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  1. #1
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    i started tnt and shot it in my leg now my leg is sweallin up

    i am just curious if this has happen to anyone else i am new to steroids and i jumped on a cycle of tnt and i shot it in my ass the first time and my ass swealed up a bit and hurt but the second shot i put in my leg and now right above my knee is swealin right up for the past few days it is real hard to walk just wondering if anyone has an input or sum reasons behind this or any anwsers about what i should do??

  2. #2
    brad1986's Avatar
    brad1986 is offline Senior Member
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    stats???? Are you shooting in correct spot? what gauge are you using? YOu need to give stats with this post though dude

  3. #3
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    ya i am shooting in the right spot of the right leg i am using 22gage inch and a half neddle i am only shooting 1 cc of tnt every 5 days the tnt i am using is tnt 400 1ml contains 150 mg of test enarthatis 100mg test cyponate and 150 mg of trenbolane enanthate

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Dude stats... What are your previous cycles? Ive never heard of TNT but if it contains tren i think your jumping the gun for your knowledge seems to be lacking a bit.

  5. #5
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    TNT is becoming very common.

    Your new to the game and messing with that you really need to do you HOMEWORK.

    Ive done quite a few cycles and not ventured to tren yet. Its some of the strongest sh1t not to mention carries the largest risk of sides.

    Id say you need to go to the dr tell him what you have been doing. You could have an ABCESS . This has to be treated by a dr.

    There not going to call the cops on you there going to tell you your stupid then treat you.

    We need your stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    i am 25 5'11 205 i am on my second shot ithe first one was in the a*s and it swelled up and hurt for about 5 days the second one was in the leg and it is sweled up too it is the 3rd day and it is still swealon and cant really walk on it i think i will give it a few days to hopefully go back to normal

  7. #7
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    ive never heard of tnt... but like i said if it has tren in it... and this is your second cycle... i wouldnt be messing with it.

  8. #8
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your gear is doing this and you continue to use it before you correct the situation your asking for trouble.

    IS the site of injection warm to the touch?

    Do you have a fever?

    Have you been feeling sick at all?

    If you answer YES to any of the above go to the DR. ABBESSES are not something to play around with.

    Best case scenario .

    It goes away on its own

    2nd scenario

    It is an infection and has to be cut out if you dont get medical attention fast enough


    Infection gets into your blood stream and could kill you????

  9. #9
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Do you have a PCT?????

    Is this your 1st cycle???

  10. #10
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    it is my first cycle not sure what a pct is and the injestion spot is not warm to touch but above my knee is all red and real puffed out and swealin i havent been feeling sick and i have not had a fever

  11. #11
    jcosley is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze24 View Post
    it is my first cycle not sure what a pct is and the injestion spot is not warm to touch but above my knee is all red and real puffed out and swealin i havent been feeling sick and i have not had a fever

  12. #12
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dude I honestly think you have some dirty gear, Or it was made with to much BA.

    I think you should go to the dr.

    If you dont eveen know what a pct is your running EXTREME chances of some BAD sides.

    3 shots into this cycle right???

    STOP NOW!!!!

    You need to learn a few(lots and lots) things.

    Im not being an A$$ just truly lookin out for ya.

    1st cycles should be test ONLY for 12 weeks to see how your body reacts to the compound.

    Then add another mild compound in 2nd preferably the 3rd or later cycle. Then you will know what sides are comming from which compound.

    AS for a pct POST CYCLE THERAPY read this. READ IT ALL

    If you continue with this cycle your dick will stop workin. I promise

  13. #13
    jcosley is offline Associate Member
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    I 100% AGREE w/ CHAP. You need to STOP and learn some more stuff....and go to the doctor ASAP. You definitely didnt' do your homework on this stuff if you don't know what PCT is.

  14. #14
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    why would u put something in ur body u know nothing about?
    do u not care about ur health?

    cmon man, this is getting real old..

  15. #15
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    why would u put something in ur body u know nothing about?
    do u not care about ur health?

    cmon man, this is getting real old..
    Lets keep this one helpful brothers. I think he is in a shitty spot right now and could use some sound advice he can apply to the situation he is in.

    Mooseman I feel ya though bro everyday man everyday.LOL

  16. #16
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Lets keep this one helpful brothers. I think he is in a shitty spot right now and could use some sound advice he can apply to the situation he is in.

    Mooseman I feel ya though bro everyday man everyday.LOL
    i feel ya man.
    however i asked him questions and really want him to answer them.. and i think they are good questions.
    he got great advice from everyone else in the thread, u included.

    my last line was a lil rough but man, some days i want to jump thru the computer and hacksaw jim duggin people....Hooooooooooooooo

  17. #17
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Never heard of tnt but i damn sure wouldn't shoot anymore of it. Go to your source if you can. If you've only done 2 shots i wouldn't be concerned with pct. You'll be ok.
    If it becomes warm to the touch or you get a fever get to the doc's asap. Might not be a bad idea to go now.

  18. #18
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    i went to the doctor there is no infection he just told me if the redness gets worse to go to emerg my temp is fine i have no fever i am not sick he took sum blood and took xrays my he said my knee is fine just a lil sweeled up he told me to take sume advil for the swealing the doctor said i should be fine

  19. #19
    D7M's Avatar
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    ^that's good to hear.

    I seriously think you should discontinue this cycle and educate yourself more the compounds you're putting into your body, though.

  20. #20
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze24 View Post
    i went to the doctor there is no infection he just told me if the redness gets worse to go to emerg my temp is fine i have no fever i am not sick he took sum blood and took xrays my he said my knee is fine just a lil sweeled up he told me to take sume advil for the swealing the doctor said i should be fine
    Glad to hear your fine. Sorry if I scared you. It could have been worse. Hit meup if you need some help with any thing.

    You really need to toss that gear you have. Something is for sure wrong with it.

  21. #21
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well what did you decide to do about this cycle your on?

    Thanks for the rep

  22. #22
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    im not to sure my leg is a lil bit sore still so i dicided to stop this cycle and try sumthing not as strong that tnt shit is crazy i started on 3 ius of hgh a day and i was thinking of jumpin on sum test to go with it not to sure what test would be the best for me i am gonna do a lil research first

  23. #23
    Msus504's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze24 View Post
    im not to sure my leg is a lil bit sore still so i dicided to stop this cycle and try sumthing not as strong that tnt shit is crazy i started on 3 ius of hgh a day and i was thinking of jumpin on sum test to go with it not to sure what test would be the best for me i am gonna do a lil research first
    You wanted to try something not as strong so u jumped on HGH?!! no offense bro im not an expert yet but i think u need to stop everything and reorganize yourself before starting. listen to the vets on here, they know

  24. #24
    blaze24 is offline New Member
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    i have been on the hgh for a few weeks now and i love it..
    another thing i am noticing a few other people on the forums are having the same problem with the tren its causing them redness and swealling and sorness its not just me

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