread???? do you know ANYTHING about it???

    If you continue at this rate, you're going to have bitch titties in no time bro.

    I'm going to repeat my comment once more... just to make it REALLY, REALLY, REALLY clear...

    TAKE LETRO FOR 2 - 3 WEEKS... (I did not say 1 week.. I said 2 - 3 weeks) AND ONCE AGAIN; THE A-DEX IS UNLESS RIGHT NOW. GYNO HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. AKA A-DEX WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. got it??? good????

  12. #12
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    Dude are you f*cking retarded? or dyslectic?


    A-dex will do NOTHING now. It will not be effective. I JUST told you... get some F*cking letro. and run it for 2 - 3 weeks, until your gyno symptoms subside.


    wtf did you need another thread for? .... you didn't even change the f*cking wording of your question whatsoever..

    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    People are "a*ssholes" like me... because people like you ask RETARDED questions like "can i take winstrol to help my gyno"... I mean honestly WTF. have you ever even read a gyno thread???? do you know ANYTHING about it???

    If you continue at this rate, you're going to have bitch titties in no time bro.

    I'm going to repeat my comment once more... just to make it REALLY, REALLY, REALLY clear...

    TAKE LETRO FOR 2 - 3 WEEKS... (I did not say 1 week.. I said 2 - 3 weeks) AND ONCE AGAIN; THE A-DEX IS UNLESS RIGHT NOW. GYNO HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. AKA A-DEX WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. got it??? good????

    It takes 3-4 weeks for letro to kick in.

  13. #13
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    maybe try listening to the advice your given

  14. #14
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    It takes 3-4 weeks for letro to kick in.
    That's completely a matter of opinion bro.

    Show some research if you're going to call me out.

    I have never run letro past 3 weeks. No need. Gyno symptoms will always clear by usually 21 - 23 days.

    No where, ANYWHERE, will it state that it must be run for 4+ weeks to eliminate gyno. (unless need be)

    I'm merely giving him a base to understand. I said RUN IT for 2 - 3 weeks until the symptoms subside... and you said 4 weeks. aka 1 extra week.

    Great insight bro. Mega helpful.

  15. #15
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    That's completely a matter of opinion bro.

    Show some research if you're going to call me out.

    I have never run letro past 3 weeks. No need. Gyno symptoms will always clear by usually 21 - 23 days.

    No where, ANYWHERE, will it state that it must be run for 4+ weeks to eliminate gyno. (unless need be)

    I'm merely giving him a base to understand. I said RUN IT for 2 - 3 weeks until the symptoms subside... and you said 4 weeks. aka 1 extra week.

    Great insight bro. Mega helpful.

    Letro effectiveness in treating emerging gyno is after a cycle, he already had the gyno before he started the cycle, the tissue has most likely soldified and the fact he ran nolva with a 19-nor caused sensitivity through the PgR recetpors.

    As for calling adex "useless" that is bold accusation, Adex suppresses 80% of the estrogen while letro suppresses 95%, if you are doing on cycle gyno control you can kiss your cycle good by because that much estrogen supression directly hinders gains. Add in the estrogen rebound with letro that this guy will probably have if you dont come off correctly and it can cause his gyno to flare up even more.

    Adex at a bumped up dosage can work for on cycle gyno treatment it has been done before.

    But this guy has had gyno before he started the cycle and for god knows how long so reversing with letro completely will not be possible, he might be able to cause the tissue to shrink a little but that is it.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 06-28-2009 at 03:02 PM.

  16. #16
    Jon the Rooster's Avatar
    Jon the Rooster is offline Junior Member
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    Educate B4 You Medicate
    The most important thing to know before you cycle is PCT & prevenative measures/actions of gyno & what to do. You should have all the answers & med on hand before you start a cycle!!

    I heard winny might help too...

    Good luck to ya tho

  17. #17
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Letro effectiveness in treating emerging gyno is after a cycle, he already had the gyno before he started the cycle, the tissue has most likely soldified and the fact he ran nolva with a 19-nor caused sensitivity through the PgR recetpors.

