Here is what I have on hand:

3 weeks of Dbol
7 weeks turanabol
10 weeks test E.

(Tamoxifen , Proviron and Clomid are all on hand)

Do I make it a 10 week cycle..which would be 10 weeks of test, with the first 3 weeks being Dbol, and the last 10 weeks being tbol


make it a 13 week cycle...which would be 3 weeks of dbol, followed by tbol for the first 7 weeks of the 10 weeks of test.

I was initially going to do it over 13 weeks....but if I take the dbol 3 weeks to starting the test & tbol, the test will already "out" before the test kicks in.

Yes? No?

If I start the dbol and take it the first three weeks while taking test, it will jumpstart my cycle while the test is taking it's 3-4 weeks to kick.

Looking to reduce body fat to under 10% this cycle. I'd like to finish this cyle with my weight being between 250 and 255 I will also be loading up on creatine during this I doubt my weight will fall below 250. I realize that dbol isn't ideal...but I still have 3 weeks on hand...and figured I used it before it expired, so I'm looking for the best way to utilize with 10 weeks test e, and 7 weeks tbol.

13 or 10?


Age: 36
Height: 6'0
Weight: 245
Bodyfat: 13%
training since h.s.