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  1. #1
    mickeytunes is offline New Member
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    how many times to lift per body part on test cycle

    i've lifted for a long time and never got huge. always got good muscle tone but i'm predisposed to being leaner. now i'm on a test cyp cycle and i want to get maximum results. how many times per week per body part? we've all heard once per week if you're going hard, but i've also heard twice a week, and have heard other tips for getting big. i'm taking a ton of protein, creatine, dark matter post workout, amino acids, etc along with my test cyp (1000mg every 8 days). i'm currently doing one body part per week, but feel like i'm recovering faster because of the test cyp. what do the pro's do on a cycle? thanks everybody.

  2. #2
    bifda's Avatar
    bifda is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeytunes View Post
    i've lifted for a long time and never got huge. always got good muscle tone but i'm predisposed to being leaner. now i'm on a test cyp cycle and i want to get maximum results. how many times per week per body part? we've all heard once per week if you're going hard, but i've also heard twice a week, and have heard other tips for getting big. i'm taking a ton of protein, creatine, dark matter post workout, amino acids, etc along with my test cyp (1000mg every 8 days). i'm currently doing one body part per week, but feel like i'm recovering faster because of the test cyp. what do the pro's do on a cycle? thanks everybody.
    You'll want to read this!
    good read

  3. #3
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    It doesnt change. Maybe add 1-2 sets per bodypart and train hard and heavy.
    I have done a bodypart once a week and twice a week on cycle before and I didnt get bigger because I hit it twice a week. You basically have to see what works best for you...different strokes...Yes you can still overtrain on cycle.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    once a week hard, i know of guys leaving 10days between major muscle groups

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