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  1. #1
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    test/arimidex/nolva for cutting???

    With testosterones cheaper prices and over all the best anabolic to use, couldnt I theoretically use 500 mg of sustanon a week with .25 mg of arimidex and 20 mg of nolva daily and use it to cut with and still put on a lil muscle?

  2. #2
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Ive read that part of the muscle building effect of test is partly due to the water retention so i am unsure abut what I ask. I also read that nolva decreases IGF-1 but would it be significant enough to be deterred from this cycle...just speculating as I wanna be 100 % sure about how I construct my next cycle b4 I actually do it. Thanks in advance for any input.

  3. #3
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    How much are you trying to cut? What does your cutting diet look like?

  4. #4
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah bro, here they are: 39 y/o, 6'2.5", 216 lbs at 14%. I currently have a 2500/day cal diet...60% pro, 30% mono and poly fatty acids, and 10% complex carbs. Train 4 days/week. Would increase my cals to 3000/day and 5 days / week training protocol once I get on the cycle....

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    When I start a cutting plan, i don't use everything at once, first I will put in some hardwork via cardio and start dieting, normally i will do carb cycling because this for me helps me hold more tissue than a most other dieting plans. I also attack it very slowly and adjust daily either my cardio or diet to suit how i feel and looking. When I hit a sticking point I will introduce some form of cutting compound to try and springboard me into further fat loss. If your going to be running a AAS cycle I would only run something low dose unless your competing or have certain deadlines to met, you dont need alot if the diet and cardio is in order and you can spread the diet out over a number of weeks.

    Its very hard to build tissue if your running under maintenance calories, also it depends on what kind of diet your running if it can produce lean gain! you dont need both a-dex and nolva with your cycle its overkill IMHO, i personally would hit your diet plan and cardio and then run a small Test dose if that's what you want to do and drop your fat, after you have dropped the BF you will be in an excellent position to build tissue on your next cycle, or you could slowly drop the fat without any AAS and use some fat loss compounds, when you have hit your target BF you could run a test cycle and springboard into muscle growth and use the cutting plan as a rebound into the cycle.

  6. #6
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks M300 for all of that great info...heres my deal: I havent done any gear in over 3 years. I also know by how I feel that my natural test is low...enough for a protocol for test. Im also starving via my current dietary regime and Im just ready to start incorporating an anabolic regime without getting back to 18-20%. I have stalemated!

  7. #7
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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  8. #8
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    When I start a cutting plan, i don't use everything at once, first I will put in some hardwork via cardio and start dieting, normally i will do carb cycling because this for me helps me hold more tissue than a most other dieting plans. I also attack it very slowly and adjust daily either my cardio or diet to suit how i feel and looking. When I hit a sticking point I will introduce some form of cutting compound to try and springboard me into further fat loss. If your going to be running a AAS cycle I would only run something low dose unless your competing or have certain deadlines to met, you dont need alot if the diet and cardio is in order and you can spread the diet out over a number of weeks.

    Its very hard to build tissue if your running under maintenance calories, also it depends on what kind of diet your running if it can produce lean gain! you dont need both a-dex and nolva with your cycle its overkill IMHO, i personally would hit your diet plan and cardio and then run a small Test dose if that's what you want to do and drop your fat, after you have dropped the BF you will be in an excellent position to build tissue on your next cycle, or you could slowly drop the fat without any AAS and use some fat loss compounds, when you have hit your target BF you could run a test cycle and springboard into muscle growth and use the cutting plan as a rebound into the cycle.


    I say as long as you got those words in the bold you are g2g

  9. #9
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2009
    OK guys I do appreciate the advice

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