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  1. #1
    Crushenator is offline Junior Member
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    How does Aussie Vetenary Prescriptions work?

    For fictional arguments sake.

    Let's say we have one of those people who think it is NOT a Faux Pas to keep a pet domestic sheep in their suburban yard. One day their Sheep gets very sick and might require a prescription medicine.

    Does a vet have to see the Animal in person? Does it have to be a special Agricultural or 'Sheep' Vet?

    I don't suppose by miracle it could work on the honesty system where by Bo Peep can simply attend a vet and say their sheep is sick, and the Vet is by all rights allowed to simply write them up without ever seeing said sheep.

    Thanks for any clarity.

  2. #2
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Would depend on the diagnosis I suppose. But in most case in it would be an insult to the vets professional judgement to expect her to be able to make an accurate diagnosis, without her using her full range of clinical assesment skills. If this is some feined attempt to get some juice.
    Then I am pretty sure with how tightly thing are relegated their, you have your work cut out.

  3. #3
    Crushenator is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah it's fair for you to infer that, I was just being politically correct. That being said many people might be curious about more specifics of it all. Hopefully their are some actual vets on here!

  4. #4
    Aussiebb is offline Associate Member
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    You could of done that years ago, not anymore.

    I heard back in the days,you could walk into a vet store and get litres of vet gear.

    things diff now

  5. #5
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Man, even in the early/mid 90s you could walk into a livestock / harware shop and buy Test C and E in 300 ml bladders ( i think is was 300 ml...maybe bigger). Last one a saw purchased was 55 Oz dollars.

    Ahhh them were the days.

  6. #6
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    you would have to show the animal so they can identify the sickness. what are you trying to get. clen or something?

    or a type of steroid . you said fictional purpose. but if you do decide you want to try this i HIGHLY doubt it will work my friend

  7. #7
    Crushenator is offline Junior Member
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    SA, Australia
    Well theoretically speaking vet gear is on the streets so somewhere out there someone is doing the dodgy.

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