    As for calling adex "useless" that is bold accusation, Adex suppresses 80% of the estrogen while letro suppresses 95%, if you are doing on cycle gyno control you can kiss your cycle good by because that much estrogen supression directly hinders gains. Add in the estrogen rebound with letro that this guy will probably have if you dont come off correctly and it can cause his gyno to flare up even more.

    Adex at a bumped up dosage can work for on cycle gyno treatment it has been done before.

    But this guy has had gyno before he started the cycle and for god knows how long so reversing with letro completely will not be possible, he might be able to cause the tissue to shrink a little but that is it.
    Very good points bro!

    Glad to see a smarter member on these boards. hah.

    You're right; I was wrong about the a-dex. I was just trying to drive home the point (this OP has made like 3 threads with this question)!!! ahh. lol.

    Anyways, I just meant that a-dex will not get rid of that gyno by itself.. it's impossible.

    ... But yes, using a-dex is an effective way of suppressing estrogen during cycle (but IMO it should be run from the beginning to the bitter end of the cycle for this to work effectively...) just me 0.02..

  18. #18
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I was able to reverse gyno before ON CYCLE with Arimidex only. But it was a test only cycle.

    SO I heard deca could be causing a progesterone response which supposedly winny can help block.

    ONe person in this thread is a dick needs to lay off the Tren or something.

  19. #19
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    Very good points bro!

    Glad to see a smarter member on these boards. hah.

    You're right; I was wrong about the a-dex. I was just trying to drive home the point (this OP has made like 3 threads with this question)!!! ahh. lol.

    Anyways, I just meant that a-dex will not get rid of that gyno by itself.. it's impossible.

    ... But yes, using a-dex is an effective way of suppressing estrogen during cycle (but IMO it should be run from the beginning to the bitter end of the cycle for this to work effectively...) just me 0.02..

  20. #20
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    That's completely a matter of opinion bro.

    Show some research if you're going to call me out.
    At clinically administered doses, the plasma half-lives of anastrozole (1 mg once daily), letrozole (2.5 mg once daily), and exemestane (25 mg once daily) were 41-48 hours, 2-4 days, and 27 hours, respectively.

    The time to steady-state plasma levels was 7 days for both anastrozole and exemestane and 60 days for letrozole.

  21. #21
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    Very good points bro!

    Glad to see a smarter member on these boards. hah.

    You're right; I was wrong about the a-dex. I was just trying to drive home the point (this OP has made like 3 threads with this question)!!! ahh. lol.

    Anyways, I just meant that a-dex will not get rid of that gyno by itself.. it's impossible.

    ... But yes, using a-dex is an effective way of suppressing estrogen during cycle (but IMO it should be run from the beginning to the bitter end of the cycle for this to work effectively...) just me 0.02..
    He should have ran the adex from the beginning especially if he already had gyno, .25mg/day would have been enough to prevent his gyno from worsening.

    As for the letro, the people who DO run it in during cycle start it 3-4 weeks before their cycle. It does take 3-4 weeks to build up in the blood, that doesnt mean its effects aren't felt, but it has been shown it can take up to 8 weeks for letro to reach dectable blood plasma levels. Its your choice if you believe me or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    I was able to reverse gyno before ON CYCLE with Arimidex only. But it was a test only cycle.

    SO I heard deca could be causing a progesterone response which supposedly winny can help block.

    ONe person in this thread is a dick needs to lay off the Tren or something.
    How long have you had the gyno? Winstrol aids as acting like a natural estrogen blocker, but it won't be able to help your gyno at this stage.

    Most likely your gyno is solidified, I don't believe in reversing existing gyno only while it is forming or immeadiately afterwards is it possible.

    You have to understand that gyno (female breast tissue) does not get metabolized by the BODY AT ANY COSTS. So the body won't break it down once it has solidfied.

