Ok I am on Day 10 of 70 -- Of 60mgs ED of Trenbolone Acetate. I am also on Test 500mgs EW, 75mgs ED of Proviron , and 500mcgs E4D of Cabergoline.

So that's what it is going on inside my body for AAS.

Other things include; A multi-v, CLA, Fish Oil, Glucosamine/Chondriton/MSM, Vitamin b-12, vitamin C, whey protein, and an AMINO ACID Blend called Vital Amino.

And some medications that I am on for other things, a BP med, a host of anxiety/panic disorder meds (PTSD sufferer), and a depression/chronic pain med..

Ok now that you have some background brothers, Here's where I am scared as all hell...

I have used Tren before in the past. It's been 3 years but I have used it, suffer from the normal sides that i usually deal with Heighten ANXIETY, sweats-- specifically night time obviously, insomnia(although this time around it hasn't been so bad.), and MILD Acne.. nothing serious just a few zits on the shoulders and back...


Now, My issue... Im sleeping decently at night, it's the DAYTIME that has me freaked out, scared, nervous, worried... even as I type this I have probably nodded out 10 times and my wife has had to snap me awake....

HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS ?! While on TREN?? It has never happened to me before.. it's weird..

Here's what I learned from the SEARCH function...

The Tren Lethargy !!!!

This is brought on by the messing with the THYROID. And this is WHY it is recommended that you use at least a replacement dose of 12.5mcgs per day of T3 whilst on TRENBOLONE.

Is this information accurate or not? Because Something has to give, I can NOT do another 60 days like this. It's affecting my workouts.. NO ENERGY to go to the Gym, but when I do happen to get my Ass to the GYM my workouts are KILLER !! Better than ever.. it's just this unreal TIREDNESS. I figure it HAS to be related to my Thyroid function...

Anyone agree that i should add a minimum of 25mcgs of T3 starting tomorrow???

Thanks Bro's!!