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Thread: clomid question

  1. #1
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
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    clomid question

    it seems that the popular way to take clomid is 300mg 1st day, 100mg/day for 10 days, 50mg/ day 10 days. (about 1800mg total)

    on another site their opinion is 150mg/day for 2 weeks, 100mg/day for next 2 weeks. this equals 3500mg total, ABOUT TWICE THE AMOUNT POPULAR ON THIS SITE! which do you go with? is taking 3500mg total of clomid overkill? because of losing my gains last cycle due to not having clomid, i want to MAKE DAMN SURE that i take it the best way. let me know what you guys think.

  2. #2
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    I think it may depend on the person and, the type of drugs used in their cycle. A person who took a mild cycle and recovers well could probably get along with the 300mg day 1, 100mg days 2-11, and 50mg days 12-21. If someone took a heavy or a prolonged cycle they may need to up the dose or stay on clomid for a longer period of time.


  3. #3
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    completely agree.. that was what i would have told you..tell us your cycle and how long you'll be on..i also belive age will play an important role in that decision also...Madmax..

  4. #4
    litt;edaddy is offline New Member
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    i just finished a water based T cycle 10 weeks 3ccs a week .just did my last shot .how should i go about taking clomid.i only have 24 tabs 50 mgs.thanks for any help.wasnt much of acycle but all i could get.

  5. #5
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Re: clomid question

    Originally posted by rrrddd
    it seems that the popular way to take clomid is 300mg 1st day, 100mg/day for 10 days, 50mg/ day 10 days. (about 1800mg total)

    on another site their opinion is 150mg/day for 2 weeks, 100mg/day for next 2 weeks. this equals 3500mg total, ABOUT TWICE THE AMOUNT POPULAR ON THIS SITE! which do you go with? is taking 3500mg total of clomid overkill? because of losing my gains last cycle due to not having clomid, i want to MAKE DAMN SURE that i take it the best way. let me know what you guys think.

    150mg/day for 2 wks followed by 100mg/day for 2 more wks is fine but for some people its excessive and since many people find they get too emotional on clomid, they prefer to stay on it as little as possible. Some people get by on higher doses for shorter periods of time, I know one guy who does 300mg/day of clomid for 1 week and fully recovers even after a 24 week cycle.

  6. #6
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2002
    to answer your question, my next cycle will be my second ever.
    it will be:
    400mg t-400 per week for 10 weeks
    400mg eq. per week for 10 weeks
    50mg winny eod for 5 weeks
    i am 30 years old 5'9'' 182lbs

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