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  1. #1
    phazeshifter is offline New Member
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    New member and about to start my very first cycle.

    Hey all - After a long time of lurking, I finally decided to register and become an active member of this site. I am about to start my very first cycle of Clen /T3. Before I go into specifics, a little bit about me

    215 lbs
    27 years of age
    BF% is currenly probably around 30-35% (which I am ashamed of)

    I work out 5 days a week mostly doing high weight low reps and pyramiding. I do moderate cardio currently but the lack of a diet and a sloppy bulking phase over the winter left me with a lot of strength and unfortunatly a lot of body fat which I need to get rid of.

    DIET & Exercise
    I plan on beginning my cycle the same day that I change my diet and beging upping my cardio. I will be going on the Atkins diet and the first two weeks of my cycle I will also be in the "induction" phase of said diet. As for Cardio, I will be doing an hour of cardio every morning(I heard in morning on empty stomach is best) before work. I will then do my normal weight training routing during my lunch breaks at work. On the weekends I will run for an hour either through trails in woods or longer distances is running on road.

    Clen/T3 Cylce
    As stated above this will be my first ever non-OTC cycle. I used Beast's Clen cycle with modifications from Jack87's Clen/T3 guide. It will be a total of a 6 week plan. Incorporating Benadryl every 2 weeks(for two weeks) and daily intake of 5g Taurine. Purposed breakdown is as follows:

    Day - Clen Dose(mcg) / T3 Dose(mcg) / Benadryl Dose(mg) / Taurine Dose(g)
    1. 20 / 50 / 0 / 5
    2. 40 / 50 / 0 / 5
    3. 60 / 75 / 0 / 5
    4. 80 / 75 / 0 / 5
    5. 80 / 75 / 0 / 5
    6. 80 / 100 / 0 / 5
    7. 100 / 100 / 0 / 5
    8. 100 / 125 / 0 / 5
    9. 100 / 125 / 0 / 5
    10. 120 / 125 / 0 / 5
    11. 120 / 125 / 0 / 5
    12. 120 / 125 / 0 / 5
    13. 120 / 125 / 0 / 5
    14. 120 / 125 / 0 / 5
    15. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    16. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    17. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    18. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    19. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    20. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    21. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    22. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    23. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    24. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    25. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    26. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    27. 120 / 125 / 50 / 5
    28. 120 / 100 / 50 / 5
    29. 120 / 100 / 0 / 5
    30. 120 / 100 / 0 / 5
    31. 120 / 75 / 0 / 5
    32. 120 / 75 / 0 / 5
    33. 120 / 75 / 0 / 5
    34. 100 / 50 / 0 / 5
    35. 100 / 50 / 0 / 5
    36. 100 / 50 / 0 / 5
    37. 80 / 50 / 0 / 5
    38. 80 / 25 / 0 / 5
    39. 80 / 25 / 0 / 5
    40. 60 / 25 / 0 / 5
    41. 60 / 25 / 0 / 5
    42. 60 / 25 / 0 / 5

    I am planning on using Lion's Brand Clen and T3. I know that there are mixed reviews about strength and dose but I have no other options and/or sources so beggers cannot be choosers in my situation.

    Please provide any feedback you feel would be benifical and ask me if you need additional information. I look forward to your feedback to assure I get the most out of this cycle while incorporating a strict diet and more cardio in addition to my current weight trainign regime.

  2. #2
    Big GB4 is offline Junior Member
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    I would shed the pounds before I consider AAS. 30-35% percent is alot bro. You should consider changing up your workout reg, high-weight low-rep bulk lifting is not what you need right now.

    You need to cut and try to get to 15% or less before you consider roids.

  3. #3
    GetTheRage is offline Associate Member
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    I would get on a good diet now before you start and drop some weight not the day you chose to start the cycle it will never work.
    You might wanna ramp the clen up slower at the start and there is no reason to taper your clen down at the end.
    There was also some evidence to show that benedryl doesn't work

  4. #4
    GetTheRage is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big GB4 View Post
    I would shed the pounds before I consider AAS. 30-35% percent is alot bro. You should consider changing up your workout reg, high-weight low-rep bulk lifting is not what you need right now.

    You need to cut and try to get to 15% or less before you consider roids.
    These aren't even steriods my friend

  5. #5
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    For one, the adkins diet is a horrible diet! It works good to lose weight buit majkes it very hard if weight is ever again put on! I would not use it! Another note, you should have your diet in check well before using any of those items, It takes time to know what food is going to work for you and what foods are not!
    Also you can not plan your clen out like that! 120mcg a day might make you sake like a heroin addict going through withdrawals! That is all personal preference with clen

    And yes these 2 items stacked would not be considered a cycle. clen is actully not an Anabolic steroid and neither is t-3 t-4
    I would look into a little better diet. working out and weight training with super super low carbs is not going to give you a lot of energy for training!

  6. #6
    phazeshifter is offline New Member
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    Perfect, this is the feedback I am looking for. Can someone suggest a good diet or guidelines to follow? I may not be 30% I'm probably just overshooting. I have decent vascularity and all my weight is in my midsection and a little in chest. arms legs back are all tight. I'll post later tiongiht with actuall BF%. I will take the advise NOT to taper down off the Clenn and also regulate the dose on my body reaction.

    So, any diet sugestions? Also I guess I will go to low weight adn high reps to aid in the cardio aspect.

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    go to the diet forum bro.......thats where dreams are made...

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i agree,i would learn how to loose weight with a good diet and cardio first then maybee try clen . that way you would get better results than if you just started clen and spent the whole course trying to figure out your diet.good luck bro

  9. #9
    starboots's Avatar
    starboots is offline New Member
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    For what its worth I think clen works great. I just finished my first cycle of clen. Your bf% is very high and I would really work on diet and cardio then try clen a little later. I've seen a lot of people really cut down at the gym I go to but its all about making a commitment and putting in lots of time. You let yourself go, now you gotta pay for the mistakes you made. Good Luck!

  10. #10
    phazeshifter is offline New Member
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    Just a FYI, I did a BF test and I am at 28%. Still not healthy at all. working on building a diet currently but honestly you look at the diet forums and my head explodes. I'll just keep reading until it clicks. Thanks guys. What sucks is that I lift almost daily. Take cycling classes at the gym (and bust ass), take cardio circuts and high intensity hikes up mountains. But I also have been drinking a lot of beer, soda, and eating whatever the hell i wanted. Time to change all that

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