    So just continue runing adex throughout your cycle and see what happens in 1-2 weeks, if the gyno worsens you should bump the dosage. But sadly your gyno is here to stay.

  22. #22
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Immortal- Thank you for the informative and courteous responses.

    I got mild gyno on a test on cycle while running arimidex /novaldex some time ago ( the reserach chems I bought were junk or severly underdosed) took me too long to figure it out. I got some real arimidex and then ran it during my cruise phase (225mg testwk) and reversed the gyno about 85%, I was happy with the results.

    I started in on this cycle staying on .5 arimidex EOD and I bumped my test 2 weeks before starting DECA , Im now 2 weeks into deca at 500mg wk/ with a 1200mg front load the first week.

    My left nipple has a slight puffiness to it, it always has, no change there. It reversed 95% from my first bout of gyno. My right developed a small ball, about 50% the size of a marble right behind the nipple thats actually hard. Whlie it has not increased insize since the beginning of this deca but it has become more sensitive and sore.

    I wanted to be pro-active if there was a mechanism beyond estrogen from the Deca that was causing it. I wanted to make sure I nipped it early before something worse happened.

    I was running novaldex as well during this cycle which I quit now as I was told its not good to run with Deca. I'd still like to understand the mechanism behind that.

    I think lexus boy owes me an appologee. I started a new thread to be specific on the deca issue and get more peoples opinions than just one.

    If that chaps your ass so bad you can't stand it, keep your mouth shut. Not to mention obviously I know something about winny you don't. I love this board, but I hate the people that are out to constantly ridicule and just find something in someones post to try and belittle and discredit them with.

    Were here to help each other, if were ignorant or stupid. Being an asshole is unacceptable though.

  23. #23
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    Immortal- Thank you for the informative and courteous responses.

    I got mild gyno on a test on cycle while running arimidex /novaldex some time ago ( the reserach chems I bought were junk or severly underdosed) took me too long to figure it out. I got some real arimidex and then ran it during my cruise phase (225mg testwk) and reversed the gyno about 85%, I was happy with the results.

    I started in on this cycle staying on .5 arimidex EOD and I bumped my test 2 weeks before starting DECA , Im now 2 weeks into deca at 500mg wk/ with a 1200mg front load the first week.

    My left nipple has a slight puffiness to it, it always has, no change there. It reversed 95% from my first bout of gyno. My right developed a small ball, about 50% the size of a marble right behind the nipple thats actually hard. Whlie it has not increased insize since the beginning of this deca but it has become more sensitive and sore.

    I wanted to be pro-active if there was a mechanism beyond estrogen from the Deca that was causing it. I wanted to make sure I nipped it early before something worse happened.

    I was running novaldex as well during this cycle which I quit now as I was told its not good to run with Deca. I'd still like to understand the mechanism behind that.
    So you developed gyno in right nipple before the cycle, and the current cycle you are own (deca and test) has not made it worse? It is common to have senstive issues while on deca as long as the gyno is not worsening you should be fine. Increased estrogen causes soreness.

    Now as for nipple puffiness, both my nipples are naturally puffy they miss me off but I dont have gyno (or it must be microscopic because i cant feel it).

    I searched a little bit and you were right about the Winstrol thing:

    The use of Winstrol is also an effective method of controlling progesterone-induced gyno, as it is anti-progestagenic An effective dose appears to be in the vicinity of 50mg eod (depot) or 30 to 35mg/day (tabs) although this dose may require increasing depending on the doses being employed in the stack.

  24. #24
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Correct, it has not gotten worse. I got gyno when I was 14 in puberty and it went away. Every since my left (like yours) has been slightly puffy, but again I cannt feel any hard tissue behind it. If I make the nipple get hard (flick it a little or put water on it) then it looses all signs of puffiness. (wished it looked this way all the time, haha)

    The right one incidentally is not puffy at all and shows no signs visibly. It has the small hard ball behind it from a previous cycle. Size has not increased just tenderness, so I was worried about that.

