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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lightbulb After 6 weeks I decided...

    To switch my TEST ESTERS.. You heard that right... I injected my first round of CYPIONATE today...

    For the Past 6 weeks I have been running 100mgs ED of Prop.. and to be honest with ya.. I never thought I'd say this, BUT I AM SICK OF PINNING MYSELF !!

    So I am making the slow progressive switch over to CYPIONATE.. I injected 400mgs today and will do so again in 3.5 days .. yes that is 800mgs of CYP. I will continue to run 800mgs EW for 2 weeks then drop back to a measly 400mgs EW.. Yes that's right folks you read it correctly... I am FRONTLOADING in the middle of a cycle.. craziness huh?? EXPERIMENTATION is a must... during the next 2 weeks though I will be continuing with the PROP... at only 75mgs ED... a 25mg drop... nothing major...

    Here's the kicker to it all... I am making a LONG ESTER switch and dropping back on the TEST because for the next 14 weeks I am running the CYP at 400 and then ADDING DECA at 300mgs EW for 10 of those weeks... so this is going to look like this... JUST SO EVERYONE CAN GET A FULL PICTURE OF WHAT I AM DOING WITH THIS MESS OF A CYCLE... LOL..

    1-6 Test Prop 100mgs ED
    6-8 Test Prop 75mgs ED
    6-8 Test Cyp 800mgs EW
    8-20 Test Cyp 400mgs EW
    8-18 Deca 300mgs EW
    6-20 Proviron 50mgs ED
    14-20 T-bol 50mgs ED
    8-18 Cabergoline 500mcgs E3D

    On Paper it looks like a big cycle.. and it looks like a mess.. haha but honestly I would have ran the PROP straight through but my time is getting booked up and I can NOT guarantee that I will be able to hit the inject Every Day.. SO I am adding the DECA of course for some awesome benefits and dropping the TEST dosage mainly to back off a little bit ... stop the sides... (Acne) -- Figured I don't need to be running my TEST that friggen HIGH right now anyways...

    Anyways, the hope with all of this is to finish off with a decent cycle... I know some of you are gonna be like.. DUDE, YOU ARE A MESS!! But i am an organized Mess !! I promise you... PLUS with this switch I feel I will make the gains I am looking for.. I am stalling on a TEST ONLY CYCLE.. I need the added compound.. as weird as that may sound... I wanted to run a few TEST ONLY CYCLES.. but MY BODY is not responding like I THOUGHT IT WOULD... My Caloric INTAKE is adjusted and I am making GAINS do NOT get me wrong at all... it's just well.. I can't explain.. it's MY BODY and only I can tell what exactly is going on inside of it I guess is the best way to put it...

    I really didn't know what else to do besides this switch... I am not too keen on running the cycle length to 20 weeks but then again it's not like I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT RECOVERING... I have nothing to recover too... upon cessation of this cycle I must return to 200mgs EW of CYPIONATE anyways so.. ta heck with it.. might as well make this a lengthy cycle... I can tell you on thing though if the gains cease to keep coming at week 16.. I'll END IT and not bother going the extra 4 weeks.. but if they are still coming strong then...yah I'll keep going...

    Does anyone have ANY input to this what so ever?? I mean I even thought.. HELL FRONTLOAD My TRT dose and just return to TRT in 2 weeks but I dunno, I still might do that... that's why I am kinda looking for thoughts... and opinions... if for some reason, I abandon this cycle...

    I have another thought process I might go with...

    If I return to TRT in 2 weeks... after being on my TRT for a solid 6 weeks.. I am going to go ahead and give a DOUBLE ORAL a try.. I am gonna go with a TBOL and DBOL combination .. because.... I have always wanted to do it... Just a simple 4 weeks... 50mgs and 50mgs of each respectively.... then just go back to my quaint lil TRT dosage and wait and wait until it's time to go again.. then do my Test/Deca/Primo cycle...

    I dunno.. SOOOO Many options.. SOOO little time left on this EARTH !! Hahaha...

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    I don't know Deuce.

    You just have to get a plan and stick with it.

    I know you know this, but you can't expect results over night,

    and to be back where you were right away.

    Stay at it, bro...muscle comes with time.

    As far as your long have you been on the prop cycle?

  3. #3
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Didn't we decide a while back that you were gonna run m-drol?

  4. #4
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Your blood concentrations will be fluctuating vastly in the next 6 weeks, from this transition that your proposed.

    I don't really get it. 700mg of prop EW... and then 1325mg worth of test in weeks 6 - 8.. and then 800mg ... even for someone on TRT, thats not necessarily good for your body.

    BTW, you don't really get your whole front-loading protocol idea. Your test blood concentrations should already be VERY high right now, if you've been on 700mg of prop. It will not take much time at all for the cyp ester to build up.

    I dunno.. the whole cycle is messy, and I really don't like the look of it.

    I barely read what you else you said though.. if you give me the spark-notes version I'd be glad to share my insight.. otherwise, no way I'm reading that explicit page of text bro...

  5. #5
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yah I know... that's Why I just abandoned the whole Idea... PLAN B...

    Cycle OFF... Return to TRT...

  6. #6
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    When's all done I would have ran a TEST PROP Cycle for 8 weeks.. Not shabby... so I'll return to TRT for awhile.. progress and make some gains.. then.. a little bit later.. LIKE DECEMBER... Go back ON CYCLE... Give myself a Little bit of a break for awhile...

  7. #7
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Yah I know... that's Why I just abandoned the whole Idea... PLAN B...

    Cycle OFF... Return to TRT...
    LOL wtf?


    that's a big ass change.

    alright, whatever. peace!

  8. #8
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh and ******.. You be behind the times... M-DROL was so back in February.. LOL...

  9. #9
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    LOL wtf?


    that's a big ass change.

    alright, whatever. peace!
    You don't know the half of it brotha.. LOL.. You have only been around for a MONTH... people who know me.. KNOW THAT I AM THE MOST INDECISIVE and INCONCLUSIVE person in the friggen world..

  10. #10
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    When's all done I would have ran a TEST PROP Cycle for 8 weeks.. Not shabby... so I'll return to TRT for awhile.. progress and make some gains.. then.. a little bit later.. LIKE DECEMBER... Go back ON CYCLE... Give myself a Little bit of a break for awhile...
    This is a good choice, Deuce.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    You don't know the half of it brotha.. LOL.. You have only been around for a MONTH... people who know me.. KNOW THAT I AM THE MOST INDECISIVE and INCONCLUSIVE person in the friggen world..
    lol. so true!

    I love when I see "Deuce threads"!

  11. #11
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Deuce....u crack me up..

    do what makes u happy brother...thats what its all about.

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