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  1. #1
    mikey24's Avatar
    mikey24 is offline Associate Member
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    I have read myself into acoma, concering different aas, pct's, dieting, training...etc. From this I have accumulated info taylor-made imo, to fit my specific goals. So at this point I would like to get some first hand knowledge from some pros around here, that have used these compounds and hopefully they will chime in with their expertise. Since I have never CYCLED before except for my ten speed a few times lol, I have no clue how I MAY FEEL, grow, or if I will maintain gains w/either compound (VAR) or (TEST E) ran alone. I'm well aware nobody can tell me how i'm gonna react to either roid because everyones different, just trying to learn first hand from others input.

    Stats:24yo, 186-187lbs,5''10,12-13%bf
    Lifting four years consistently
    Lean bulk diet 2500-3000kals

    Goals:Get too and maintain a solid 200-205lbs w/10%bf

    So as you can see my goals are humble imo. I have zero motivation to become a BB. I simply know I could use one of these roids as a tool to assist me w/my goals,and all see were i go from that point.
    First all start with VAR. and before I get flamed becuase nobody advocates oral only cycles. Yet on countless other threads a VAR only cycle is recommended as the only stand alone oral only cycle.
    1.Gains easily kept w/ proper pct.
    2.Some inihibition,Not even close compared to severitry of TEST.
    3.No need for HCG , or AI'S.
    4.Much easier recovery because#2.
    5.Absolutely zero estro sides.
    6.Clean lean gains w/out the added use of other;clomid,adex,hcg
    7.Fat burning properties.
    1.Lipid profile.
    2.Some HPTA suppression Loss of LIBIDO,ENERGY possibly.
    3.Cost would basically average out w test cycle becuase of all the extras pins,hcg,ai's.etc
    i would plan on using 40-50mgs ed for 7-8wks.

    1.The body already makes test,why use something else.
    2.Wicked Libido NUFF SAID!!!!!!
    3.Red blood cell production.
    4.Zero appetite suppression,like VAR.
    1.Possible estro sides,water ret,hbp,etc.may or may not be sensitive?
    2.severe suppression.
    3.The absolute necessary use of extra drugs because #1,&#2.
    4.Much more needed to keep gains then other compound.

    I was suprised when I looked at the effectivness chart on STEROIDS .COM and they give all TESTOSTERONE ESTERS only a *1 for keep gains, why the hell is that. Because we all know the MAIN OBJECTIVE is to keep them hard earned gains. I hope I dont piss anyone off i'm sure you have all seen these questions before but I feel i have a valid post. Just please keep in mind my goals I only want 15 keepable lbs at the most, but if I can even get in the ballpark say around 12lbs,accompanied with an easy recovery, little to nill sides, and keep gains I will be extremely satisfied.. If some bad hdl/ldl, and a lil libido suppression is all have to worry about sign me up. however as I stated before I never cycled sh#@, so if i'm off about the test such as; will I be lethargic W/OUT it, or will I have wicked endurance & energy W/IT,Basically will I feel as if I can tackle a bus. Please fill me in I would love to know more in depth how people feel when on TEST E only cycle. So if anyone could drop me a few lines on which compound ITO would best suit my needs, I would greatly apperciate it as I value first hand experience over everything. I definitely hope I get mucho feed back.

    Thanks, PEACE

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Testosterone enanthate is your answer. Also I think your calories are a bit on the low side for someone your size. Post up your diet as well since that's what determines your gains and what you keep as well as PCT.

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Not sure where you get that test is a 1 on the anabolic chart.. everyone I have looked at it is at least a 5-7... and a long ester like E or cyp is the way to go... Anavar is the only oral cycle I would eve recommend to run solo (without an inj.) Most who run anavar with test E or CYp will run it for week 5-12 or from middle to end to help solidify the gains. this has been know to work quite well. never set a goal of a certain amount of punds! Whatever you gain, you gain.. If your diet is on then what you are asking for should not be a problem... As for me... I do not really plan on gaining much weight throughout my cycle.. i am basically working my weight so that I stay prety close to where I am but slowly drop a pund here and a pound there of Body fat... So at the end I will have 15# less BF but still weigh the same

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