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  1. #1
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    my short burst cycle only test prop

    1-30 day of test prop (200mg mo, 100mg tu, 200mg we, etc...) 1g per week
    31-60 day PCT HCG ,Clomid, nolvadex

    What can I obtain from this cycle?

    It's my 5th cycle, last cycle I used:

    1-8 day test prop 100mg
    1-19 250mg test E EOD (nearly 900mg per week)

    I've got 6 kg and 4 kg maintained! Unique side has been a little bit of acne.


  2. #2
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    I am a short burst fan , i run prop and npp for 4-6 weeks with great results .I have tried test only but found the above better for me.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Without knowing more history its hard to give advice on dosages, but did you prime for this cycle?

  4. #4
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    I am a short burst fan , i run prop and npp for 4-6 weeks with great results .I have tried test only but found the above better for me.
    from what you have written, you are running test only! npp is not really an anabolic

  5. #5
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Without knowing more history its hard to give advice on dosages, but did you prime for this cycle?

    This will be the second cycle, the first was:

    1-8 day test prop 100mg
    1-19 250mg test E EOD (nearly 900mg per week)

    I've got 6 kg and 4 kg maintained! Unique side has been a little bit of acne.

    to the forth cycle I used:

    1-8 weeks 700mg test prop per week

    I used in those last cycles only test to high dose and I didn't have had side.

    I'm 34 years old, I weight 160lbs, I height 1,80 m, I'm training since 1993.

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    This will be the second cycle, the first was:

    1-8 day test prop 100mg
    1-19 250mg test E EOD (nearly 900mg per week)

    I've got 6 kg and 4 kg maintained! Unique side has been a little bit of acne.

    to the forth cycle I used:

    1-8 weeks 700mg test prop per week

    I used in those last cycles only test to high dose and I didn't have had side.

    I'm 34 years old, I weight 160lbs, I height 1,80 m, I'm training since 1993.
    Seems like maybe you should re evaluate your cycles! My brother is a triathlete , does not even weight train very hard, has never even done an injectable cycle and he weighs only a few pounds less than you! and he is a solid build with 8-10%BF How good can these cycles be working if you are only 160# after doing these? why would you be such a fsn? I bet you would get way better gains from a 12-14 week test E 4--500mg Ew Cycle!!

  7. #7
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Seems like maybe you should re evaluate your cycles! My brother is a triathlete , does not even weight train very hard, has never even done an injectable cycle and he weighs only a few pounds less than you! and he is a solid build with 8-10%BF How good can these cycles be working if you are only 160# after doing these? why would you be such a fsn? I bet you would get way better gains from a 12-14 week test E 4--500mg Ew Cycle!!
    I tried long cycle, but they've had more suppressive, in fact the PCT was more long and I had to wait more time for begin another cycle.

    however thanks for your advice

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    I tried long cycle, but they've had more suppressive, in fact the PCT was more long and I had to wait more time for begin another cycle.

    however thanks for your advice
    You make no sense. you are worried about starting a new cycle? why would you rather run 2 8 week cycles when you could run 1 16wek cycle and get better gains and you would not have to worry about rushing to start your next cycle! and as I said at your weight and cycle experience you should not be throwing out good advice! You are very very small for having done any steroids ! One good 16 wek cycle of test alone with the right diet could yiel 20-30# of muscle over the course! and PCT would still only be 4 weeks which is the identical amount of time you should be running pct for! I think you should do some more research because i think you have some theories going on that are not exactly true! Who told you that the PC would be longer for a 12-16wek cycle Vs. an 8 week cycle?

  9. #9
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    1-30 day of test prop (200mg mo, 100mg tu, 200mg we, etc...) 1g per week
    31-60 day PCT HCG ,Clomid, nolvadex

    What can I obtain from this cycle?

    It's my 5th cycle, last cycle I used:

    1-8 day test prop 100mg
    1-19 250mg test E EOD (nearly 900mg per week)

    I've got 6 kg and 4 kg maintained! Unique side has been a little bit of acne.

    Think about what you wrote here... You have ALREADY done 5 cycles and you are still 160#?? You are 100% for sure doing something wrong! . Even if you were to gain 4# off of each of those 5 cycles, that would have still been a minimum of 20# of muscle! So you weighed under 140# when you started! Honestly through the course of 5 good cycles, you should have put on somewhere between 30 and 50# of muscle. I know myself I would not even touch anabolic Steroids if i could not gain a minimum of 8-10# per cycle. So what is going on with you?

  10. #10
    SpanishStallion's Avatar
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    Where the muscle gains strictly lean muscle or you also got some fat and bloat? In case you got just lean muscle which is highly unlikely, your results are acceptable. In case you gained also fat and bloat, in fact you gained just very little kilos of muscle which is really not great.

