Thread: Difference between Tren A and E
08-10-2009, 03:49 PM #1
Difference between Tren A and E
Ok, 4th cycle approaching but can't make up my mind. My third cycle consisted of 500mgs/test e weeks 1-14 and 500mgs/tren e weeks 1-12. I got great results with very little sides.
My question is for those who have done both tren ace and e. What is the equivilant of 500mgs/tren e/week for tren ace? I was thinking of going with 100mgs/ed, but didn't know if that would be overkill considering my last cycle. Any thoughts?
08-10-2009, 03:50 PM #2
try 75mgs ED that will give you 525mgs
08-10-2009, 03:54 PM #3
Ya I did that math, I just remember reading something about how less tren e will yield the same results as more tren a. Not saying it's true, just wondered about those with experience or know those with experience with both.
08-10-2009, 03:58 PM #4
you will get more actual hormone in tren ace as opposed to tren E
the difference is the ester weights the heavier the ester weight, the less hormone
I don't have the actual figures for Tren though. but you would be getting more tren in the acetate version then in the enanthate version mg per mg
I have used both. tren E i did at 350 mgs/week tren a i did 525mgs/week, tren e i kept low cause it was my first time, tren a i increased cause it was a later cycle
08-10-2009, 04:00 PM #5
Ok I got ya. I might start it at 75mgs/day and bump it to 100 if needed. Thanks
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