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  1. #81
    gunslinger2's Avatar
    gunslinger2 is offline Associate Member
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    IF some POS was making money off of the misery of someone I loved, I would hurt him very badly, or, try to get his a** locked up. There is a big difference between AAS and drugs like alcohol and other street drugs. No one is gonna kill me in a car accident because they are under the influence of steroids . No one is gonna rob me so they can have money for their next shot of Test. No one is gonna drop dead from an overdose (unless they are really really really dumb), no ones life is gonna crumble around them and leave them left with no family, job, home, self respect, soul, friends, or reason to live.
    Plato said, "never deem something moral simply because it is legal." I also believe that something shouldn't be automatically deemed IMMORAL simply because it is illegal. just my 2 cents
    Very well said.

  2. #82
    DEE151's Avatar
    DEE151 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slugtastic View Post
    i got raided the other day, and the cops found my gear the pricks. it took me the last 4 months to round it up, i had managed to get a good stash, 2 bottles of tren 2 bottles of mast 4 of test e a bottle of winnie and the worst part 2 packs of nolva an a little jar of caber.......... those mutha f__kas ..... being charged with haveing perscription drugs with out a scribe..... i was about to start monday.....
    so hell in the heck do you get raided and you are here telling us about it? shouldent your ass be in jail?

  3. #83
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    The politicians don't respect the people they are elected to serve. The cops play their game, apply the law selectively and many lie, cheat and steal, while they hide under the veil of immunity. Our nation is corrupt from the top down.

    When our corruption becomes so bad that it threatens the fabric of society, then it may change. California politicians are considering the legalization of marijuana because they can no longer afford to support all their corrupt institutions.

    I wonder how bad it's going to get in the United States before people change the way we are governed. All these political solutions that include creating and funding wars all over the world, imprisoning citizens for victimless crime and creating a justice system which deny the jury their right to judge the law as well as the guilt of the accused, serve those who seek to profit without regard for serving justice and obeying our constitution.

    They say it is darkest right before dawn. I wonder how dark it will get before Americans do something to fix their broken political system.


  4. #84
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEE151 View Post
    so hell in the heck do you get raided and you are here telling us about it? shouldent your ass be in jail?
    They probably had a warrant to search for recreational drugs or weapons or something. They were most likely disappointed that they weren't able to make a big bust and get their names on TV, so they took his gear and charged him with that. They didn't want to make it seem like a total waste of time, so they decided to stop a dangerous juicer from committing a "roid rage " homicide by taking away his juice. lol. It probably wasn't enough gear to actually put someone in jail though.

  5. #85
    gunslinger2's Avatar
    gunslinger2 is offline Associate Member
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    The cops will end up taking it or selling it themselves, thats what they do around here anyway.

  6. #86
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    The politicians don't respect the people they are elected to serve. The cops play their game, apply the law selectively and many lie, cheat and steal, while they hide under the veil of immunity. Our nation is corrupt from the top down.

    When our corruption becomes so bad that it threatens the fabric of society, then it may change. California politicians are considering the legalization of marijuana because they can no longer afford to support all their corrupt institutions.

    I wonder how bad it's going to get in the United States before people change the way we are governed. All these political solutions that include creating and funding wars all over the world, imprisoning citizens for victimless crime and creating a justice system which deny the jury their right to judge the law as well as the guilt of the accused, serve those who seek to profit without regard for serving justice and obeying our constitution.

    They say it is darkest right before dawn. I wonder how dark it will get before Americans do something to fix their broken political system.
    It's called a revolution and it takes longer each time because the more rights that are taken away each generation after thinks it's the norm so they dont see a reason to revolt or what they have lost since they never had it. I think it will get a lot darker before the dawn because we have gotten weaker as a society.

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