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  1. #1
    D00fy's Avatar
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    High Blood Pressure, Help 150/90 but next day was 140/65 ??HELP!!!!!!

    Hey all, I did 4 cycles in my life and its not gear related since i did test only cycles and test with m1t when it was around when legalgear was producing them.

    The past 5 Doctor visits, my blood pressure has been around 110/75 or 110/80 give or take it was normal range, This past week I came down with some congestion on my upper respiratory system, and got prescribed anti-biotics on thursday 11/12/09 prior to my doctor visit I was taking over the counter cough medicine, and eating of chinese soup such as wonton soup,sweet and sour soup and egg drop soup and other various soups for my congestion since at first I thought it was a flu, but got flu test and I really did not end up getting the flu just congestion. Can the cough medicine and recent increase in the high amounts of sodium cause me to have short term high blood pressure.

    I am also prescribed to xanax by my doctor for my anxiety issue, which at one point I had a addiction problem but slowly tappered down and back at my regular 1mg dose, is it possibe its the cough medicine and high sodium increase cause me to have high blood pressure this past doctor visit, the doctor never brought it up since the nurse took the blood pressure and entered it into the computer than the doc came in checked my out for my flu, and gave me antibiotics for my congestion and my regular prescription to my xanax that I take. the reading I got on the blood pressure was 150/90 and i did consume Chicken soups with high sodium intake during the day since my appointment was in the evening than the next day in the morning i went to CVS first thing in the morning and did 3 readings there at their machine and got 140/65 ,140/70 , 140/65.

  2. #2
    UT IRON's Avatar
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    Before they take my blood pressure, the nurse will always have me wait 15 mins before a reading, just in case i rushed in or just walking. Also make sure they are using the right size cuff around your bicep. They were using the standard size cuff and kept reading high, then the dr said to use the bigger cuff and it read normal. This was just my experience, yours might be different.

  3. #3
    D00fy's Avatar
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    i was nervous that day, and i work at a stressful job, i think i was nervous about doing lab work cause last time they pissed tested me to make sure im not mixing any other drugs with my prescription xanax, which i do smoke marijuana but the doctor was cool about it last time and said as long as i dont take other crap like pain killers, or coke or shit like that i do smoke weed here and there so i did some detoxing just cause i didn't want to piss test so that could of explained any nervousness cause the nurse kept asking me are you nervous about anything but still i had some serious high sodium intake and the cough medicine made me feel like poo after using that junk

    any over the counter stuff i can take like for example milk thistle for liver, cranberry extract for kidney,, i dont think it serious cause my last five doctor visits had me at normal range , so think its probably all the over the counter medicaiton was taking than i stopped immediatley after finding out it wasn't a flu and got prescribed to anti biotics for congestion, the cough medicine and all that did make me feel weird

  4. #4
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    you're worried about 150/90??? mine is normally like 140ish/80something....

  5. #5
    SniperDoc's Avatar
    SniperDoc is offline Junior Member
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    HEy Brother,

    Your BP is WNL (within normal limits). How old are you??? Also never take your BP after a meal as your BP will spike due to insilin/ salt being metablized in the liver.....yahda, yahda, yahda. Basically, you BP sounds good to me, but would not consider taking AAS while still on Zantac..due to the fact steriods are depresents. I know alot of people are going to bash that last let me clarify.

    Steriods in themselves are not depresents like alchohol is, but due to the chemicals that go in your body while on AAS. You have a high tendency to become depressed due to fluxuation of hormones and hormone imbalances in the body. 2 cents

    Medical Practitioner

  6. #6
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    you're worried about 150/90??? mine is normally like 140ish/80something....
    Mine too.

  7. #7
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    uestion to Sniperdoc. Are u a educated doctor or under education? and are u taking steroids ??

  8. #8
    SniperDoc's Avatar
    SniperDoc is offline Junior Member
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    I am educated....if that is what you are asking. I am a Med Practioner not MD. I due use AAS.

    Ht: 6'3"
    Wt: 270 lbs
    BF%: 10-12%
    Cycle Hx: 8 years

    Hope this Helps

  9. #9
    BREW-MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sniperdoc View Post
    i am educated....if that is what you are asking. I am a med practioner not md. I due use aas.

    Ht: 6'3"
    wt: 270 lbs
    bf%: 10-12%
    cycle hx: 8 years

    hope this helps
    nice stats can we see some pics please 270lbs 10% bf ,6.3 ,thats big and lean

  10. #10
    Bull_Nuts's Avatar
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    Hey Bull Nuts jumpin in last minute on this may have been discussed and talked about already...really didn't read entire thread but this is what I do...

    I am very uncomfortable with the thought of my BP being the slightest bit high (I see on a daily basis what problems it can cause....kidney failure, blindness, coronary artery disease etc.) Even slight elevation for a prolonged period....

    Sniper disrespect but what guidelines are you going by....The american heart association is now labeling any bp over 120/70 as hypertensive....Hey I agree...thats not high at all but just fyi...

