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  1. #1
    Hexacyclone is offline New Member
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    Smile Advice for Novice. 1st Cycle!


    Quite frankly I'm overwhelmed by the amount of information there is about steroids . I've been doing a lot of research on the available products, with some confusing conclusions. One source says and confirms this, another that, and it all ends up in a huge ambigious mess that leaves newbies like myself back at square one.

    I've got a B.Sc in Biochemistry and fully understand the role of products like Clomid and Nolvadex , and how the bio-dynamics function. I'm more looking into information that specifically answers the following questions:

    1. Why is a Testosterone-only (eg. T-Enantate) cycle advised for first timers?

    2. Is Stacking advised for first timers. If not, why?

    3. Can I pull my first cycle off by only using an Oral steroid and not an injectable, and if so, which one is recommended?

    4. I've read that your diet is incredibly important when cycling. If true, should I focus primarily on Protein, Carbohydrates or a balance of the latter with a few Essential Fats?

    5. Is it necessary to take detoxifying substances like Milk Thistle w.r.t all oral steroids taken?

    6. On a more personal note: I don't want -massive- gains, I'm underweight and would like to change this. Conventional dieting hasn't worked for me, I've tried almost everything. What steroid(s) would you recommend for moderate, but quality gains?

    I hope some experts can answer these questions for me, as it'll really enlighten me in the 'steroid ' world I'm so lost in.

    P.S I don't know if this will be of any use but my physical traits are as follows:
    Height: 168 cm/5'5 inches.
    Weight: 54 kg/119 lbs.
    Age: 24

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Hexacyclone; 08-10-2009 at 02:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    119 lbs? Call EMS! You have a massive tape worm!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1-Test only is best as you can see how you respond to it so you have a baseline to refer to. Also most steroids shut down natural test production so synthetic test is the logic choice to avoid this.

    2-Stacking is not sugested because if you have side effects you will not be able to tell what caused it. If you used Test only then add something ina future cycle you would be able to tell the new compound caused an issue.

    3-oral only is not worthwhile. Gains are often short lived and lost quickly. Also liver toxicity is another issue here.

    4-Balance.....its not one thing its all things look in the diet forum for sample diets

    5-I dont take these but many people use them everytime they do orals.

    6-Diet is 100% your problem, steroids are not the answer here at 119lbs you could easily gain with a proper diet. If you think this is not true drop the idea of steroids forever.

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Sorry OP........................ Steriods will not help. You have a diet problem and a severe one at that.

  5. #5
    Hexacyclone is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the answers. I think the right thing to do, would be to see a Medical Practitioner, as I've already tried a proper diet to no avail.

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    as I've already tried a proper diet to no avail.
    I call bs here, list the diet out.

  7. #7
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I call bs here, list the diet out.
    i agree, buddy i started out at 120lbs, i came here winging that no matter what i eat i can't gain etc... was given same answers as you, thats because they are the right answers, you think they say 'don't take steroids ' for fun? listen, get your diet sorted, and u will gain i went from 120lbs to 170lbs, 55lbs gained naturally in 4 years before even considering steroids, buy learning how to eat and how to lift PROPERLY, if you can't gain naturally then there is something medically wrong with you, if not, you ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!!!! honestly, trust me!

    ok diet this is a lil sample of what i do:

    meal 1 - 1 can tuna, 1 banana, blue berries, porrige with milk and almonds thrown in, protein shake
    meal 2 - 2 chicken breasts, rice, banana, protein shake
    meal 3 - chicken/tuna, some kind of lean meat or fish with veg, 500ml milk and fruit
    meal 4 - 1 chicken breast, rice, banana, protein shake/pre workout stack
    pwo - meal replacement drink (50g protein) with 50g carbs and 5-8ius of insulin
    meal 5 - chicken/tuna, some kind of lean meat or fish with veg, 500ml milk and fruit
    meal 6 - 1 can tuna, 1 banana, blue berries, porrige with milk and almonds thrown in, protein shake

    and this is still not perfect, you need to eat every 2-3 hrs from waking, with minimum 30g protein per meal and about 600 cals reaching about 3500-4000 cals per day 7 days a week and lift properly at gym not skipping any days, do this for a year and come back here and tell me u can't fvcking gain weight! its not easy buddy, using steroids requires even more dedication and ARE NOT A FVUCKING QUICK FIX OK!!! building muscle goes against your genetic profile, your body wants to be thin, just like mine, to change that requires alot of dedication my friend, hope this helps xx
    Last edited by tinytom777; 08-10-2009 at 03:50 PM. Reason: i spell bad

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