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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    lowering testosterone and its effects on muscle

    I am doing research on this and wondering what others thoughts on it..

    I am going to start my cycle next Friday at 500mg Ew of Cyp. my question is would the body respond better and would it help to solidify the gains made if the test was slowly tapered back to my TRT dose of 200mg EW?
    Seems as though going from 500mg down to 200mg ew overnight could shock the body..
    If went from 500
    next week 450
    next week 400
    next week 350
    next week 300
    next week 250
    next week 200

    Or even dropped 100mg Ew it would seem that the body would slowly get accustomed to the lower dose and ive a better chance of keeping more of the gains made.


  2. #2
    fozy is offline Junior Member
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    I always taper down at the end. Not as drastic as that. If I'm doing 10 weeks @500mg week 10 is 250mg. Then cruz at 100mg a week (or/gells ect)

    I have done it both ways just stopped and tapered. I find when I taper its alot smoother. When I just drop to cruzing for some reason I get acne and feel like ass.

    just my .02

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    THis is what I am researching now, Starting to think that tapering at the end back to my TRT dose will be a smooth transformation

  4. #4
    LiquidPhire is offline New Member
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    Never been a fan of cruising personally. Ive tried it and I agree on the side effects (acne , hair growth) tend to continue and for me that part is the worst of it. PS I miss MASS its my home but hawaii is straight for now.

  5. #5
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I have to cruise I have al most no natty test production so I am on TRT and thus the reason I am researching and thinking about doing this at the end of the cyckle

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Juice Auth. very informative and basically says exactly what I thought would actually happen..

    So basically the taper does the following:

    -It gives your body time to adjust from being exposed to a lot of hormones to being just on normal physiological amounts vs the cold turkey approach

    -It allows non-testosterone AAS to clear your body, while you still maintain your size and your libido and workout intensity doesn't have to change

    -It allows 'lag-time', for the testes to respond, and your body to adjust back to normal amounts of testosterone.

    -At no time does the level of testosterone in your body ever fall bellow physiological norms.

    -At no time should you expect to lose your libido

    -Best of all you can count the entire taper period as being 'off steroids ' as technically you are in the normal physiological range of blood testosterone levels for the entire time you are doing the six week taper. (not the six week waiting period).
    Therefore you can return to another cycle in six-week time- and expect good gains.

  9. #9
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That was the gist of it. I suppose I could have cut 'n pasted the info ala WarMachine and passed it off as my own but I figured since I have no experience with cruising and/or tapering it would be better to point you in the right direction with those who have traveled down that path.

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I just pasted that part of it from that post because when people see it i do not want them thinking I am talking out my a s s !! and again, Good lookin' out brotha!

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