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  1. #41
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Finaplex was the very first AAS I ever administered. I ran it by itself, 50mg ED, and had excellent results....suprisingly. I loved the intense training/pumps and lean solid mass gain. <----this is not overrated! But the night sweats and insomnia...hayted it. Always got that strong metallic taste after injections...assuming this is a Fina thing only? It was my intro to the 'darkside' and loved it. I plan on running this with Test prop for my next cycle in a few months.

    Trenbolone = 2 thumbs up!

  2. #42
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    Huge size and strength gains
    great pumps and vascularity

    Sweat a lot and feel warm but can deal with it
    don't sleep great maybe an hour or two less but not a big prob
    anger but not as bad as people make out
    cardio is not great
    tren cough is horrible but just be careful with your injections

  3. #43
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    it also makes your piss very very dark but that's not a prob just a little weird.

    Over all I deal with the sides very well and it is worth it . Best gear I have used for size, strength and cutting. It really is great all round.

    The reason they tell you to stay away from tren in your early cycles is because you don't need something that strong which is true but once you do start it you won't want to run a cycle without it.

  4. #44
    littlefella is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    sounds good and some good info next cycle i plan on runnning test e at 600mg/ week and tren 75mg eod...hope its as good as yall say...and the reason im starting with tren on a low dose is im not familiar with it and the sides i might have so im starting small and working my way up with other cycles...thanks guys

  5. #45
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    btw, 50mg eod is pretty much it for me lol

  6. #46
    PuzzyFalker is offline Banned
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    I ran a tren only cycle once. Insane gains, kept my strength and size well after cycle was over. Got gyno and low labido after cycle was over.

  7. #47
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuzzyFalker View Post
    I ran a tren only cycle once. Insane gains, kept my strength and size well after cycle was over. Got gyno and low labido after cycle was over.
    consider yourself lucky if that's all you got on tren only cycle

  8. #48
    pitbull740 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    my last 2 cycles i had tren e in it @ 5oo mgs a week and 750 mgs of test e and had some nasty sweating, cramping and insomnia. started some tren a in my newest cycle with prop and masteron , 2weeks in and none of the prob's so far @75 mgs ed

  9. #49
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    What's the best test to take with tren ace to stop the floppy dick? which would make ya more sexualy aggressive?

  10. #50
    BeastIn916's Avatar
    BeastIn916 is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome, thanks everyone for listing experiences and feedback.

  11. #51
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_4 View Post
    What's the best test to take with tren ace to stop the floppy dick? which would make ya more sexualy aggressive?
    prop or suspension/tne

  12. #52
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Little sweaty at times and warm but no other sides I also take cab. and hcg and armidex
    I feel like a GOD and I also Feel like the Hulk (U wouldn't like me when I am Angry)
    Strength gains are insanely fast and muscle hardness is extreme
    Doses 50mg ED Test P and TREN A
    Love it Love it Love it Best compound ever
    17 lbs. Muscle and -4% BF off 13% in 4 weeks

  13. #53
    Rex9933's Avatar
    Rex9933 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by coot589 View Post
    Little sweaty at times and warm but no other sides I also take cab. and hcg and armidex
    I feel like a GOD and I also Feel like the Hulk (U wouldn't like me when I am Angry)
    Strength gains are insanely fast and muscle hardness is extreme
    Doses 50mg ED Test P and TREN A
    Love it Love it Love it Best compound ever
    17 lbs. Muscle and -4% BF off 13% in 4 weeks
    in 4 f'in weeks?? u serious dude? u must have had a good diet

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