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  1. #1
    bigjsheets's Avatar
    bigjsheets is offline Associate Member
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    250mg/ml prop is hurting bad!!!

    It's been a whiile since I cycled last so I started back with a basic cycle of 250 mg test prop EOD. (Yes I've got my anti-e's and pct) I brewed the prop to this sick concentration but man, it hurst like hell!! I alternate sites between both delts and glutes but the lumps are still present when the first injection site comes around again. I am hesitant to start my quads into the rotation because I don't want to have a negative impact on my leg workouts. Plus my wife used to be cool with it but no more so I'm doing this under the radar but hiding these lumps has proven impossible. My muscles had gotten very used to any compound but this strong batch of homebrew is a bit much. 6 weeks in now, I guess I'll tough it out. I guess just wondering if there is any serious problems with scar tissue or anything if i do hit a site that still has some swelling from a previous inject. Thanks guys. BTW 29 years old, 240 lbs, 6'4" H.

  2. #2
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    rebrew add whatever you need to add to make the conentration 100-150mg/ml! Thar 250mg concentration is just to high for prop. but then again, what if you just did 1/4 to 1/2 cc everyday! that would still be 125mg Ed and that is actually very high dosage (850mg wk) try lowering the dosage to 500mg a wek and you could shoot 1/4mg Ed and that would probably not hurt back

  3. #3
    bigjsheets's Avatar
    bigjsheets is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, i guess i can do less more frequently. It just gets old shooting everyday. I originally started at .75 ml eod and that was a lot better. I've just been really digging the gains of this higher dose and have virtually no side effects. (a bit of acne on my arms)

  4. #4
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    I like prop ed.Man bro i would cut that with oil,i bet that is painful.And yes if you inject into a lump the gear might not dissipate properly and in time you could risk getting a sterile abscess.Good luck.

  5. #5
    bigjsheets's Avatar
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    And I don't really want to change the formula because i am out of oil and hate to make an order just to soften this batch. Plus getting 250mg/ml to be stable was something i was unsure of so i'm happy it worked.

  6. #6
    bigjsheets's Avatar
    bigjsheets is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks romo, thats what i was wondering was if an abscess might be an issue and I didnt know about the dissipation problems. I guess adding my quads and going ed will be fine, they won't be sore that dose.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'm curious how you get it to hold at that high of concentration? And duh, I can't believe you are posting about this, what did you expect that to feel like? lol

  8. #8
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    I'm curious how you get it to hold at that high of concentration? And duh, I can't believe you are posting about this, what did you expect that to feel like? lol
    Ya really. Just the sound of that makes my shoulder want to swell up and turn bright red. You said you wanted to do a "basic" cycle because it has been a while. There is a lot of easier ways to run a test only cycle.

  9. #9
    bigjsheets's Avatar
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    @illwill- yeah, i knew it would be painful but i figured i'd get used to it. I still might right as i'm ending the cycle. lol

    @hank- I know there are a lot easier ways to do test but i have a thing for prop. It's my favorite overall by far. No exageration, this kicked in in 4 days... no joke. Can't beat that!! Besides, Being out of it for so long, i don't have my old sources but i always have my home brew knowledge! And yea, it's pretty funny, half my ass turns bright red and swells up. I think it's a lost cause trying to hide it from the wife. She just shakes her head.

  10. #10
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    cut that $hit with some sterile oil for your asses sake! I like pain but I would have to tapout to 250mg/ml prop without cutting it with something. I would go with a 1:1 ratio and you will be amazed at how much pain this will elminate!

  11. #11
    SpanishStallion's Avatar
    SpanishStallion is offline Associate Member
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    there is no reason to do so high concentrations especially when you care about your injection site.

  12. #12
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    done 250mg/ml and never again! I like prop too but at the cost of having a stupid gangster lean 7 days a week no thanks.

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