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  1. #1
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Is Noval REALLY bad on Deca?

    I cant seem to come to a conclusion. Mixed signals online.

    My buddy thats been juicing for 15 years says hes always used em together.

    I just want to know any REAL personal experiences, especially those gyno prone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Using Nolva while on a 19-Nor will greatly increase your prolactin levels, and is not advised to do so. There are many other alternatives out there, Bromo, Caber, Letro, Prami...

  3. #3
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Will that induce any gyno? Im just tryin to reverse some of that right now...

    I have no Bromo/caber...

  4. #4
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    You should have been prepared and educated on the subject before starting, that is a lack of preparation. If you have Prolactin induced gyno, you will probably know by seeing any liquid excreted by your nips, although sometime it might take some time before this happens and the lumps can still grow before you see liquid. I would get some Caber jsut in case, what is your cycle and are you taking any AI at the moment?

  5. #5
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    Will that induce any gyno? Im just tryin to reverse some of that right now...

    I have no Bromo/caber...
    Yes, increased prolactin will cause prolactin related gyno. Which is why you must use letro, caber, bromo to fight gyno when using 19-nor compounds like tren , or deca . Moreover, do not use nolva in combination with something like letro, as it will impede the effectiveness of the letro.

  6. #6
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    No milking, I never have had an issue w/ gyno on 19nors like Tren before, or Deca last time....

    I always ran Noval too, this time I was told not to and boom Gyno.

    Yes I use .25 arimidex ED

  7. #7
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    shit kinda crazy that i was suggested to use nolva 10 mgs a day and im on test and deca .. Wow funny how people can change answer in a few days!!!

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    A lot of people on here just try to agree with the person who posted before them even if they do not know the answer! I never post unless I know the answer!! As I have never ran Deca , I not evenclost to knowing the answer to this one and that is why I have no input on this subject

  9. #9
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    Nolva will still do it's job, if in fact you have estrogen related gyno, it will reduce it, although it will increase your chances of getting progestin related gyno as well. It might still work for the few people that are truly not gyno prone to prolactin, although because there are so many alternatives, there is no reason you should be using Nolva and increasing your risks.

  10. #10
    CptAmericaX is offline Member
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    From what I have been told and read, nolva isnt something you should run alongside of a cycle, due to its powerful estrogen blocking goodness, it will hinder your gains. It takes estrogen to get bigger as well as test. Well you take away all the estrogen and you hinder your gains. Thats IMO

  11. #11
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    I really dont understand this thread. Is it saying that the effects that the novaldex will have during a cycle on you are counter productive to what deca is looking to do.


    Is this novaldex a bad pct for deca and test?

  12. #12
    CptAmericaX is offline Member
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    Novaldex is out dated and theres better things out there.

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