I'm finalizing my very first cycle ever. Having done my research here (thanks to everyone for their input) and on the net, this is what I've come up with.

My stats are as follows...

41 yr male
197lbs fit and tone
approxiately 15% bf (really only around middle and my face - no fat anywhere else)

Here's what I'm considering doing. Please feel free to let me know (good or bad) what you think of this proposed cycle:

10 week cycle
T-Cyp/Prop - 250mg 2x a week
HCG kit - 500iu 2x a week (starting 4th week into cycle)

Tamoxifen - 10mg 30 tabs 1 eod
Clomid - 51mg compound cap 2 tabs a day

Thanks again for all your help everyone!