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  1. #1
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lower sex drive on cycle?(no deca or tren here)

    Ever since i started my EQ, 500mg wk test 400mg wk, var 60 mg/day cycle two weeks ago my sex drive is not as high as normal. Im assuming its from too much or too little estrogen. I started my a-dex at .5mg/day 3 days before the cycle and thats when i noticed the drop. I would think at two weeks estrogen should be at least at its normal level assuming at 4 weeks it would be supraphysiological even with some A-DEX.
    Previously i have gotten itchy nips from low doses of test so thats why i have adex in there.
    How is your sex drive on cycle? please exclude cycles with 19-nors or letro. thanks

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    That would be the A-dex doing it's job (destroying estrogen).

    Unfortunately ED is a side-affect of A.I. usage.

    May want to reduce dosage to 0.25mg ED.

  3. #3
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    E-2 is biotch

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i was just really looking forward to popping wood all day and being able to fvck like king kong. oh well
    I do plan on gettn a blood test at 6 weeks to see where my testosterone estrogen and other stuff are at. i will post
    Im gonna guess testosterone will be between 2500-4000. this eq gave me a test level of 1285, 10 days after ashot. makes me think they are faking it with test undecoanate at lowish dose. same company faked theyre NPP with low dose test. At least they're good for test! lol
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 09-03-2009 at 09:10 PM.

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Please update us, would love to know. Im having this same problem right now, I using Nolva but my nipples are still puffy so I dont think my estrogen is low. I think Im going to switch over to a serm.

    edit: could you hit me up with a pm incase I miss the thread, thanks...

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  6. #6
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like you outpaced your test e,i would do as mentioned above and decrease dose.How does your joints feel?

  7. #7
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    BG, yeah

    j4ever yeah they feel good.

    Its wierd because i have used adex by itself when cutting with no roids to produce a tihter look. i have done the same with letro also. Letro always kills my dick. Adex never gave me a problem. The last two times i used adex by itself and this last 2 weeks, it feels like im on letro kinda. I theorize perhaps labs are faking adex with low dose letro. I dont wanna switch labs mid cycle though

  8. #8
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    maybe you could try using the adex eod instead of ed. also, try cutting that dose in half and see if that works for you.

  9. #9
    liftw8t's Avatar
    liftw8t is offline Associate Member
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    Can taking nolva ED while on cycle do this as well, took 40mg for 5 days then 20mg for 5 day now on 10mg ED I know it suppresses estrogens build up but can it also lower libido because since monday its been low, also currently on 400mg of test about to be 5 weeks

  10. #10
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    nolva never kills my dick. but it does kill my brothers. everyone is a bit diff.
    Im thinking maybe, the adex is really adex, but perhaps before they were scimping on the dose, watering it down. With ancillary use going strong maybe they can finally afford to put as much adex in there as they should. i dunno.
    Im wondering if maybe its the anavar too. Interesting note: I shaved my chest today. I noticed the hairs were finer and less distrubuted. Very odd. should be more considering im on 400mg of test wk, granted its my second week but still should have a high normal level of test and dht floating around. Im wondering if the 60mg of anavar is the cause of this. Var is not androgenic much at all. i wonder if its takin up most of the recptors in my skin, but being a weaker androgen wont make the hair grow much. Im wondering if also the anavar is countering estrogen. Other dht derived drugs do, and im worried i might have an influx of estrogen when i come off the var in 2 weeks. I have ran test prop at 200mg a week and had to use .5 of adex to keep it at bay. Thats why im wondering why is this higher dose of a more estrogenic test ester not giving me bloat or gyno symptoms at this dose. Im also on 500mg of eq wk. that too is low androgenic even tho its 5-alpha reduced metabolite is dihydroboldenone, which is probably second only to tren in androgenic and anabolic properties. However, DHB is always in trace amounts since bold has low affinity with 5-alpha r.
    Who the fvck knows....we'll find out tho

  11. #11
    liftw8t's Avatar
    liftw8t is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    nolva never kills my dick. but it does kill my brothers. everyone is a bit diff.
    Im thinking maybe, the adex is really adex, but perhaps before they were scimping on the dose, watering it down. With ancillary use going strong maybe they can finally afford to put as much adex in there as they should. i dunno.
    Im wondering if maybe its the anavar too. Interesting note: I shaved my chest today. I noticed the hairs were finer and less distrubuted. Very odd. should be more considering im on 400mg of test wk, granted its my second week but still should have a high normal level of test and dht floating around. Im wondering if the 60mg of anavar is the cause of this. Var is not androgenic much at all. i wonder if its takin up most of the recptors in my skin, but being a weaker androgen wont make the hair grow much. Im wondering if also the anavar is countering estrogen. Other dht derived drugs do, and im worried i might have an influx of estrogen when i come off the var in 2 weeks. I have ran test prop at 200mg a week and had to use .5 of adex to keep it at bay. Thats why im wondering why is this higher dose of a more estrogenic test ester not giving me bloat or gyno symptoms at this dose. Im also on 500mg of eq wk. that too is low androgenic even tho its 5-alpha reduced metabolite is dihydroboldenone, which is probably second only to tren in androgenic and anabolic properties. However, DHB is always in trace amounts since bold has low affinity with 5-alpha r.
    Who the fvck knows....we'll find out tho
    Actually you might be right could be the Var, I have heard that it does lower the libido so that could be it especially running it a 60mg.

  12. #12
    roid_rage is offline Associate Member
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    I dont think is the var, I think its pretty simple, wheter you have too much strogen, or too low strogen, .5 mg ed for 400 mg, is too much I guess. Also, are you sure your stuff is not fake? maybe you are getting 500 EQ and 400 test of water, and using .5 mg adex. That could be the reason.

  13. #13
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know the test is real for sure...its from my doc
    the eq might be fake but if anyhting they fake it with low dosed test. I had a high test level 10 after a shot of this eq before.

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