  11. #11
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpanishStallion View Post
    Where the muscle gains strictly lean muscle or you also got some fat and bloat? In case you got just lean muscle which is highly unlikely, your results are acceptable. In case you gained also fat and bloat, in fact you gained just very little kilos of muscle which is really not great.
    You think him weighing 160# after doing 5 cycles with like 600-800mg Ew week of test that he acceptable gains? Please tell me your theory behind this! 1st off how can they be acceptable gains even if they were 100% lean muscle? he should have weighed more than 160# B4 ever even touching steroids ! If i was 160# after 2-3 cycles at the most I would never touch them again until I knew what I was doing wrong! If I had my 5'4" 112# GF do 5 cycles, I could get her to way 160# when she was done and she is a female!

  12. #12
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    sorry but
    5 cycles and 160 lol

    what you eating. air?????

    get your diet in check mate

  13. #13
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    I apologize to you for doing an error ...

    I'm italian and I mistake the conversion from kg to pound.

    I weight 176 lbs and not 160, I know this don't change the logical, but it's only for to be exact.

    This cycle will be 5th cycle and the last 3 cycles I've done only test, where only the first year I done 2 cycle per year, after I done 1 cycle per year (at the most 8 weeks).

    First cycle was:
    1-12 equi
    1-9 susta
    10-12 d-bol

    I arrived to weight 190 lbs:

    I would to do short cycle because last cycle have been little suppressive and good gain for me. And more I can to do next cycle in the winner, consider time off + PCT!

    thanks for attention to me

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    you have a nice physique but to be honest, I think you are just asking for more sides from going with such a high dose of test. is there a reason you want to run it so high! I believe unless you have stopped making gains at 500-600mg a week I see no reason that you would have to up your dosage that high I woand uld say you are between 7-10%BF right now and so you know.. 1KG= 2.2pounds

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    I apologize to you for doing an error ...

    I'm italian and I mistake the conversion from kg to pound.

    I weight 176 lbs and not 160, I know this don't change the logical, but it's only for to be exact.

    This cycle will be 5th cycle and the last 3 cycles I've done only test, where only the first year I done 2 cycle per year, after I done 1 cycle per year (at the most 8 weeks).

    First cycle was:
    1-12 equi
    1-9 susta
    10-12 d-bol

    I arrived to weight 190 lbs:

    I would to do short cycle because last cycle have been little suppressive and good gain for me. And more I can to do next cycle in the winner, consider time off + PCT!

    thanks for attention to me
    What were the dosages of all your previous cycles?

    If designed right doing a short blast cycle can give you excelent results with very little sides and easy recovery, as you have found out your suppression was very little last time!

    One of the most important things to incorporate with a short balst cycle is a "prime" beforehand for around 6-8 wks, this will create an environment for tissue to grow very qucikly and if you use this process and create this very anabolic state you will have great gains if coupled with a short cycle.

    The dose doesnt always need to be high, its all depends on your previous dosages and to how your body reacts to gear. Sides are very little if you do this whole process correctly but the gains can normally put run any long cycle IMHO.

  16. #16
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What were the dosages of all your previous cycles?

    If designed right doing a short blast cycle can give you excelent results with very little sides and easy recovery, as you have found out your suppression was very little last time!

    One of the most important things to incorporate with a short balst cycle is a "prime" beforehand for around 6-8 wks, this will create an environment for tissue to grow very qucikly and if you use this process and create this very anabolic state you will have great gains if coupled with a short cycle.

    The dose doesnt always need to be high, its all depends on your previous dosages and to how your body reacts to gear. Sides are very little if you do this whole process correctly but the gains can normally put run any long cycle IMHO.
    I'm doing "prime" from 8 weeks... 3 days with low cho (+/- 50g cho per day) and 4th day I've more cho (+/- 150g cho)... metabolic style diet!

    since I did last 2 cycles with respectively 700mg and 900mg of test per week, I think that 1g of test per week won't be so weight per 4 weeks!

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    I'm doing "prime" from 8 weeks... 3 days with low cho (+/- 50g cho per day) and 4th day I've more cho (+/- 150g cho)... metabolic style diet!

    since I did last 2 cycles with respectively 700mg and 900mg of test per week, I think that 1g of test per week won't be so weight per 4 weeks!
    Sorry but i dont understand what your trying to say.

  18. #18
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    that whole language thing kinda gets in the way from time to time

  19. #19
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigracso View Post
    I'm doing "prime" from 8 weeks... 3 days with low cho (+/- 50g cho per day) and 4th day I've more cho (+/- 150g cho)... metabolic style diet!

    since I did last 2 cycles with respectively 700mg and 900mg of test per week, I think that 1g of test per week won't be so weight per 4 weeks!
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry but i dont understand what your trying to say.
    3th cycle 1-8 week 700mg test without side

    4th cycle 1-4 week 900mg test without side (only acne)

    then 5th cycle 1-4 week 1000mg test isn't high dose!

    I've done already 8 weeks of "prime" diet!

  20. #20
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    from what you have written, you are running test only! npp is not really an anabolic

  21. #21
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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