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  1. #1
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    looking advice on the rest of my cycle

    hi guys on week 7 of my cycle.

    this was my planned cycle
    test e 300mg every 3 days for 16 weeks
    tren A 75mg ED for 8 weeks

    but due to the lump i had under right nipple from tren A i stopped the trenA on week4. ive added masteron 100mg a day since week 4.

    ive been on letro 2.5mg a day for 3 weeks for my lump, my gyno has almost gone

    would it be ok to add tren A back in on week 8 and run for 6 weeks and stop it on week 14. and still run the letro at 1.25 EOD for the rest of my cycle.

    should i run tamox 10mg a day?.
    Or run Anastrolzole if so at wot dose? to stop the rebound effect up untill pct

    ive change my test E to test cyp

    pct nolva/clomid

    wot do you guys think
    and no arguing seriousmass and dancer lol

  2. #2
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    only sides i get from tren A is a lump under my nipple and weird dreams

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    really switching things around arent ya, tren to mast test e to tst cyp. I guess you could go back to the tren but not sure how only running the mast for a few weeks. Should have done a little more work on the tren before running it

  4. #4
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    i would carry on with the masteron .
    yes i should of had letro or AI to prevent gyno ive learnt by my mistake.
    i run out of test e so i got test cyp.

  5. #5
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    next time i do a cycle ill make sure i got everything on hand before starting.

  6. #6
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    guys if i add tren A back in wot dose shall i carry on running the letro?

    should i take tamox 10mg a day
    or Anastrozole at what dose? to stop the rebound effect from letro

    cheers guys.

  7. #7
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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  8. #8
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    How do you know for 100% that it was the tren a that caused the gyno when it does not aromatize. It was probably the test or a possible combination of both

    Yes the lump is gone now due to you using the letro to crash your estrogen into the ground.

    People say do not use tamox as it causes the PgR (progesterone receptors) to become more sensitive as does tren (nipple discharge is the main issue) though some have ran it without any issues whatsoever. Look into caber just incase these prolactin issues do occur or purchase another SERM like torem in order to avoid these possible prolactin issues

    You could run the tamox as this will help block the sites from the circulating estrogen but it will not eliminate it.

    Estrogen IS an important hormone for building mass and keeping it low like this will cause more issues than just less than desirable results

    IF you do decide with the nolva, I'd suggest the 10mg and keep an eye out for the estrogen rebound which can be lethargy, loss of libido, mood swings and I would then suggest to add in anastrozole at .25mg eod

    Good luck
    Last edited by Reed; 07-07-2009 at 03:14 PM. Reason: Addition details

  9. #9
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    cheers reed thanks for your advice.

    im in two minds weather to add the tren or not do you think i should

    or stuck to the test cyp and masteron for the rest of my cycle, if i did this i would lower the dose of letro ED for a week then i could start tomax at 10mg up untill pct for the estrogen rebound with no problems hopefully.

  10. #10
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    This is your decision completely. If you do I'd suggest to add in a lower dose like 50mg ed of the tren . Tren is a very strong compound and with the test as long as your diet and training is in order I'd say you'd see some significant gains, less drugs more diet and hardcore training

    Remember what I said about estrogen being important to a cycle and gaining mass. A slight increase is beneficial for building mass, its when you get too little or too much that issues begin to arise and running AI after AI IMO may cause more problems than solve. There is no such thing as a bad hormone, our natural bodies have it figure out better than you, I, or any doctor

    I noticed you have clomid. Use that instead of the tamox in order to avoid the issues that the tren and tamox may have on the PgR. 50mg of clomid will suffice, thats IF you add back in the tren

    Masteron is not a bulking compound so I wouldn't expect much out of it other than some strength gains. It is best used as a hardening agent in the final stages of a cut or during contest prep. It is however a DHT derivative and this along side the clomid can help get your estro issues at bay while keeping the anastrozole on hand.

    Just my .02 cents

  11. #11
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Another sloppy cycle... why doesn't anyone get all their gear together before starting any more and figured out what they are doing anymore.

  12. #12
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    cheers Reed,

    Thanks for your time and advise cheers.

  13. #13
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    How do you know for 100% that it was the tren a that caused the gyno when it does not aromatize. It was probably the test or a possible combination of both

    Yes the lump is gone now due to you using the letro to crash your estrogen into the ground.

    People say do not use tamox as it causes the PgR (progesterone receptors) to become more sensitive as does tren (nipple discharge is the main issue) though some have ran it without any issues whatsoever. Look into caber just incase these prolactin issues do occur or purchase another SERM like torem in order to avoid these possible prolactin issues

    You could run the tamox as this will help block the sites from the circulating estrogen but it will not eliminate it.

    Estrogen IS an important hormone for building mass and keeping it low like this will cause more issues than just less than desirable results

    IF you do decide with the nolva, I'd suggest the 10mg and keep an eye out for the estrogen rebound which can be lethargy, loss of libido, mood swings and I would then suggest to add in anastrozole at .25mg eod

    Good luck
    Actually, Tamoxifen seems to downregulate both the ER and PgR in breast tissue. Well, it does in breast cancer patients before the cancer(s) become resiliatnt. Not upregulate the PgR at all.

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