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  1. #1
    matting23 is offline New Member
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    I'm so Confused...

    Hi Guys,

    I've done a lot of research, probably too much, and my head is spinning with rights and wrongs - I'm still in the research phase, so please; no flames!

    First of all I would like to apologies if I've placed this thread in the wrong place, or have stolen anyone else's, it seems this website is so large I just had no idea where to start, especially this being my first post ever on any forum didn't help me.

    I'm 18, 6ft 2in and 235 Pounds - as you can tell, I'm bordering, if not already obese. I'm stuck with self-employed job that sticks me in front of my computer for a good 9 hours a day, but one thing I do have is leverage around time frames, and dedication.

    I want to lose weight, but at the same time not lose any muscle, or even increase them. I've read so much about this type of topic, that I'm always hearing different answers, and it just leads to more questions.

    I probably have the wort case of gyno in history - I'm due for an operation at the end of the week, and want to know what to do to get my life sorted. I'm considering a very strict cycle including exercise and diet after my op, and need some suggestions as to what to do.

    Here is what I plan:

    1) 500mg Test Enanthate
    2) 50mg Winstrol Oral (Decided Oral due to benefits researched)

    My diet shall consist of 1500 Calories per day, I'll burn 1000 calories by having 2 30 minutes sessions on the treadmill, and have a 30-60 minute intense weight training program - I plan to do this for 6 days a week, and the cycle shall be for 8 weeks.

    I understand the effects both steroid has, especially on obese individuals, the question is will it have an effect on build / sustaining muscles and losing fat. As you can tell, I am a complete novice, so please, any advice would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance


  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Well, first off, Welcome.

    second don't worry about a cycle right now. You are way too young. Your natural test levels are sky high without steroids right now. After your op, you need to get your diet and training in check, and reach your bodies full natural potential long before you start using any steroids.

    Read these threads also, they will help you understand the risks of underage AAS use...

    and this one,

    Whats the right age to take steroids (GOOD READ)

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    this is not even going to come close to working.First off when you run compounds like test, your body is going to take that compound and try to build muscle and make you stronger.. that needs more calories not less! This is a big reason that people that are overweight do not usually cycle until their BF % is under 15% I would also say on a first cycle not to stack any compounds.. 1 is enough! I am going to tell you straight up what you do not want to hear... You need to do just s strict diet for a good 6 months before even getting near a cycle or you are going to screw yourslef all up! and it sounds like you ar very very prone to getting gyno and if that is the case you will need to run AI with it! you will also need to figure out you PCT before cycling!
    Read my post about the "test to see if you are ready for a cycle"

  4. #4
    banthar's Avatar
    banthar is offline Junior Member
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    1st your to young for steriods , and thay are not a magic fat burner. Go over to the diet forums and have those guys help you with a diet. I know this is not what u want to hear but "diet and cardio" is what u need to do.

  5. #5
    matting23 is offline New Member
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    Thanks very much for all your help. I think I'm just going to have to stay away from cycles until my BF % is very, very much so lower than what it is. In a way, I want to get this fat off and muscles on so much that I would put my body through anything right now just to see results - I'm at that age now where everything about appearance matters, especially socially, and my image is just completed down the drain - no confidence etc.

    Once again Guys, thank you for your help - much appreciated.


  6. #6
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Yeah, if image is a big deal to you (as it is with a lot of people), then using any steroids before you have reached a good healthy BF% base is not going to help matters. And the health risks alone should be a good deturent.

    Just get you op done, then come on back and let some of our diet pros help you get a good diet that works for you. Then start your training. You will be amazed at what diet and training alone will get you results wise.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  7. #7
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Post your diet in the diet section, and ask Phate to look at it and help you with it. He's extremely knowledgeable with diets.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    its all about lifestyle change and educating yourself in how your body works, get yourself a few good sport nutrition books, they will have all the math and food lists you need to work out what and when you should be eating, set realistic short term goals and stick too em and the big goal will be acheived faster than you think. and no roids! good luck

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