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Thread: here i go again

  1. #1
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
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    here i go again

    i have been planning my next (2nd cycle) for a couple of months now and i am ready to pull the trigger. after researching this on AR as well as a couple of other sites, i wanted to put my thoughts in an open forum one last time before my gear is bought. i am 5'9'' 182lbs 15%bf.
    on my last (1st cycle ever), i took t-200 400mg/wk 10 weeks, eq 400mg/wk 10 weeks, winny 50mg eod 5 weeks. i did not heed the advice of the experienced users on this forum and take clomid post cycle because i couldnt find it locally. BIG MISTAKE, i lost almost everything i worked so hard to gain. this time i already have my clomid on hand and i havent bought my gear yet. here is what i am thinking:

    t-400 - 400mg/wk weeks 2-11
    deca300 - 300mg/wk weeks 1-10
    clomid 300/100/50 starting week 13

    1. will i turn into a tub of bloated shit using deca intead of equipoise ?
    2. to maintain definition, should i use eq instead of deca?
    3. is T-400 worth a crap?
    4. should winny and arimidex be added?

    please feel free to critique (sorry for the long post)

  2. #2
    Scooby's Avatar
    Scooby is offline Junior Member
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    Carefull with the Deca bro.. I had a friend who looked really puffy.. like a puffer fish after using Deca.. it looked horrible..Why dont you look into equipoise .. just my opinion.. it pops out the viens too.. which is always good...

    But yeah.. Deca can make ya look like a Puffy Tub of walking Bloated shit..


  3. #3
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Ok question # 1.
    It all depends what your looking for. If your looking more for size then go w/ the Deca . If you wanna keep the bloat to minimum and gain quality muscle then go w/ the Eq. At 15% b/f you probably would be better off going w/ Eq. This board is very anti-deca but if your looking for mass then Deca would be the choice over Eq.
    #2 Eq promotes lean muscle gain more so then Deca. It also will give you that sharp cut where is Deca will just give you more mass.
    #3 I never used T-400 but alot of ppl I know have had good results w/ it despite the painful shots. I would go w/ Test Enth or Test Cyp over the t-400. Test E or C is easier to maintain consistant blood levels with, where t-400 has fast and slow acting esters.
    #4 Winny is always a good ending to a cycle IMO. It helps maintain gains and will harden you up while adding more vascularity. So yeah, I think you should add it. If you wanna keep the bloat down from the Test or Deca (if you add it) then you can run armidex throughout the cycle. So if you have the extra $ then go for it.
    Clomid starts 3 weeks after your last shot.
    Weeks 1-12 Test E or C 500mgs
    Weeks 1-12 Eq 400mgs (frontload for the first 2 weeks @ 600mgs)
    Weeks 10-15 Winny 50mgs e/d
    Start clomid 2 days after last winny


  4. #4
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
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    t-400 is the only test that i can get my hands on right now. i can't wait 2-3 weeks to get t-200 because i am going on a long vacation the first week of april and need to be finished with running my gear. i plan on starting this week. i loved the t-200 last time and wanted it again, but t-400 is all thats around. how will my gains differ with the blended t-400 vs. t-200? will it increase chances of acne vs. t-200?

    i have decided to run eq instead of deca . i will run it 400mg/wk along with my t-400. generally speaking, how much lbm can the average person expect to gain and keep post cycle using clomid and a very clean diet?
    Last edited by rrrddd; 01-04-2003 at 02:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    IMO - Deca is better... and T-400 is a waste unless you plan to use it EOD. Take your time and get the right Rx... do a short cycle or just run Deca and Dbol (fine for you @ 190 lbs (15% BF) - shit just dbol would be good). If you can't get a more reasonable Test - wait... don't jump on an advanced drug that is pretty painfull to inject.

  6. #6
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Warrior's right T-400 is for the more experienced users (experience with diet and hard training). IF you do take this you will need to watch your diet, for better results...pick up the clomid for the end and use the armidex after you watch your bodies reactions. But your worried about deca bloat and you want to take T-400... thats odd.
    Your bloat comes from diet... too much starchie carbs at the wrong time or eating process foods out the ass. (water bloat, kick up your cardio or if you are inexperienced read some more on the armidex and the first time around; take an herbal diuretic and thermo if worried about bloat, (Animal cuts is nice).
    a nice deca d-bol cycle is good for beginners..
    save the t-400 when you can get a clue on eating and training..
    Just so you know you lose most of your gains because of lack of protein & vitamin consumtion at the proper times and intake of toxic chemicals.

  7. #7
    Cubber is offline Junior Member
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    T-400 shots are painful on it's own, but when mixed with EQ or Deca are not painful.

    From what I have read about T-400, it is slightly underdosed. An injection once or twice a week is ok because the Enanth and Cyp have long lasting esters. However, I don't understand why they mixed it with Prop which contains short acting esters?????? Perhaps someone can clarify this for me?

  8. #8
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    From my understanding the purpose of the propionate in sustanon 250 was to give the user a quick start and by the third or fouth dose the user will have the longer acting esters performing at their optimum. Still every shot you will get a quick boost from the propionate... This does not mean you should inject according to the fast acting ester... you should inject according to the cypionate life cycle. once every four days will suffice...
    Cubber you are correct that the shot will be less pain full with the adding of deca or EQ but mixed with each dose, but this is his first time around...
    As I said in a perivious post I have only know for myself and others to use T-400 in a master mix. (ExT-400 -4grams/ enanthate 2grams/ testosterone -cyp 2 grams / and 4 grams of deca MIX is common)
    This guy needs to start slower in my opionion, but rrrdd if you could locate some d-bol, deca, propionate or enanthate alone it would be a benifit to you, you will learn you bodys reations to these androgens in a more singular intake and then could gage your progress with a T-400 better...thats just me though

  9. #9
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Unfortunatly drugs like Test 400 and Sustanon were not made for athletes. I believe the HRT treatment with Sustanon is once a month - and the Prop gets the patient a kick start.

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