07-16-2009, 11:38 AM #1
It's been awhile since I asked some Q's so.. I have some...
1) Is it wrong for me to not wanna do any 19-nors for awhile?
Reasoning behind this: I wanna save them for when I really really need them. I know a lot of people like to incorporate DECA /TREN into their cycles because of their ability to build superior muscle, and the many other GREAT benefits that a 19-nor gives you. So I am thinking of not incorporating them into a cycle for a long while at least another 2-3 or even 4 cycles away. In the interim I am going to of course make TEST my base, and also since I am prescribed it I will not have to worry about crashing. My bloodwork was just done.. well drawn this morning.. and I am gonna wait on results of that before continuing.
2) Since I am negating the 19-nors for the time being, I am gonna incorporate compounds to this date that I have rarely used and compounds that normally get a bad rap for being "weak" why am I going to do this? You may be asking yourselves, moreover how is he going to achieve what he wants to?? SIMPLE, I will be incorporating compounds such as EQUIPOISE and PRIMOBOLAN . At adequate dosages to sustain realistic results. IMO if I do not use a minimum of 800mgs EW of such said compounds then I believe it will be a waste of time and money. This being said my MAIN goal is to gain Good QUALITY LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE.. not water bloated mass... normally associated with such things as D-BOL, A-DROL, DECA.
3) As you all know I am started my next cycle today, well Just the TBOL part of the cycle whilst on the TRT. I will be running 5 days of the TBOL before the first injection of PROP. The reason behind this is well, no apparent reason I just wanted to do it that way. This short cycle is only 8 weeks in duration. 75mgs ED of Prop and 50mgs ED of TBOL (40days) So inherently It will technically be 5 weeks total of TBOL while taking the above dosage of TRT prescribed test. I am not looking for a large increase, mainly about 10lbs. of quality muscle which would put me at a lean weight of 205lbs. Not bad for the start of it all. Of course upon cessation of this I will return to TRT for a scheduled 8-10weeks. Before I incorporate another cycle. Just to remain on the safe side of things. The Next cycle will be something I have never done before and have always wanted to do despite the many numbers of people who do not like it. It will consist of OMNA at 1/2ml EOD for 16 weeks and 800mgs of EQ EW for the same duration, with the exact same goal as this cycle.. another 10lbs. of quality muscle tissue. The main overall hope for all this is to weigh in at 200lbs. single digit BF for my first COMP in APRIL-ish.
Am i wrong in assuming I can make the associated gains without the assistance of many orals and 19-nor compounds??
Although these cycles are considered moderately light are the goals that I have described above within reason and achievable??
ON A SIDE NOTE: For those of you who have ran TBOL before have you ever experienced HEADACHES with the compound??
Thank you for your time guys, I appreciate it as always.
-The Deuce
It seems to me you have everything pretty well figured out and seems as if you have enough muscle maturity to get you where you want to be
07-16-2009, 02:04 PM #3
SCRATCH THAT ON THE WHOLE EQUIPOISE THING FROM WHAT I JUST LEARNED FROM MARCUS.. I WILL NEVER EVER USE IT AGAIN... THANKS AGAIN BRO FOR TELLIN' ME THAT.. Now I need to go back to the drawing board and figure out what I can use instead.. Primo maybe?? Ugh i rea;;y don't wanna have to resort to a 19-nor right yet... Maybe I'll just say ta heck with it and bump my TEST up higher and just run a TEST only cycle at OMNA 1 amp EOD.. which would equate to 875mgs of TEST per week.. which is not unheard of.. at all... hmm we will see when the time comes....
Anyone got anything else to add??
07-16-2009, 02:10 PM #4
I will reply to this one when ive got more time, interesting!
07-16-2009, 02:24 PM #5
07-16-2009, 03:53 PM #6Member
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I think test will always have to be tapered up to keep producing gains. All these other compounds usually stay the same, it's just always the test that goes up because it is easiest to deal with the sides. Think about it, you can't do high doses of orals without pissing out your liver, you can't do high amounts of tren because life would suck too much, high DHT derivatives are essentially pointless.
My guess is that you'll find yourself staying at the same dosages for other compounds, while test will go up. If you have to go up on every new cycle (assuming you peak), then you have to. Just keep an eye for gyno, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and if you can keep those in safe levels, you should be able to keep going. I think bloodwork would depict your cycles if you ever were to peak, and by peak, I mean bulking then cutting and seeing yourself within +/- 3-5 pounds the same.
Then it's GH time.
07-16-2009, 03:56 PM #7
I'm in love with Masteron , so I usually recommend that, it's def. a better compound than EQ, and could be your replacement.
07-16-2009, 05:07 PM #8
Your idea of not running any 19nor's is a good educated decision at this moment in time, why run things what can cause some serious side effects when you haven't even tried running compounds what are easier on the system. The focus as to be on building quality muscle tissue with the least side effects as possible to deal with and I feel you will achieve this by your main compound Test, the other weak compounds you talk about will give you some nice balance and condition to the stack while building small amounts of tissue, some people prefer using lighter compounds and I've got to say this approach does help many I've advised and talked with.
You know my personal view on EQ so i wont go into that, but do try all the compounds and log the results, i also feel that you being on TRT will help to maintain your gains and stop any tissue loss post cycle.
07-16-2009, 07:37 PM #9
I have been informed by a very educated MAN on this board that let me know that, EQ does not produce any MUSCLE gains.. it moreover only helps with RBC and HUNGER. So IMHO.. That is a waste.. I am always HUNGRY regardless of an injectable compound.. so WHY IN THE WORLD would I spend money on something that would just pointlessly put more UNNECESSARY oil into my body for no reason whatsoever ya know??