    Id love to learn why still Novaldex is bad with Deca .

    And thank you for confirming on the winny. I am going to take 25mg ED for a bit and see if it helps at all.

    Thanks for all the help, to ALL of you.


  25. #25
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    dont count on the winny .. like i said before it could possibly be because deca can activate estrogen response elements through the AR. which nothing but blocking the AR would help.
    its probably estrogen related since estrogen raises prolactin not androgens and progesterone is a non issue without the presence of estrogen.

  26. #26
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    How would you block the AR? I am not aware of any compound that does that...

    I'll stay on a healthy dose of arimidex unless it starts to increase in size.

    One day I am going to just have the surgery.

  27. #27
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I also recently started 1mg ED finasteride which blocks 5AR thus leaving more testosterone for aromatase to estrogen.

  28. #28
    jrmy is offline Junior Member
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    wouldnt deca be prolactin related gyno.throw in some cabergoine or bromocriptine bro. 1-2 of bromo a day or .5-1mg twice weekly of caber.good luck.

  29. #29
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    i say abort cycle bro...clear up the problems and hit it again...
    kind of all over the place, and man boobs are not something to play with..

    good luck bro, keep us informed

  30. #30
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  31. #31
    banthar's Avatar
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    Just read that novaldex is a bad idea with deca . Was going to run novaldex as part of my pct at the end of deca/test c cycle. can someone post a link to some facts for me please

  32. #32
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I went off noval and it seemed to starting to be getting worse. I am giong back on!

  33. #33
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banthar View Post
    Just read that novaldex is a bad idea with deca. Was going to run novaldex as part of my pct at the end of deca/test c cycle. can someone post a link to some facts for me please
    Here man

  34. #34
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Theres really nothing visible, when slouchin in a chair, the left one pokes out a tad bit more, nothing horrible, but to me of course I over criticize.

    My right side remains slightly sore or that could be because I check it 10x a day to see its size, lol...

    Staying on .5 Arimidex ED, going to play around w/ the noval.

    Seems since I got off the noval tho puffiness in the left has increased slightly.

    The left gets puffy, the right gets hard.

  35. #35
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
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    im not sure if nobody has mentioned it but from what i understand Deca will cause prolactin gyno and not estrogen related gyno(which is why you're finding nolvadex to be or less useless), many people use Dostinex to reverse this, im sure letro will also help but on many forums guys with similar problems turn to dost, just thought i'd throw that out there
    Last edited by Rockin Z28; 07-02-2009 at 12:30 PM. Reason: additional information

  36. #36
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah I am using winny unfortunately dostinex is out of my price range right now for prolactin

  37. #37
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
    Rockin Z28 is offline Associate Member
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    200 bucks is out of your price range? you're popping winny, hopefully eating a ton, and juicin and all of a sudden you can't afford what you need?

  38. #38
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Works been cut back, I picked up all my juice a while ago, I have a large stock pile so it costs me nothing

  39. #39
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    im not sure if nobody has mentioned it but from what i understand Deca will cause prolactin gyno and not estrogen related gyno(which is why you're finding nolvadex to be or less useless), many people use Dostinex to reverse this, im sure letro will also help but on many forums guys with similar problems turn to dost, just thought i'd throw that out there
    estrogen raises prolactin.. you can run deca only and not have prolactin issues.
    try B6 at 600mg ed.. it will also help keep prolactin levels in check

  40. #40
    Mafiusu is offline Scammer wanna-be
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    im not sure if nobody has mentioned it but from what i understand Deca will cause prolactin gyno and not estrogen related gyno(which is why you're finding nolvadex to be or less useless), many people use Dostinex to reverse this, im sure letro will also help but on many forums guys with similar problems turn to dost, just thought i'd throw that out there
    estrogen raises prolactin.. you can run deca only and not have prolactin issues.
    try B6 .. it will also help keep prolactin levels in check

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