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Thread: What to order?

  1. #1
    ancientgr's Avatar
    ancientgr is offline Junior Member
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    What to order?

    Hi guys:

    Just thinking out loud here but what do you think about this cycle:

    Week 1-2 Dbol 25mg ed
    Week 3-6 Dbol 50mg ed
    Week 1-12 test eth or cyp at 400 to 500mg per week
    week 6-12 winni 50mg eod

    still need to figure out about a PCT and when to incorporate that.

    Thoughts? Suggestions?


    Stats: 30, 200lb, 10% bf, three previous cycles, goals to gain a bit of muscle all over and trim down. working out for like 10 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    On the edge
    What are your past cycles? Why are you tapering the D-bol? Also I personally don't like using 2 orals in the same cycle, but that's just me. Also if you have already done 3 cycles how can you not know what PCT to use? It's really not complicated... Also what does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Would like to see your diet and pct before telling you what i think. You either did not run 3 cycle previously or you did not run pct with them,. If you did you would have an idea what to run for pct. It does not really change too much cycle to cycle

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    12 weeks of harsh orals???? better make sure you have strong liver support of get on the organ replacement list fast

    your winny timing is off. I would run it from week 8-14 right up to day before PCT starts

  5. #5
    ancientgr's Avatar
    ancientgr is offline Junior Member
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    Hi again:

    Firstly, my winni is depot so the only oral would be the dbol . sorry.

    Secondly, my previous "cycles", and i use that term loosely, was just winni tabs and another oral one (i can't remember now). Had good results with winni tabs tho, and nothing with the other one. I have never needled. I never used a PCT previously either. So, basically, just look at this as my first real cycle.

    As for diet, i try to follow the gainer diet in the diet forum. Approx 3600 cals a day, +300 g protein, good amount of carbs, max three shakes a day (morning, pwo, evening), 7-8 meals. Lots of supplements like multi-vitamin, glutamine, and glucosamine.

    Also, looking to do this cycle in the fall. i need to get more gear, esp a PCT. i need to do more research on PCT to see what i need. i hate asking questions when i can the research myself and ask intelligent questions later on.

    Tractionissues: As for tapering the dbol, do you mean i should run it the entire time (with winni) or do you mean why 25 to 50?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    On the edge
    K lets start off, if you are doing winny, then I would probably do prop also, and if possible do ED pins, this would also mean you wouldn't need the Dbol , and that would be 1 less toxic thing on your liver. Also even if your winny is injectable, it can still be toxic... Also if you are following a gainer diet, why are you using winny? And 10%bf is boarderline to see the effects of winny properly, I would suggest at least 8%. As for PCT, you definitely have to learn all the ins and outs of that before doing any cycle, if not your cycles will be useless and you risk damaging yourself. And as for Tapering, yes I meant, why are you going from 25 to 50, just keep the same dose during the entire 4 weeks of use.

  7. #7
    ancientgr's Avatar
    ancientgr is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe I should break up my cycles. Do one cycle in the fall of prop and dbol to gain, and then again next spring/summer of winni and some sort of test to cut. Also, by then, i can get my bf down too. what you think?

    As for tapering (or doubling really) dbol, I have roughly have 12 weeks worth (@25mg ed), hence the reason i was thinking of doubling the dose.

    i was thinking i can get the benefits of gaining and cutting in one cycle with the dbol at the beggining and winni at the end. I would adjust my diet accordingly by cutting a lot of carbs. Is this reasonable?

    It was just a newbie's thoughts.

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