See that's what i am saying, I will constantly always have bloodwork being done, courtesy of my doctor because I am TRT and he told me like every 3 or even 4 months he wants my BLOOD drawn to monitor my blood.. COOL WITH ME DOC, go right ahead I will not stop ya.. TAKE IT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON !! Considering I have the best insurance in the world with EVERYTHING covered and ZERO co-pay... yah that's right I get TEST for FREE.. what about it?? LOL..
Anyways also I am already on a BP med for my BP anyways so that keeps that in check, why I have all my basis covered !!
Yah pretty much Testosterone is my very very good friend and I will use it to my advantage, upping it as necessary.. such as this cycle I will be going with 525mgs EW. Already pre-planned to go 825mgs EW for next cycle.. and HOPEFULLY drop to 750mgs EW the next cycle.. hoping my body will still respond to it ... It should.. 750mgs should ALWAYS illicit a response in the body to GROW. But we shall see as the time comes, I am not going to be happy if my body is going to require 1 gram a week..that's when things will start to get EXPENSIVE and well... I am not a millionaire.. NOT YET ANYWAYS.
But I feel you are correct on the issue that it will have to keep going up aand up and up.. but I am fine with that.. as long as I continue on the path that I have been going on. Now the compounds of choice will always be up in the air.. like I said I want to not use 19-nor's right now.. eventually I will utilize them again.. I fvcking love TREN but I am not prepared to deal with the sides right now, when I CAN GROW WITHOUT IT !! Ya see what I am saying?? Yes, Trenbolone is probably the greatest compound ever introduced to us .. aside from Testosterone of course.. but I mean what it does it ridiculous.. and I am going to need that ridiculousness when it comes time for that extra BUMP to be able to overtake the competition at well a COMPETITION !!!
I agree I will probably utilize this compound when the time comes, but if you glance at my pics.. I am NO WHERE NEAR the BF% where MAST would even effect me whatsoever.. so for now, that compound is ALSO on hold.. but trust me when the time comes, i am sure it will play a great part in hardening me up for a COMP.
Thank you Marcus, especially coming from you that means a lot. This is my BOUNCE back and I feel like I am starting all over, yes at one point I was Competition ready but, that is not the case anymore. I stopped working out, I aint shitty, I drank myself into oblivion and got heavy into the drugs.. MY FAULT.. all of it.. I am the first to admit it, so now it does not even matter ONE BIT what I achieved before.. I am starting all over again, brand new, but this time, I have a new assault on it.. YOU GUY'S BRAINS !! I have all the knowledge of my past experience on what NOT to do, and In this way, I kind of like it.. It is kinda cool, it's like starting LIFE all over again, but obviously not.. I just have the wisdom of past experience and the knowledge of the BEST dudes around. AM I GOING TO SUCCEED... Hell ya !!
So my 1st cycle, from the return of my injury/ or better yet, return from the fatness/depression/drug addiction hell I slumped into for almost 2 years, was a TESTOSTERONE ONLY CYCLE (Test Prop - 100mgs ED for 10 weeks) returned to TRT for 9 weeks 2 days technically before the start of this cycle which will be a step up at TEST prop 75mgs ED(56 days-70 days.. depending on how i feel) + Tbol 50mgs ED (40 days).. TBOL to be run at beginning of the cycle. See MODERATE CYCLE.. Nothing fancy... just back to the basics.. and wanna know the GREATEST thing.. IT'S working.. it's all flowing seamlessly and smoothly. Obviously my diet is in check and so isn't my training/cardio regimen. I'm on top of this now.. it's my GOAL.. my dream, my new REALITY !! I will accomplish this.. I have to at this point.. not only does it help with my sobriety (CLEAN AND SOBER SINCE 12/23/08) but also gives me SOMETHING to do.. something to break up the monotony. SOMETHING TO STRIVE FOR. TO LIVE FOR. I'll quote this a lot because not only is it my favorite band ever, but also because I believe the words they speak are nothing but the solemn truth to this destroyed world.. "IF YOU DON'T LIVE FOR SOMETHING, YOU WILL DIE FOR NOTHING" That is where I am at, it's the greatest feeling in the world. I walk into the GYM and I immediately go into GO mode. I do not socialize, I do not HIT on females, I do not do anything BUT do what I went there to do.. MY WORKOUT.
And that is why I have contacted the owner of a gym in ARLINGTON, TEXAS (not sure if I am allowed to give out names and locations because, well obviously I do not know if he wants his gym publicized as a gym where AAS user go to) HAHAHA obviously they do, only the ELITE train there. I am sure a few of you know where I am talking about, some of you may even train there yourselves. But this is a HARDCORE gym dedicated to BUILDING THE SUPERIOR ATHLETE !! This is not a gym with TV's and made to look like a damned LIVING ROOM. It is a GYM designed around one thing and one thing only.. THE HARDEST HARDCORE ATHLETES (Be it Bodybuilders, PowerLifters, MMA Fighters, Figure Models, or Boxers) It's made for those who have the will and determination to succeed. AND THAT IS ME, So I am moving me and my whole FAMILY there to bring myself to that level to start the evolution training that will either MAKE ME OR BREAK ME. Preferably the first one... I have a very long hard road ahead of me, and with my DETERMINATION, the Help from everyone Here, and the contacts I have in the World out there.. I will do this. I promise this to everyone.. I will not give up without a fight, I will not back down into the night. This is my Freedom, My Life, MY LEGACY !!
And it starts NOW...
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