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  1. #1
    xfenitx is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    Possible Delt infection?

    This is my second injection into my left delt. My first was about 10 days ago with 1.5ml of test cypionate . All went well, a little stiff but nothing else. I acquired some test propionate so I shelved the cyp and decided to give 1ml of the prop a try on Tuesday into the same delt.

    The same stiffness was present the day of injection, but the following day it was hot to the touch, I also, according to my girlfriend, felt like I was on fire all over. I didn't feel any different just very tired.

    It's now about 48 hours since the injection and the area is very stiff. I am no longer hot or feverish. The injection site itself has not discolored, but the side of my bicep and some of my tricep have turned reddish, like a light sunburn. It looks almost as if it was running down my arm from the injection site. The red blotch is warm to the touch. There is no pain involved, just stiffness.

    Talked to the source and was told that it was most likely due to my body not being used to the compound. He didn't get to look at it however, so I'm slightly worried. I'm supposed to do my next injection tonight but I'm worried about continuing until I find out what's going on.

    Could it be infected or is this normal?

    I've searched the forums here and read many differing conclusions. I'm aware I can't truly get a definitive answer on the internet, but maybe a veteran viewpoint to put my mind at ease.

  2. #2
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    you will be fine.

  3. #3
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2009
    If you ever think you have an infection, GO TO THE DR

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    Dont shiit your pants yet BUT keep and eye on it. I have had prop leak from the injection site in my delt and cause redness halfway down my bicep. Prop always gives me fever and chills/flu. Prop is always significantly mor painful than other tests for me and the majority of guys here. Should be gone in a day or two. Yeah props a bitch cuz you think your infected all the time cuz alot of the symptoms are the same as an infection!
    Welcome to prop

  5. #5
    xfenitx is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Would it be safe to assume I can continue with injections as planned? Barring anything else changes of course.

  6. #6
    CrazyHorse13 is offline Associate Member
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    The injection site is the area you will need to watch....the spreading of the redness is ok, but the site is the most important part...thats how you will know if its getting worse or your ok

    I say you will be fine just switch up delts

  7. #7
    reconrover is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007


    I've had two from a SUS nodule, and one from a Test E injection in my hamstring area.

    The Sus nodule was hot/painful for about 10 days, then the swelling receded some, and a definate lump was there that was not going away. Had to have it lanced, and was given high doses of Amoxicillin.

    Second one was really hot, spread a large area and freaked me out. No nodule though. Doc put me on 1000mg 2x a day of amoxicillinm, and after about two weeks the swelling and redness went away. It was more of a "cellulitus" type of infection...I did get a mild fever for 2 days, nothing major, just really turned up the worry meter.

  8. #8
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    Aug 2009
    Agreed with the above.

    Whats the concentration of the gear?

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