Here it is:

Test Cypionate - 500mgs/week - 2 shots of 250mgs (Mon. & Thurs.)
Deca -Durabolin - 300mgs/week - 2 shots of 150mgs (Mon. & Thurs.)
(*Will be using same syringe to inject the Test and Deca.)
Dbol - 30mgs/d

Week 1-12 - Test Cypionate
Week 1-10 - Deca-Durabolin
Week 1-4 - Dbol

Also, during my FULL cycle I will be running Armidex at 0.25mgs EOD. (*Will pump to 0.5mgs/EOD if needed)


I will be running Armidex at 0.25mgs EOD up too my first day of PCT.

PCT will commence 14 days after last shot of Test Cyp. Is as follows:

Week 1 - clomid - 100/100/100/100/100/100/100
nolvadex - 40/40/40/40/40/40/40

Week 2-4 - clomid - 50/50/50/50/50/50/50
nolvadex - 20/20/20/20/20/20/20

- One Question. My source says too draw with 20g, but inject with a 25g 1"...says its less painful, and says its just as good if not better then others.

Any suggestions???????????