    Anyway...back the the business...My friend who is an ER MD (who prescribes me my test) Also writes me scripts for Lovastatin (for elevated cholesterol) which is always increased during a cycle & Lisinopril (for elevated bp) which obviously is also higher

    Both of these drugs are mild and according to many physicians I have discussed this with "any person who eats a western diet should be using both of these meds empyrically"

    Now on the same token...I don't condone using medication without previously modifying diet, increasing water intake and increasing cardiovascular exercise....but some people on this board....or me at the least have that borderline hypertensive BP and that is with my diet and exercise in check while OFF cycle...When Im on matter how much cardio, or how clean of a diet I BP gets into the 160's systolic resting.

    Plus it's peace of mind(i have the wonderfull pleasure seeing patients who have had a diagnoses of HTN most of their entire adult lives and subsequently ensued...mainly kidney failure and coronary artery disease)

    Hope this helped


  11. #11
    Bull_Nuts's Avatar
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    O...almost forgot....

    Like sniper doc mentioned...You may not have HTN at all...Some people spaz themselves out during the BP check and get a super high reading which is obviously not accurate...on top of that...5 minutes later you may check you bp and it might be 20 points higher OR lower...

    The best (i mean absolute best) way of knowing your average ongoing bp can only be monitored if you are in an ICU and have an invasive arterial line.
    These measure you "real-time" BP from second to second and if you ever get to see a person with this you will note that the arterial bp is constanly changing and its funny...while they are on the arterial monitoring they also do intermittent NIBP(non-invasive blood pressure...with a you are accustomed to) and that BP is usually no where near your arterial BP...

    My best advice is to keep a clean diet, drink plenty of water, limit sodium intake hit some form of cardio for at least 30 minutes a day/5 day....and use those above listed meds if that doesn't work...


    Another thing....Don't let a specific number be your acceptable bench mark...there are people who live full active lives with blood pressures near 200 systolic never having major symptoms while I have seen people have hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes with a nominal 20 point increase in their bp....infact...I had a stroke patient who's blood pressure never went over 168 systolic and they still had an infarct...
    Last edited by Bull_Nuts; 11-20-2009 at 08:25 AM.

  12. #12
    SniperDoc's Avatar
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    Good paper...I agree with you 100%. I was trying to answer the question based on what i read from him. I would tell anyone that if you feel you having HBP issues to go see your Doc immidiately.

    I had a guy the other day in the gym had vasovagal syncope.....but it ended up being that he didn't take his diabetic medication....

    It is hard to make an educated diagnosis without seeing a full hx and blood work-up.

    A little about myself, I joined this site to learn more about AAS. It is amazing how much info you get off of here. And it is also educational to learn unspecific drug usages.

    I will post some pics in the coming days.


  13. #13
    Bull_Nuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SniperDoc View Post

    Good paper...I agree with you 100%. I was trying to answer the question based on what i read from him. I would tell anyone that if you feel you having HBP issues to go see your Doc immidiately.

    I had a guy the other day in the gym had vasovagal syncope.....but it ended up being that he didn't take his diabetic medication....

    It is hard to make an educated diagnosis without seeing a full hx and blood work-up.

    A little about myself, I joined this site to learn more about AAS. It is amazing how much info you get off of here. And it is also educational to learn unspecific drug usages.

    I will post some pics in the coming days.

    You have a PM

  14. #14
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    Once again I turn to SniperDoc. Medical practitioner...hmm U see I am from Sweden and i dont really know what that is. Is it like a Doctor light version or?
    Is it maybe a male version of a nurse?

    Sorry for my ignorance in international terms

  15. #15
    SniperDoc's Avatar
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    A medical Practioner is a nurse. Our scale in America goes something like this..

    1. Doctor (8 years of School +)
    2. Physician's Assistant/ Registered Nurse Practioner (6 Years + school)
    3. Registered Nurse (4 years)
    4. Liscends Practical Nurse/ Paramedic (18months)
    5. EMT-Intermidiate (6-8 months)
    6. EMT-Basic (8 weeks)
    7. First Responder Emergency Medical Technician (2 Weeks)

    So, no i am not a Doctor. But i do have 6 years of Medical School and 2 years Army Special Forces Medical Sergeant School (18D)

    I hope this helps....i will never write anything on this forum, that i am not 100% on.


  16. #16
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    Ok nice I see. Well in sweden Doctor takes 5,5 years of school and another 5 years if you want to specialize and become a specialist. I have actually applied for 6 differend med.schools this spring. Just awaiting answers and holding my thumbs

    But dont you feel that your knowledge in medicine and the human body interfers moraly with you using steroids ?

  17. #17
    SniperDoc's Avatar
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    Good luck to you is a good field.

    To answer your question about the riods issue...morally not really. I am an unconventional practitioner in the since that i work in hostile, Afghanistan, Columbia...etc..

    I was introduced to AAS at the age of 15 by my football coach. I was 6'3'' 170 lbs. He introduced me to D-bol. It was a horrible age to start, but has served me well in my profession over the years.

    A few years ago i hit my biggest ever at 305lbs. I cut up nicely at 280. Since then i have tried to lean out more, as i do not need or want any more size.

    But steriods like any other drug, use in moderation and it can help. Abuse and it will kill you..


  18. #18
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    You sound like really down to earth person with a very realistic look on life. I admire that very much. Thats all I have to say to that response

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