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  1. #41
    slb32688 is offline New Member
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    5ft10in 212lbs

  2. #42
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slb32688 View Post
    5ft10in 212lbs
    thats alot of weight for 5'10" ^^ what is your bf%
    it must be alot, and can you explain your "HEART ATTACK" like a cocaine 1
    seizures is most commmon with cocaine, how long did you stay in the hospital? What did your echo and ekg read?

  3. #43
    slb32688 is offline New Member
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    bf% is about 18 the doctors said the cocaine speeds ur heart rate way up and causes ur arterys to constrict the clen done the same thing they accually done a drug test on me to make sure i was being up front wit them. i went in the hospital wed morn got out yesterday. i never asked wat my ekg read they said it did not baseline till friday tho

  4. #44
    in2shape's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I am sorry to read that.
    I was planning to use it also on my first pct.
    I read that the best thing is to start with 20mcg goig up slowly like the following:
    20/40/40/60/60/80/80/100 till the end of 2W.
    Furthermore, I noticed that first time users should not go over 100mcg and experienced ones no more than 160mcg ED and also that clen takes literally away taurine from the heart so a supplementation of 2 or 3 gr ED is necessary.

    How did you take it exactly?
    very true

    Quote Originally Posted by slb32688 View Post
    on my first cycle i started at 80/100/100/120/140/140/160/200 till i off cycled then when i started back i used 120
    i started at 20 mcg and went up like this 20/20/30/30/40/40/60/60/80/70/90/80/80 .... 90mcg i couldnt tolerate shakes , sweats , high bp, high temp, 80 mcg was good 4 me actually all it was was tolerable !!!!!!!!!

    imho there is no set protocol on dosage mcg's just slowly bump up and see where you end up as i did i have no doubt why u had a heart attack with little knowledge and such high dosages and lack of training sorry if i sound harsh but sh!t in any 1's books its high , there is no way i could go near 200 no where near it !!!!!!!! sorry to hear your story ....stay away from clen future educate yourself ...better to educate than medicate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #45
    tantan350 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 28 as well...

    I'm 28 as well and just finished a 2 week cycle of Lion's Clen . Thank God no heart attack (yet), but I did have a little heart pain initially here and there the first 2-3 days on 60mcg and the next 2-3 days on 80mcg...once I got to 100mcg point in the cycle and then max at 120mcg I was fine.

    188 lbs
    history of 1 previous Lion Clen cycle last year
    history of recreational use of bLizz00www...last time was New Years Eve '09 and before then was last Oct '08.

    Peace all...

  6. #46
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    thats alot of weight for 5'10" ^^ what is your bf%
    it must be alot, and can you explain your "HEART ATTACK" like a cocaine 1
    seizures is most commmon with cocaine, how long did you stay in the hospital? What did your echo and ekg read?
    ???? I know of several individuals that have had heart attacks from cocaine. It is common among heavy users. Cocaine intox does not always manefest is seizures.

  7. #47
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    OP- sorry to hear man, good luck on recovery.

    and cocaine will cause a heart attack with quickness. so will clen

  8. #48
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    wow, I always knew clen was crazy, but never really thought it could kill you unless you went crazy on the dosages. Im going to make sure I never use this stuff. Way to dangerous for me.

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