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  1. #1
    kites is offline Junior Member
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    DNP during a cycle

    Im going to be getting some DNP and was wondering if a low dose during a sust 500 and winny 50mg ed cycle would be alright.

  2. #2
    sk*'s Avatar
    sk* is offline Junior Member
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    My theory on dnp and cycling:

    You can use steroids on a DNP cycle but it is pointless to use DNP on a steroid cycle. I suppose low dose is allright though, but a high dose will prevent you from even working out.


  3. #3
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Even a low dose will make your workouts shitty and will not be as effective as a high dose. If you've done DNP , then do a short blitze, otherwise wait until your cycle is over. Don't waste your precious juice bro!!

  4. #4
    sk*'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by rampage76
    Even a low dose will make your workouts shitty and will not be as effective as a high dose. If you've done DNP, then do a short blitze, otherwise wait until your cycle is over. Don't waste your precious juice bro!!
    Yea, but it really depends on how the person reacts to it. I can take dnp and workout just fine.


  5. #5
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    It varies, I've seen people who run low doses of DNP during cycles to keep off any fat gain and they can still workout fine because they can tolerate the DNP at low doses without difficulty.

  6. #6
    sk*'s Avatar
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    Originally posted by nj_
    It varies, I've seen people who run low doses of DNP during cycles to keep off any fat gain and they can still workout fine because they can tolerate the DNP at low doses without difficulty.
    Exactly, if you put 200mg of dnp in my food I wouldn't even notice. I don't get side effects at all at low dosages.


  7. #7
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by sk*

    Exactly, if you put 200mg of dnp in my food I wouldn't even notice. I don't get side effects at all at low dosages.

    Crystal or powder... the point is that you will not have the same intensity workout because your ATP/carb-energy storage is not working. That means that the energy which is used to rebuild your muscles is deemed useless and you will not be able to make the same gains. Definitely not a good idea to run a long dnp cycle during an AAS cycle. A short cycle can work wonders though, imo.

  8. #8
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    If I was going to run a long DNP cycle through my cycle to keep fat loss down, I'd opt to just spend the extra cash and run GH throughout my cycle and then some instead to keep fat gain off. "I like my chicken wings and pizza when cutting" was the best reasoning I ever heard for why one of my friends uses GH.

  9. #9
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by nj_
    If I was going to run a long DNP cycle through my cycle to keep fat loss down, I'd opt to just spend the extra cash and run GH throughout my cycle and then some instead to keep fat gain off. "I like my chicken wings and pizza when cutting" was the best reasoning I ever heard for why one of my friends uses GH.
    Aren't the GH kits really expensive? DNP is relatively cheap in comparision

  10. #10
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, GH is more expensive than DNP , but you get what you pay for. If you are simply going to run one or the other to help keep fat gain to a minimum or cut fat during a cycle, it depends on the situation. If I needed to get shredded in a very short period of time I'd go with the DNP, but if I had time and cost wasn't a factor I'd go with the GH because I'd get better results using GH than DNP for an extended period of time. Since DNP has many side effects I'd also feel more comfortable running a lengthy period of GH (even though its more expensive) over one of DNP. Also, I'd have to agree, I like my chicken wings and pizza too when cutting.

  11. #11
    D_BEAR is offline Junior Member
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  12. #12
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    GH is not that expensive if you know the right people about 800.00 canadain will get you a 126 iu kit and if taken at 4iu a day mon-fri will last 6 any case, i would run DNP every 4 weeks for 1 week this way you can loose any fat accumulated through your cycle and yet keep your workout intensity high to get the desiered gains. Be very carefull this shit ain't a joke and will kick you ass if you do not take the necessary precautions, always start low and see how your body reacts before increasinf the dose and remember that it takes about 3 days before DNP starts to build up in your body and you see the acctual effect of the doese you are using so do not increas the dose till day 4 just to be safe...peace...and good luck...XXL

  13. #13
    kites is offline Junior Member
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    thank you mike_xxl. here where I live legal GH kits cost about 35 buck for 4 ius. so its a little steep for me.
    Last edited by MIKE_XXL; 12-22-2002 at 11:46 AM.

  14. #14
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Originally posted by kites
    thank you mike_xxl. here where I live legal GH kits cost about 35 buck for 4 ius. so its a little steep for me.
    Wel if they are legal then import them for cheaper...XXL

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