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Thread: tripping =(

  1. #1
    soorma37 is offline Associate Member
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    tripping =(

    hey guys, well i just had my 7th shot this morning, in my right glute and wow is all i had to say hurt so much more than any injection i have had in my life i knew it was going to be bad from the minute i had stuck it in my ass, well this is what happened i stuck it in was hurting when i pushed threw i thought it was ok cause it hurts sometimes when pushing it was hurting when i injected even tho i was injecting really slow, and then finally when i pulled out hurt a lot and lots of blood just shot out dripping down my ass i think least .3 ml oil must of came out and lots of blood more than ever before i aspirated to make sure no blood came in the syringe, there was no blood only air bubbles so now when i look at it its red with like a pimple on it / a little bump....
    I'm thinking I may have pierced threw scar tissue ? but i switch sites every shot and i dont know just worried it might become an abscess or infection now my ass still hurtsss also noticed a bit a irritation

  2. #2
    viciouspoultry is offline New Member
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    It probably was scar tissue, just keep an eye on it if the pain doesnt go away you should see a doctor

  3. #3
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    you could have nicked a vein. say you are putting the pin in at 1.5in and you hit a vein at 1in. when you aspirate you wont get blood cause you are .5in past the nick. but when your injecting the oil in, its expanding the space between the muscle fibers making a pocket of oil. then the nicked vein and oil mix. so when you pull out you get a blood spurt. ive dont it 2-3 times. it shoots like 5ft. gotta be quick with the alcohol swab.

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Yea bro, you got a vein! It wll be sore for a couple days and maybe a bruise will forum. Just check to see if the injection site gets warm and red in the next day or so. That would be signs of an infection.

  5. #5
    soorma37 is offline Associate Member
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    this has happened to my the last 2 shots on both sides tickin me off lol
    guess ill just shoot away from this area

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Just a vein I have only had it happen one time in my thigh so I only do glutes now! But i tell you what else stings like a bastard.. my girl uses 2 alcohol pads to clean the spot and then she stuck me when it was still wet!! alcohol on an open wound! not that good!

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