1st cycle september 08 cutting
1-6 500mg masteron a week shot eod
1 50 mcg clen ed
2 100 mcg clen ed
3 150 mcg clen ed
4 200 mcg clen ed
5 250 mcg clen ed
6 300 mcg clen ed
no pct

2nd cycle march 09
1-12 sust250 750/wk shot eod
7-14 masteron prop 400mg/w shot ed
3-14 adex .25 eod
pct 2 week after i stoped sust and was clomid and adex and inj b12

3rd cycle started today with a shot of test e
1-12 test e 300mg 2 times a week
2-8 tren a 50mg/ed
pct will be clomid, adex, b12 inj 2 weeks after last injection

195 lbs

diet is in check and workout plan is a deep muscle tear workout im trying that my budies are getting great gains with.. lots of reps and drop sets. anyways lemme know what u think!