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  1. #1
    kashalp's Avatar
    kashalp is offline Junior Member
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    Question beginner question? Dianabol

    Height- 5'11"
    Weight- 175
    BF %- around 10-15 last time i checked... months ago
    Previous Experience-None!

    Hy everyone, ok first off id just like to point out im completly new to this side bodybuilding so please excuse my ignorance if i say something really stupid...

    Now then, ok so i have a source that is able to get me a cycle of Dianabol either 25 or 50mgs. and i was thinking about starting a cycle or either 6 or 10 weeks. My question is for a first-timer is this sufficant and acceptable or am i totally on the wrong path? will i be alright jsut starting out with these solo, as i dont really wanna jump in 100% and start by filling my body with multiple chemicals at once. NOT YET ANYWAYS... i was thining about seeing how that cycle works out then maybe when im nearing the end either getting more and/or combining it with something else.

    Thank you for any help given, sugestions etc etc

  2. #2
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Wrong path. if you are looking at doing a cycle. then start here with some research. get your diet in check.. Pack a few more pounds on then consider a cycle..

    Dbol is a poor cycle. You need test bro.

    It's your body bro. Take care of it you only get one. If your really interested in cycling in the future. Start understanding these substances. You would be surprised what you will learn in a few days...... And in a few months you will still be learning new stuff... Diet is extremely important. Many usefull stickies and a great group of people here.... Any questions as well I'm more than willing to help.
    Last edited by c-Z; 07-15-2009 at 06:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Parabody84 is offline New Member
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    ^^^^^ defintly agree..

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    wrong path completely.

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to Steroid .com

    Dbol IS NOT A CYCLE....dbol is used WITH other compounds to kickstart a REAL cycle

    it is NOT advised to use by itself as it WILL shut OFF your natural test know TEST, the one hormone that makes Men M E N !!!!

    not something you want to be shutting off without supplementing

    at 5'11, if you can't get to 200-210 on your own NATURALLY, then you really shouldn't be using steroids YET

  6. #6
    kashalp's Avatar
    kashalp is offline Junior Member
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    thank you but could u explain why or what else would be a better choice? Not really into the needle thing so id kinda like to start away from that if possible...

    as for diet, i believe it is excellent ( as far as an average person goes, not a competition bodybuilder) i am in pretty good shape and iam not new to working out. everyday physically demanding sports and work comsume my life as well as a daily workout routine, i just cant seem grow the way i want anymore. Basically im jsut looking for something for a little edge and to motivate me back into the higher caliber of weight training. is dbol really that bad to start or jsut a bad choice of substance.

    really appreciate the help, but post like "wrong path" dont really explain or mean much.. perhaps a suggestion?

    Thanks again.. go easy on me.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    ^^ Post your diet for one day...

  8. #8
    kashalp's Avatar
    kashalp is offline Junior Member
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    ok a typical daily diet would go something like this...
    (as for quantities or messurments.. pfft i have no idea)

    breakfast: standard omlet or eggs, piece of fruit, ham/bacon, maybe some cottage chesse. brown toast.

    snack: some sort of salad.. (garden, potatoe, macaroni)

    lunch: couple tuna sandwichs, cheese and crackers or veggie sticks, chocolait bar or something else sweet.

    light snack: muffin, bagel w cheese..

    dinner: chicken breast, lots of veggies, rice or potatoe OR big bowl of pasta

    late snack: mayb a chicken breast sandwich or cheese and crackers with an apple.

    i VERY RARELY eat sweets, deserts, or anything with alot of suger. not a big fan of salt either.

    like i said for the day to day guy who has no goals with weight lifting besides looking "decent" at the beach my "diet" i think is pretty good imo...

    again, and believe me ive considered doin it naturally, but im jsut looking for that little boost, nothing "hardcore" and i believe that im as big as im gonna get without some anabolic help. i am a very natural skinny dude and i work my everyday average joe ass off just to stay the size i am, without getting to fat

    any pill form suggestions ofther then what im already considering? thank you...

  9. #9
    Parabody84 is offline New Member
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    Thats not enough food to gain more!!!

