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  1. #1
    gsxracer is offline Banned
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    Oct 2009

    HCG advice please

    Alright, I'm just wondering how much HCG should I need to run with a beginner test cycle,

    Which week should I start, at what frequency should I inject, also quantity.

    and also can I shoot it in my abdomen.

    Also should I keep using it in my PCT.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
    gsxracer is offline Banned
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    Oct 2009
    also if dbol is added during the beginning cycle should I still inject HCG or wait till I'm done dbol till injecting HCG.

  3. #3
    brew69420 is offline Junior Member
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    You don't have to run it. Usually just if you get atrophy (shrinkage). I run it throughout cycle 250IU's twice a week to keep my boys where they should be.

  4. #4
    brew69420 is offline Junior Member
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    You may want to see if you are gyno prone first as it will make it worse.

  5. #5
    gsxracer is offline Banned
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    I already took 35 pills of dbol when I was like 18 or 19 and I didn't get gyno, just my nipples were really sensitive

  6. #6
    panthera is offline New Member
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    depending on how long you intend to run the cycle it might not be absolutely imperative that you use hcg ...if you decide to use it however(which would be advisable imo for any cycle exceeding 7-8weeks)make sure to frequently inject small amounts...the key words here frequently and small amounts the reason is hcg mimics lh to trick your leydig cells into producing test...well your leydig cells aren't stupid if you supply them with too much hcg(lh-analog) then it will decrease lh receptors, in other words your testes will become desensitized to hcg(and your natural lh) therefore keep in mind that adult males normal have around 5mIU/mL lh circulating in their blood. since average male has roughly 5 litres of blood...your total lh content will be 25IU...hcg has a half life of roughly 1 day so every day your body will be losing half of that technically you should be able to get away w/ 15iu injections per day...also, if you want to maintain spermatogenesis(remain fertile) you would have to use hmg it is fsh which mostly stimulates sertoli cells to produce spermatozoa...don;t use hcg during pct unless you have testicular atrophy because it serves ti further suppress hpta and the prpose of pct is to restore hpta...hcg works best for preserving testicular function and volume during cycle...thats just my 2 cents

  7. #7
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    When should do you start the first week of Cycle or 3-4 weeks in?

  8. #8
    panthera is offline New Member
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    well that depends on the cycle because a quick-acting test prop would require(if you plan to incorporate hcg into cycle) hcg from the get also depends on how suppressive of hpta the specific compound is, for instance anavar (oxandrolone) has a reputation of sparing the hpta even at relatively high doses(whether you buy that is another question, i've not been able to find any reliable source-scholarly med journal- to corroborate that) or primobolan (methenelone enanthate ) which is used in aids patients or ppl w/ wasting syndrome, cachexia etc and is reputed to be not overly suppressive...deca (nandrolone decanoate) shuts down hpta pretty hard(its a progestin it doesnt aromatize instead it has different mechanism of negative feedback) basically it depends on the cycle, however generally all cycles(assuming they re heavy enough to produce noticable anabolic effects) will shut you down completely by 2nd week or so....sustanon 250/week shuts you down in 2 weeks for instance and 100mg test c shuts you down in 5 weeks just to give you an idea, primo 50/week would probably spare your hpta for a long long time, on the other hand...

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by panthera View Post
    well that depends on the cycle because a quick-acting test prop would require(if you plan to incorporate hcg into cycle) hcg from the get also depends on how suppressive of hpta the specific compound is, for instance anavar (oxandrolone) has a reputation of sparing the hpta even at relatively high doses(whether you buy that is another question, i've not been able to find any reliable source-scholarly med journal- to corroborate that) or primobolan (methenelone enanthate ) which is used in aids patients or ppl w/ wasting syndrome, cachexia etc and is reputed to be not overly suppressive...deca(nandrolone decanoate) shuts down hpta pretty hard(its a progestin it doesnt aromatize instead it has different mechanism of negative feedback) basically it depends on the cycle, however generally all cycles(assuming they re heavy enough to produce noticable anabolic effects) will shut you down completely by 2nd week or so....sustanon 250/week shuts you down in 2 weeks for instance and 100mg test c shuts you down in 5 weeks just to give you an idea, primo 50/week would probably spare your hpta for a long long time, on the other hand...
    again, your dishing out absolute crap man!! a few days of any test and the natty system starts to get affected. dont give advice, seriousily, 4 one you dont knw wat your talkn about and for 2 you dont knw the age and experience of the poster

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