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  1. #1
    mll05 is offline New Member
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    D-Bol at age 16.

    hey guys.
    ive done a lot of research and ive always been thinking about it.
    ivee been going gym for about 15 months now.
    im 6ft and 77kg.
    i know that steroids is absolute not as a teen but its not as if i want to continue to do it.
    honestly give me your thoguhts
    if i was to take dianbols (2x10mg tabs) hour before training for 4 weeks
    trianing 5 times a week. also only taking tabs on working out days.
    and thats it just because summer is coming up in 10 weeks
    is it worth doing?

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    lol. this should be fun to read in the morning...

  3. #3
    mll05 is offline New Member
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    lols. nah like seriously ive heard all the negatives and stuff fe.
    but i wonder. its not as if im going to abuse it. i jsut want to be really good for summer.
    and jsut do a cycle before to get me ready.

  4. #4
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Exoneration. . .
    No steroids for kids. Period. You'll F - up your body with dballs bro, and get acne, bloat, and it will make your already small penis even smaller. Just train hard and figure out a proper diet for your goals. You've got that raging gorilla hormone that is present in most 16 year olds.

    Also, if you were to take the tabs only on workout days your hormone levels would fluctuate even more, causing greater unwanted sides. Dosage timing is important, and you need to learn the active life and half life of the drug itself. Dballs alone is a poor choice of cycle.

    Bottom line is: DON'T DO IT 'CAPN!

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    too bad you didnt do enough research to know you have to be 18 to join, lol

  6. #6
    mll05 is offline New Member
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    but do yu really think one cycle will cause side effects bro?

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Sorry but you're way too young to be thinking about steroids . Furthermore, you have to be 18 to be on this forum. And as for your remark that you've done your research, you're not telling the truth. Any info regarding "d-bol only" cycles on this site is all negative i assure you. It's about the dumbest cycle a person can do for various reasons.
    You need to see someone and get a good diet in line in conjunction with a solid training regimen.
    Do not do ANY steroids at your age. Your body is overflowing with natural testosterone right now. Plus, you're liable to mess yourself up for the rest of your life. I'm sure many others will come on in the late morning to say the same.
    No juice for you!!

  8. #8
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Exoneration. . .
    Quote Originally Posted by mll05 View Post
    but do yu really think one cycle will cause side effects bro?
    Yeah it will, and badly because it's not a proper cycle. Dball isn't meant to be run by itself.

  9. #9
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    Wait. I just re read this the OP's post. What planet are you from? Summer in 10 weeks? Turkey day is in 10 weeks! The ultimate cheat meal day!

  10. #10
    mll05 is offline New Member
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    mm ye i kno it can seriously F yu up. but dont yu think thats if yu abuse it.
    i honestly jsut want to do one cycle to get me there for summer? do yu really think one cycle will do any rong to me?

  11. #11
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mll05 View Post
    mm ye i kno it can seriously F yu up. but dont yu think thats if yu abuse it.
    i honestly jsut want to do one cycle to get me there for summer? do yu really think one cycle will do any rong to me?
    Yeah bro it WILL do you wrong. Stop asking the same questions.

  12. #12
    mll05 is offline New Member
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    lol mm.
    wel wha tyu reocmmend.
    i wana do one cycle to get me there.

  13. #13
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mll05 View Post
    mm ye i kno it can seriously F yu up. but dont yu think thats if yu abuse it.
    i honestly jsut want to do one cycle to get me there for summer? do yu really think one cycle will do any rong to me?
    Firstly your not serious about this reason coz "i wanna look good for summer"
    Secondly it will affect your natural growth due to your body still growing and your growth plates havent fused yet
    Thirdly your to young to look at D-bols.
    Fourthly your too young to be on the board
    Fithly you havent done your research because YOU dont want to run a D-bol only Cycle
    Sixthly youll only pickup water and bloat and then ull have to get the Gyno cut out
    Sevently, your parents wont allow it
    Eightly you havent done any research

    I can go on and on.

  14. #14
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mll05 View Post
    lol mm.
    wel wha tyu reocmmend.
    i wana do one cycle to get me there.
    I recommend a good cycle of FOOD. You'r body isn't finished growing like is said. Steroids can actually cause you to lose weight if you don't have the proper diet. You SHRINK without this basic information.

  15. #15
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    I'm trying to remember what i was doing when i was 16. Probably a whole lot of what got you in trouble sizer

  16. #16
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    You've read about all the hazards, and still want to do it.

    You have professional users telling you to definitely not do it, and you still want to do it.

    Logic tells me you're still going to do it.

    Enjoy 5 pounds of water weight, and not being able to have an erection.

  17. #17
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    your way to young
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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