  10. #10
    Skippa's Avatar
    Skippa is offline Junior Member
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    hey guys, just on this subject my friend has started a 20mg/day dbol only cycle. been on it for around 12 or so days now and thinks its doin him great. He has no PCT planned or running it with any test. Other than what u guys mentioned about it being suppressive what constructive criticism can i feed him to get him off it and has he gone too far to cause him self damage! And yes i know he's ignorant. lol

  11. #11
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skippa View Post
    hey guys, just on this subject my friend has started a 20mg/day dbol only cycle. been on it for around 12 or so days now and thinks its doin him great. He has no PCT planned or running it with any test. Other than what u guys mentioned about it being suppressive what constructive criticism can i feed him to get him off it and has he gone too far to cause him self damage! And yes i know he's ignorant. lol
    Just wait until he ends his cycle and loses most of his "gains". It will mainly be water retention.

  12. #12
    organized_konfusion's Avatar
    organized_konfusion is offline Junior Member
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    Read up before you do AAS dude, you don't wanna jack up your body. Research, research, research

  13. #13
    Loaded61's Avatar
    Loaded61 is offline Junior Member
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    not to say you wont get gains just a wrong place to start...shut down natty test

  14. #14
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    most oral steroids are the best
    their used usually to kikstart off cycles
    their not effctive alone as their very toxic and not effective cosidering their damage to the liver and the rest of ur body, also thier gains are harder to maintain
    i know ur scared of injections, i was to, but guess wat, its not that bad, the needles look scary but thats it
    u wont feel it go in, n im serz, im the biggest wuss wne it comes to needles, i wouldnt have anestietic at a dentist wen he had to remove my wisdom teeth because he had to ius a needle in order to inject the pain killer
    so i went through the pain of having wisdom teeth taken out without pain killer, all becoz i was scared of a needle
    wat im trying to say here is, if a guy like me whos shit scared of needles can inject himself with anabolics in the arse without stress, then OBVIOUSLY the needle isnt bad

    BUT i shouldnt be telling u this, since ur DIET suks arse for building mass, u need to get ur diet and training in chek before u consider steroids

    heres couple of guidelines
    eat 1.5-2 grams protein per pound of bodyweight
    train with a low volume, high intensity routine split routine since u have a relativaly high metablsim ur recovery abilities wouldnt be the greatest compared to someone with a slower metabalsim
    heres and example
    monday chest, biceps
    2 sets decline press
    2 sets dumbell press
    2 sets dips
    3 sets barbell curls
    2 sets hammmer curl
    tuesday: legs, calves
    3 sets squats
    2 sets leg press
    2 set leg curls
    3 sets of any form of calf raises
    wednesday rest
    thursday: back
    2 sets pull ups
    2 sets lat pull down
    2 set dumbell row
    2 sets barbell row
    2 sets hyper extensions
    friday shoulders, triceps,
    3 sets behind neck shoulder press
    2 sets lateral raises
    2 sets upright rows
    2-3 sets shrugs
    3 sets hyper exentions
    2 ses tricep press down
    take the weekend off

    thats an example of a split
    not saying its perfect but focus around this type of volume, stick to compound exercises
    and make sure ur fully recovered so u dont overtrain, focus of lifting more weight everytime u train, or getting more reps out for the same amount of weight,
    aslong as the weights go up, ur growing

    carbohydrates and fat are also imporant, everyone is different so im not going to tell u how many to eat,
    but IMO for sumone with a high metabalism ur carbs should exceed ur protein intake
    PM me if u have any further questions

  15. #15
    LickAlotOfPuss is offline Junior Member
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    you gotta get over the fear of needles, test doesn't come into a pill form ONLY INJECTABLE and d-bol will shut down your natural test. Your diet does sound good but there room for improvement. at your height you should be weighing more if training is done properly and dieting.If you decide to ignore are advise and run a cycle of just d-bol then you need to know what a pct is and how to prevent ****ing up your body. Steroids aren't something you just jump into there's a required dedication before your body will be ready for steroids. DIET DIET! is more useful to you then steroids would be.

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