i am starting my second cycle in 2 weeks and i am running 250mg of deca and 200mg cyp/50mg prop every week. i am going to run the test for 10 weeks and the deca for 8. i have arimadex that i am going to take .25mg a day the whole cycle and am going to run 1000 iu of hcg for 10 days after cycle and then clomid 100mg a day for 10 days after that. i recently had lab work done and found out my test levels were extremely low but did not have a high estrogen level. the doctor thought this would be the best way to go i am just trying to get some input on what people think and if the pct will be good enough to not let me test levels drop so low again.
also i would like to know the best reps and set range to stay in and how much rest between sets to maxamize results